Jenny Karezi

Jenny Karezi

Рождение : 1932-01-01, Athens - Greece

Смерть : 1992-07-27


Evgenia Karpouzi was born in Athens, Greece, to a mathematician father and high school teacher mother. She studied under the direction of the Sisters of St. Joseph at a private French school in Thessaloniki, and later by the same Order in Athens. She learned French fluently. When she was a teenager, her father left the family and she continued to live with her mother. Her father died in a car accident in 1971. In 1951 she was accepted at the Greek National Theater,  where she studied in the Drama School. The playwright Angelos Terzakis and the director Dimitris Rontiris were among her teachers. Upon graduation, in 1954, she was immediately thrust into starring roles in the theatre, playing alongside actors such as Alexis Minotis and Katina Paxinou.


Jenny Karezi
Jenny Karezi


The 1821 at the Cinema
(archive footage)
In 1821, in Cinema, he records the cinematic representations of the Revolution from the first decades of the 20th century. until the present day. Despite the fact that the Revolution of 1821 constitutes the founding act of the modern Greek state, as a subject matter it is underrepresented in national film production. This is one of the points on which the research looks, which simultaneously examines the periods of concentration of films on the subject of the Revolution or, respectively, the periods of its collective silence. The purpose of the documentary is to study the ideological discourse and the cinematic language of the films with the theme of 1821, in order to highlight the function of the cinema as a carrier of Public History and as a factor in shaping the collective historical consciousness.
Based on Aristophanes's play, Athenian women band together to encourage their men to stop fighting the Spartans by withholding sex from them when they return from the front.
Erotic Symphony
The Peace and Betty are twins and look like as two drops of water but their characters are completely different. Betty is open and jovial man while peace is closed off and timid. Their music professor Roda visitors to their island home and proposes to the Peace who are virtuoso piano to follow a series of concerts in Paris. Initially HESITATES but when Betty will announce that he will marry with Petro, with which peace is also in love, will change their minds and accept the proposal of Roda.
Erotic Symphony
Eirini / Betty Stergiou
The Peace and Betty are twins and look like as two drops of water but their characters are completely different. Betty is open and jovial man while peace is closed off and timid. Their music professor Roda visitors to their island home and proposes to the Peace who are virtuoso piano to follow a series of concerts in Paris. Initially HESITATES but when Betty will announce that he will marry with Petro, with which peace is also in love, will change their minds and accept the proposal of Roda.
Manto Mavrogenous
Manto Mavrogenous
In Vienna 1820, the Manto Mavrogenous encounters a group of Greek students and talk of revolution to be made. Returning to Greece uncle of the initiates at Friendly Society. Madonna sells its dowry and equip their ships and army to help the revolution. Meet the founder of the Friendly Society, Dimitrios Ypsilanti, and builds relationships with him but encounters the objections of the political leaders of the struggle and particularly of Ioannis Kolettis who fears the two young people like to be the first king of the new nation. To break up the uses of beautiful paintings Niki monk who just came from Paris.
A Woman in the Resistance
Άννα Κολέτη
1940. Anna stay alone, her husband her brother her father leave for the war with the Italians. The attack of the Germans will give a hard blow to her family. She will continue to fight, approaching the German commander of the area.
Рыцарь для Васулы
Vasoula Liontou
Васула служит компаньонкой богатой эксцентричной дамы Клео. Однажды, когда хозяйка отсутствовала дома, в гости к девушке заявилась ее подруга со своим парнем Мицосом, искавшая уголок для интимной встречи. Неожиданное возвращение Клео поставило всех в неудобное положение. Чтобы спасти ситуацию, Васула представляет юношу своим супругом-моряком, прибывшим на побывку к любимой жене. Спустя некоторое время Клео покидает этот мир и оставляет все свое состояние Васуле. Но вот беда. Оставила она его не на настоящую фамилию девушки, а на фамилию ее «мужа» Мицоса Безестайниса.
Love and Blood
Foni Yeraka
The abysmal hatred which exists between two landowners is transferred to their natural environment as well. Whatever crosses the river separating the two families, be it man or beast, dies. The film is yet another rendering of the Romeo and Juliet tale, with intense emotions, dominated by the extreme behavior of the heroes. The film tries to imitate the style, atmosphere and action of westerns.
Concert for Machine Guns
Athens, shortly before the outbreak of World War II and an Army General Staff official, Niki (Jenny Carezis), is charged with channeling confidential documents to an Italian agent. The category is right. The girl was blackmailing herself with the life of her brother studying in Italy. She does not make any effort to defend herself and is indifferent if she is sentenced to death, but she accepts the cooperative proposal proposed by General Darius, that is to continue to channel secret documents to the Italians, but now they are deliberately made to deceive the enemy . The whole case is also involved with a captain, Theodorou, who is in love with Niki. Theodorou is arrested for misappropriation of documents and goes through a military court where he is sentenced to demolition and death. Certainly, his execution was fictitious, and on the day Greek troops enter Korça, he is shown alive to Niki, which does not hide her surprise.
Εκείνος Κι Εκείνη
A Bullet Through the Heart
A Bullet Through the Heart (French: Une balle au cœur, Greek: Μια σφαίρα στην καρδιά) is a 1966 Franco-Greek film directed by Jean-Daniel Pollet. Francesco, a young Sicilian aristocrat, scars an aging gangster who has set out to take away his property. The gangster vows to obtain vengeance, and Francesco is forced to flee across Greece with his girl friend, pursued by his antagonist's vicious henchmen.
Jenny Jenny
Jenny Skoutari
Jenny Skoutari, a student and the daughter of a party local commander Kosmas Skoutaris, gets use to visit the private library of - her father's political rival - the shipowner Miltos Kassandris. Kassandris prepares his nephew - and a childhood friend of Jenny - Nikos Mantas, as a candidate for the next election. Mantas' rival has a lead, and is backed by Skoutaris, who is facing financial problems. So Kassandris decides to force Jenny to marry his nephew with a fake marriage, while at the same time financially breaks down her father in order to secure the election of his nephew. This marriage, however, will lead to unexpected situations between the couple..
A Crazy Family
Mika is a young woman living in a crazy ... family. Her mother, Pasta Flora, is alienated, her little sister is uncontrollable, and her father is a good, but cowardly, man. She's engaged to Mikis but the day before their wedding she goes to Venice and marries Andreas, who, after meeting her family, he undertakes to make sense of them.
Miss Manager
Lila Vasileiou
Lila Vasileiou, who has recently graduated as a civil engineer, undertakes an exceptionally serious position, that of managing a technical company. In the beginning, she sees men only as her colleagues, but after some lessons from her cousin Athina, she realizes that she is also a beautiful woman. So, at a party, where she meets Alekos, a plain assistant engineer in the company, whom she likes as a man, she drinks a bit much and does various crazy things so that the young man will notice her. He is, of course, surprised, but it won’t be long before he realizes the desires of his boss and responds in kind.
A Great Love
The Maro is in love with Alexis balm, in which the parents did not approve because known play-Boys. The peers aunt Lena undertakes to assist the other to the party that will organize to get to know the parents of Alexis Maro, Lena and Alex will feel a strange attraction. Lena, however, is married with a child and trying to control her emotions.
Бывшие друзья предали Ариса, представив его виновным в организации контрабанды. Отбыв срок, он возвращается и обнаруживает, что его девушка Лола теперь работает в стриптиз-клубе Стелиоса, ставшего злейшим врагом бывшего узника. Но ни он, ни она ничего не забыли. Девушка открыто возвращается к своему мужчине. Но хозяин заведения не намерен просто так терять свою главную звезду и ронять авторитет. Его подручные похищают Лолу и пытаются убить Ариса…
The Red Lanterns
Eleni Niculescu
The inextricably intertwined stories of five sex workers who live in a brothel at Pireas harbor.
Сбежавшая невеста
Kaiti Alexopoulou
Кати сбегает из-под венца, не желая брака с престарелым женихом. Она хочет разыскать бравого солдата Димитриса, в которого когда-то влюбилась с первого взгляда. В это же время сам Димитрис отправляется в самоволку, чтобы встретиться с Кати. Но поскольку направляются друг к другу они в совершенно разных направлениях, то до счастливой встречи им предстоит пережить немало забавных приключений. К тому же родственники девушки вместе с ее несостоявшимся женихом не собираются стоять на месте и, заручившись поддержкой полиции, отправляются в погоню за сбежавшей невестой.
Προδομένη αγάπη
Athens by Night
Wandering Athens by night. A grand parade with actors, singers, composers, orchestras, attractions and generally performing artists of the night, in a series of great figures who made significant humorist. Sung by Gregory Bithikotsis Jenny Vanou, Mary Linda, Giannis Vogiatzis George Zambetas Laura Tony brushes etc. Displays orchestras Mouzaki George, Gerasimos Lavranos, Von-Von, Apostolatou and Mikis Theodorakis.
Who Is Margarita?
Margarita Kondostavrou
A girl from the province, who works in a fashion house in Athens, goes to Kos to promote her clothes. Residents believe that the daughter of a Greek-American tycoon and she plays the role will lead it to embrace the real son of the alleged father.
Snow White and the 7 Old Boys
Alexia is a young woman who comes from the countryside and is in love with a rich man, Paris, who is studying abroad. Her stepmother treats her cruelly and forces her to escape from home. Alexia finds herself in an isolated area by chance, where she is discovered by seven brothers who live together in a nearby house. The seven bachelors put her up and treat her like a member of their own family.
The Young Lady's Fool
Julia Karali
Julia, the daughter of Telis, general manager of the steel company, is a rich girl who likes the good living. Grigoris, a poor employee in the company who is in love with Julia, after a series of misunderstandings will lose his job and be fired ...
Randevou stin Kerkyra
Diana Laniti / Mirka
A womanizing lawyer spends his holidays in mother's hotel in Corfu. What they do not know is that he has set up an entire trap by his mother and Lanitis entrepreneur, to finally learn what true love. The bait is daughter's trader Diana who plays the role of Mirka.
Dinos (Dinos Iliopoulos) works in a coffee shop and has a passion for crime novels. Hristina or Christina (Tzeni Karezi) shares the same passion with her brother Dinos and is convinced that she has traced the traces of "Fantomas of Thessaloniki", a notorious thief of luxury hotels. As usual, what they think is not what seems to be.
The Island of the Brave
An officer in the Greek army arrives in Crete, immediately after the fall in the hands of the Germans. In collaboration with rebels and allies saboteurs involved in sabotage installations of the Germans. The old favorite will ensure some secret documents, which will steal from the German commander, but then betrayal will be revealed and will be led to the firing squad. The young officer would punish will escape in Cairo.
Ναυάγια Της Ζωής
Taxeidi me ton erota
One Street Organ, One Life
An organ grinder (Orestis Makris) loses his wife from complications during birth. Distraught by her death, he refuses to take care of the baby and gives it to a family (Lavrentis Dianellos and Nitsa Tsaganea) to raise. The child (Jenny Karezi) is raised comfortably, and her natural father is too embarrassed to meet her - until she falls in love with a poor musician (Petros Fysoun), and her foster parents refuse to accept their relationship.
She's a Lunatic
Jenny is a real crazy girl. Latest feat is an ad that asks for work, convenient to young and unmarried entrepreneur office Candidate bosses and lovers arrived at her house. But this by accepting only serious offers will come to Mr. Papadopoulos office. Her acquaintance with Mr. Alekos and lies that will say from the outset, that is plousiokoritso will put her in big trouble
The Auntie from Chicago
Katina Barda
Aunt Calliopi returns to Greece from Chicago after 30 years and plans to marry off her nieces.
Залив страстей
Христос – неформальный лидер рыбацкой артели, отстаивающей свои права перед владельцем лимана Калибукасом. Тот приезжает в деревню, чтобы объявить арендаторам о новых правилах лова. Вместе с ним в поисках развлечений отправляется и его дочь Миранда. Внимание девушки сразу же привлекает мужественный и решительный Христос, которому нелегко устоять перед чарами избалованной городской красотки. К тому же среди рыбаков немало и тех, кто готов поверить обещаниям Калибукаса и только и ждет ошибки от Христоса, чтобы лишить его доверия рыбаков…
Laterna, ftoheia kai garyfallo
Trouble for Fathers
Billy Mavrogianni
George finished his studies and returned to Greece and his father, Anthony Delistavrou, assigned to the plant in order himself to live his life. He thinks it has conquered Rena, which, however, is a friend of George. Anthony will be forced to land when the learned but would COMFORT her friend Rena, Bill........
The Hurdy-Gurdy
Two poor portable barrel piano players ramble through Greek countryside and play in fairs. They meet by chance with a rich runaway girl whose father offers a large reward to her finders.They have to choose between getting the reward or helping the girl with her renegade love affair.