Gigi Perreau

Gigi Perreau

Рождение : 1941-02-06, Los Angeles, California, USA


Daughter of French-born Robert Perreau-Saussine and Eleanor Child Perreau-Saussine, she was born Ghislaine Elizabeth Marie Thérèse Perreau-Saussine. Perreau achieved success as a child actress in a number of films. She got into the business quite by accident. Her older brother Gerald was trying out for the part of the title character's son in Madame Curie. Because their mother could not find a babysitter, she took Gigi along. The two-year-old, who could speak French, got the (uncredited) part of Madame Curie's daughter Ève (while Gerald would have to wait a year to make his film debut in Passage to Marseille). She also played the daughter of Claude Rains and Bette Davis's characters in the 1944 film Mr. Skeffington. In Shadow on the Wall, she starred as the sole witness to a murder. As the "top child movie actress for 1951", the then ten-year-old was given the keys to the city of Pittsburgh by its mayor, and later Pennsylvania governor, David L. Lawrence. She was the youngest person to be so honored. Perreau played the rebellious teen daughter of Fredric March in 1956's The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit. However, her film career lost momentum as she became an adult, so she turned to television. In 1959, she played a friend of Shelley Fabares on The Donna Reed Show, and had a supporting role in the sitcom The Betty Hutton Show, with her brother Gerald. In 1960, Perreau and Robert Harland performed as Sara Lou and Lin Proctor, a young couple from the east who have eloped and are heading west, in the western series Stagecoach West with Wayne Rogers and Robert Bray. Also in 1960, Perreau was cast as Julie Staunton in an episode of The Islanders, set in the South Pacific. She was cast in "Don Gringo" and "The Promise", as well as in The Rebel. In 1961, she played Mary Bettelheim in an episode of The Roaring 20s. She was cast in a recurring role on Follow the Sun series from 1961–1962 as secretary, Katherine Ann "Kathy" Richards. She guest starred on The Rifleman in 1960 and 1961. She made guest appearances on Perry Mason. In 1964, she also co-starred as Lucy, a beleaguered homesteader, on an episode of Gunsmoke. In 1970, she appeared on The Brady Bunch as a math teacher who becomes the object of puppy love by Greg Brady, one of her students. In the 2000s, she provided her voice in the animated films Fly Me to the Moon, A Turtle's Tale: Sammy's Adventures and Crash: The Animated Movie, and acted in Time Again.


Gigi Perreau


Meghan Markle: An American Princess
An inside look into the lives of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry straight from experts, socialites and friends intimately connected with the House of Windsor.
Шевели ластами!
Whale (voice)
Для маленькой черепашки подводный мир — самое безопасное место. Здесь акулы, пираньи, змеи, а на берегу поджидают люди. И наш маленький Сэмми хочет узнать весь мир, от полярных льдов до субтропиков. Путешествие продлится ровно полвека, начиная с 1959 года, за это время даже климат успеет измениться.
High Seas Hijack
Patricia Haber
Terrorists hijack an oil tanker and threaten to blow it up unless Japan meets their demands.
Hell on Wheels
Sue Robbins
Two brothers, one a popular race car driver that all the women love and the other a brilliant mechanic who makes the winning possible, become enemies when one messes with the other's girlfriend
Journey to the Center of Time
Karen White
Scientists must prove their time travel experiments can produce results, so their funding won't be cut off. They push their equipment, and travel 5000 years into the future, where they encounter aliens who are looking for a planet to colonize.
Tammy Tell Me True
Tammy leaves the river in Mississippi to attend college, developing a relationship with Tom Freeman (John Gavin). Sandra Dee replaces Debbie Reynolds in this and the third Tammy movie. This film introduces both a new theme song, "Tammy Tell Me True", and the character of Mrs. Annie Call, played by veteran Beulah Bondi. Mrs. Call ultimately moves in with Tammy at the Ellen B. and would be the catalyst for the events in the following film, "Tammy and The Doctor".
Look in Any Window
Eileen Lowell (as Gigi Pereau)
A teenager's parents finally realize how bad their home life is when their son is arrested for prowling.
Girls Town
Serafina Garcia
Chip is killed accidentally while trying to rape a blonde girl, who runs. Silver becomes the number one suspect even though she has an alibi, but due to previous brushes with the law she's sent to Girls Town, a home for young women in trouble with the law which is run by nuns. Silver is rebellious and causes trouble at the school, and her friend Sarafina totters near the brink of self-destruction because of an infatuation with a young singer. Meanwhile Chip's father hires a detective to find out the truth, and Chip's friend Fred gets Silver's sister in trouble at a drag race. Silver has a lot of problems all right.
Wild Heritage
Missouri Breslin
Travails of a family heading West in a covered wagon.
The Cool and the Crazy
High school thug is front man for a local marijuana ring.
Dance With Me, Henry
Bud and Lou are the owners of the amusement park Kiddieland. Bud, a compulsive gambler, gets in trouble with the mob, and Lou finds himself struggling to keep his adopted children. When Bud is forced to make a shady deal, Lou tries to arrange a deal with the DA, but winds up framed for murder.
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
Susan Hopkins
Tom Rath (Gregory Peck) is a suburban father and husband haunted by his memories of World War II, including a wartime romance with Italian village girl Maria (Marisa Pavan), which resulted in an illegitimate son he's never seen. Pressed by his unhappy wife (Jennifer Jones) to get a higher-paying job, Rath goes to work as a public relations man for television network president Ralph Hopkins (Fredric March). Drawn into poisonous office politics, Tom finds he must choose his career or his family.
Всегда есть завтра
Ellen Groves
Клиффорд, рабочий на фабрике игрушек, впадает в депрессию — жена перестала замечать его, а дети считают отца ничтожеством. Но все меняется, когда в его жизни появляется Норма.
Bonzo Goes to College
Betsy Drew
When Bonzo turns out to be the answer to the football teams troubles, the only solution is to enroll him college.
Has Anybody Seen My Gal?
Roberta Blaisdell
When a 1920s millionaire tests the fiber of his Vermont family, a young lady and her boyfriend feel the repercussions.
Week-End with Father
Anne Stubbs
Two single parents shock their children by falling in love.
Reunion in Reno
Margaret 'Maggie' Angeline Linaker
A little girl enlists the aid of an attorney to obtain a divorce from her parents. Breezy B comedy was loosely remade as Irreconcilable Differences.
The Lady Pays Off
Diane Braddock
The naive Evelyn Warren, elected school teacher of the year by Time Magazine, goes to Las Vegas, where she loses a lot of money. In order to pay her debts, casino manager Matt Braddock asks her to take care of his sad little daughter Diana.
For Heaven's Sake
An angel takes on human form in order to persuade a theatrical couple to finally consummate their child that has been waiting to be born.
Never a Dull Moment
Tina Hayward
Kay Kingsley, a sophisticated and successful songwriter in New York City. falls in love with a widowed rancher, Chris Heyward, she meets at the Madison Square Garden Rodeo and they get married, and leave for his ranch in the west. Her friends warn her of an early disillusionment with life on a ranch, far away from the glitter and bright lights of Broadway. Kay makes one difficulty adjustment after another, as the ranch is presided over by Chris's kids, and an incident occurs with a neighbor that prompts Kay to return to her glamorous life in New York. But she soon finds her heart is with Chris and his children.
Shadow on the Wall
Susan Starrling
Angered that her sister Celia has stolen her fiance, Dell Faring kills her and allows Celia's husband David, knocked out in an argument with Celia, to take the blame and end up on death row. Later Dell, finding out that David's young daughter Susan was witness to the crime and is undergoing psychiatric treatment, plans to eliminate her before her memory returns.
Мое глупое сердце
Мэри Джейн после многих лет разлуки приезжает погостить к своей бывшей однокласснице Элоизе. Ее подруга несчастлива в браке, пристрастилась к алкоголю и все время вспоминает свою настоящую любовь — Эндрю, погибшего во время Второй мировой войны... Фильм снят по мотивам рассказа Дж. Д. Сэлинджера «Лапа-растяпа».
Song of Surrender
Faith Beecham
In 1906 in Connecticut, Elisha Hunt, the 55-year-old curator of a small government museum, marries Abigail, the 19-year-old daughter of a local farmer. In addition to the differences in their ages in this May-to-December union, Elizha is a man of culture while Abigail is uneducated. Bruce Edridge, young, handsome and wealthy, comes into her life, and they fall in love. Abigail is now faced with two choices; the chance of wealth versus her present mediocre circumstances, or her love for Bruce versus her loyalty to Elisha.
Roseanna McCoy
Allifair McCoy
It's the Hatfields vs. the McCoys in this 1949 film, with Farley Granger and Joan Evans as the hillbilly Romeo and Juliet whose forbidden romance rekindles a long-standing feud between their respective families.
Lark as a Child
Roland Dane finally retires to the house he was brought up in. Lost in thoughts of his lost love Lark, he does not want to be disturbed in his last days. However, the appearance of his niece and her subsequent romance with Lark's nephew causes him to reevaluate his life and offer some advice so the young couple doesn't make the same mistake he did, all those years ago.
Family Honeymoon
Grant Jordan, bachelor botany professor, marries Katie, a widow with three kids, despite the machinations of Grant's former girlfriend Minna. But on the wedding day, Aunt Jo, who was to babysit, breaks a leg; so the kids come along on the honeymoon.
Song of Love
Composer Robert Schumann struggles to compose his symphonies while his loving wife Clara offers her support. Also helping the Schumanns is their lifelong friend, composer Johannes Brahms.
Улица Грин Долфин
Софи любила Эдмунда, но он покинул город, когда ее родители вынудили ее выйти замуж за богатого Октавия. Спустя годы Эдмунд возвращается со своим сыном Уильямом. Дочь Софи Маргарита и Уильям влюбляются друг в друга. Сестра Маргариты Марианна тоже любит Уильяма, а плотник Тимоти тайно влюблен в Марианну. Тимоти убивает в драке человека, и Эдмунд помогает ему сбежать в Новую Зеландию. Случайно дезертировавший из флота Уильям также позорно сбегает в Новую Зеландию, где вместе с Тимоти начинает прибыльный бизнес. Однажды ночью пьяный Уильям пишет Октавию письмо с предложением руки и сердца его дочери, но путает имена сестер.
Alias Mr. Twilight
Susan Holden
Geoffrey Holden (Lloyd Corrigan) is an elderly con-man who is a lovable old man when providing his beloved granddaughter (Gigi Perreau) with the simple luxuries of life, yet has no qualms when working a racket devised to relieve his victims of their property. Trudy Marshall is the governess of the granddaughter, and is in love with a detective (Michael Duane) who is about to expose the old man's unsuspected activities.
Каждому свое
Virgie Ingham
Мисс Норрис отправляется ночью дежурить на пост ПВО; ее напарником в эту ночь будет лорд Дэшем, также посвятивший себя этой неблагодарной работе, когда большинство думают лишь о новогоднем ужине. Осматривая крышу здания, Дэшем срывается и падает; он мог бы разбиться насмерть, но мисс Норрис не теряется и спасает ему жизнь. Чтобы успокоить нервы, он выпивает с ней по стаканчику. Оба они — люди одинокие, давно перешагнули рубеж зрелости. Каждый хранит верность некоей, давно уже мертвой части прошлого, которая не отпускает их и по сей день. Жена и сын лорда Дэшема погибли от эпидемии во время Первой мировой войны. Мисс Норрис же предпочитает не распространяться о тайне своей жизни. Дэшем хочет пригласить ее на ужин, однако, узнав от знакомого офицера, что в Лондон на несколько дней отпуска едет молодой солдат по имени Грегори Пирсен, она бежит на вокзал, но его поезд задерживается на неопределенное время. Она ждет его всю ночь и восстанавливает в памяти прошлое…
Yolanda and the Thief
Gigi (as Ghislaine Perreau)
Johnny Riggs, a con man on the lam, finds himself in a Latin-American country named Patria. There, he overhears a convent-bred rich girl praying to her guardian angel for help in managing her tangled business affairs. Riggs decides to materialize as the girl's "angel", gains her unquestioning confidence, and helps himself to the deluded girl's millions. Just as he and his partner are about to flee Patria with their booty, Riggs realizes he has fallen in love with the girl and returns the money, together with a note that is part confession and part love letter. But the larcenous duo's escape from Patria turns out to be more difficult than they could ever have imagined.
Voice of the Whistler
Bobbie (uncredited)
A dying millionaire marries his nurse for companionship, only to experience a miracle cure.
The Master Race
Baby (as Ghislaine Perreau)
When allied troops liberate a small battle-scarred Belgium town in 1944 the American and British commanders do all they can to help the war-weary people back on their feet. There are mental and physical wounds to heal, fields to plough, the church to rebuild. But a top Nazi, knowing the War is lost, has infiltrated the town and is fostering dissent and disunity.
Две девушки и моряк
Jean - Age 2½ (uncredited)
Сестры Пэтси и Джин Дэйо с детства выступают на сцене. По вечерам, после выступлений, они приглашают желающих военных в открытую у них дома "солдатскую столовую" и мечтают снять помещение побольше. Их знакомый военный моряк Джон, скрывая о них, что он миллионер, анонимно покупает для них заброшенный склад и они превращают его в настоящий театр для солдат. Джон влюбляется в Джин, а сам он нравится обеим сестрам...
Мистер Скеффингтон
Two-Year-Old Fanny (uncredited)
Джоб Скеффингтон информирует Фанни Треллис о том, что ее брат Триппи присвоил себе значительную сумму денег, принадлежащих банку Скеффингтона. Чтобы спасти брата, Фанни выходит замуж за Джоба. Но брат, разозлившись на нее, отправляется на Первую мировую войну, где погибает. Фанни разводится и отсылает свою дочь к Джобу, чтобы та жила с ним в Европе. После этого Фанни постоянно встречается с разными мужчинами. Но с началом Второй мировой войны к ней возвращается дочь. После дифтерии Фанни теряет свою красоту, а ее дочь сбегает с ее последним любовником. В это время в Америку возвращается Джоб, нищий и слепой…
Мадам Кюри
Eve at 18 Months (uncredited)
Фильм рассказывает о профессиональной и личной жизни одной из наиболее выдающихся женщин-ученых в истории — Марии Кюри.