British based Mr. and Mrs. Roy are thrilled when their son announces that he is going to marry a Caucasian woman. Soon they are blessed when a daughter, Sonia, is born. Tragically, their son passes away, leaving them heartbroken. Sonia grows up under her mother's strict control and guidance, and the love of her grandparents, who encourage her to visit India, which she does. When she returns, she announces that she has met her soul-mate in Amar, who she is going to invite to Britain, where they will marry. Description provided by Wikipedia Article: Romance (1983 film)
Фильм о принце Амаре Сингхе, выросшем среди цыган и возглавившем мятеж против тирании злого правителя. Его встреча с принцессой Падмавати навсегда изменила судьбу целого королевства...
Фильм о принце Амаре Сингхе, выросшем среди цыган и возглавившем мятеж против тирании злого правителя. Его встреча с принцессой Падмавати навсегда изменила судьбу целого королевства...
Молодой доктор Ананд в маленьком городке встречает красивую девушку Рамкали. Она бедна, необразованна и очень скандальна. Родной дядя Рамкали — пьяница, он бьет ее и пропивает все ее заработки. Ананд приглашает девушку в Бомбей, помогает с работой. Из гадкого утенка Рамкали превращается в прекрасного лебедя и Ананд влюбляется в нее.
Молодой доктор Ананд в маленьком городке встречает красивую девушку Рамкали. Она бедна, необразованна и очень скандальна. Родной дядя Рамкали — пьяница, он бьет ее и пропивает все ее заработки. Ананд приглашает девушку в Бомбей, помогает с работой. Из гадкого утенка Рамкали превращается в прекрасного лебедя и Ананд влюбляется в нее.
Рыбачка Махува живет в деревне вместе со своим овдовевшим отцом. Однажды океан выносит на побережье неизвестного мужчину. Вид его порядком пугает жителей, но местный пуджари решает приютить и накормить его. Неизвестный, очевидно, потерял память и пуджари нарекает его Кишан. Вскоре после этого Кишан, плененный красотой Махувы, влюбляется в неё женится на ней. Примерно через два месяца Кишан уезжает в город продавать рыбу и не возвращается домой. Обратясь в полицию, Махува узнает, что пропавший Кишан — на самом деле бизнесмен из Бомбея и зовут его Мохан Кханна. Он богат и помолвлен с Миной Мехрой, с которой его связывает давнишняя взаимная привязанность.
Сурадж Кумар со своим отцом и сестрой живут в Уганде. В Индии их собственностью управляет служащий Каличаран. Узнав о намерении хозяина вернуться в Индию, Каличаран приказывает убить всю семью и сжечь дом. Отец Сураджа убит, сестра похищена, вся собственность украдена… Сурадж вынужден пойти на работу в полицию. В Европе он встречает танцовщицу Судху, которую Каличаран шантажом заставляет заниматься контрабандой. Теперь Сурадж должен найти свою сестру, спасти любимую, остановить канал контрабанды наркотиков и отомстить…
In a village which is located in a beautiful hilly area full of greenery and water bodies, there lives a villager called Gopi (N. T. Rama Rao) along with his sister Janaki (Vijaya Lalitha) by rearing goats. He leads a happy life by singing and playing the flute. Once Radha (Vanisri) a famous stage artist & singer comes to his village on break. There, she becomes interested towards Gopi by listening to his flute & music. They spend time together and Radha gradually becomes fascinated by him. Before she starts back, Gopi finally proposes to her and she gladly accepts.
Kiran, a wealthy, naive young man from the country goes to Bombay to continue his education. At college he becomes involved with a group of students who get him hooked on drugs.
Delhi-based Kamla lives a wealthy lifestyle along with her widower dad, Dindayal, and is a popular stage singer and dancer. She goes for a holiday in scenic Kulu, meets with flute-player and singer Sarju, and both fall in love with each other and both decide to get married. Kamla returns home and convinces her employer, Kunver Shamsher Singh, to let Sarju also sing on stage. Shortly thereafter Sarju and his sister, Janki, move in with them. Sarju is given a new look and name, Suraj Kumar, and soon Kamla and Suraj become a popular stage and singing pair. Kamla arranges for Janki's marriage with Agra-based Ashok, while her dad also finalizes her very own marriage with Suraj on the same day. On the way back from Agra, Suraj's has an accident, he does survive but is grievously injured. After he recuperates he finds he cannot speak due to a brain blood clot. Janki's marriage takes place and she re-locates to Agra.
Shortly after independence India faces terrorists attacks in Assam. A group of concerned citizens, who are not connected with the government, decide to do something to stop this carnage. Spy Sunil Mehra (Dharmendra) must travel to Beirut and foil the terror group.
Shortly after independence India faces terrorists attacks in Assam. A group of concerned citizens, who are not connected with the government, decide to do something to stop this carnage. Spy Sunil Mehra (Dharmendra) must travel to Beirut and foil the terror group.
Shortly after independence India faces terrorists attacks in Assam. A group of concerned citizens, who are not connected with the government, decide to do something to stop this carnage. Spy Sunil Mehra (Dharmendra) must travel to Beirut and foil the terror group.
По окончании института Гопол едет отдыхать в Кашмир, где под именем Сарджу выступает на лыжных соревнованиях и знакомится с Ушей, дочерью местного богача. Молодые люди полюбили друг друга, не подозревая о том, что отец Уши прочит ей в мужья друга Гопала — Рамеша. Рамеш отказывается ради друга от своего счастья. Убедившись а искренности любви Уши, которую не пугает его несчастье, Гопал возвращается к любимой.
Beena falls in love with Rajan after he rescues her from some goons. Soon they marry and she is pregnant. The trouble starts when Beena spends the night with Gopal. What compels her to do this?
It is a 1960 film
It is a 1960 film
Meena, a wealthy, educated girl, has been promised in marriage to Sunder, a sheltered young man who has received an extremely traditional religious education. Displeased, Meena sets out to find a more suitable candidate, but is taken in by Manohar, a gold-digging conman. Finding Sunder to be clueless about the world, Manohar is soon manipulating him as well as Meena in his schemes to gain possession of Meena's fortune.
A once loyal soldier faces many challenges after turning into a rebel.
Anil, an artist, comes to stay in a village with his friend Jeevan. While there he meets Asha and asks her to model for his statue. The two fall in love. They marry secretly but Anil must leave as his father is dying. While on the way back his car crashes and he is disfigured. Anil is now reluctant to go to Asha in case she no longer loves him, while meanwhile Asha is pregnant and being shamed by the villagers. From IMDB
Anil, an artist, comes to stay in a village with his friend Jeevan. While there he meets Asha and asks her to model for his statue. The two fall in love. They marry secretly but Anil must leave as his father is dying. While on the way back his car crashes and he is disfigured. Anil is now reluctant to go to Asha in case she no longer loves him, while meanwhile Asha is pregnant and being shamed by the villagers. From IMDB
Любовь, которая приходит как субтропический дождь, неожиданно и всепроникающе. Но в то же время дождь приносит с собой очищение природе, надежду на будущее, предложение начать новую жизнь. Герои нашего фильма - крайне напряженный поэт Пран, для которого универсальной сутью жизни является любовь, и его друг Гопал. Неожиданно оба друга влюбляются. Любовь Прана - это откровенное, чистое и всеохватывающее чувство к Решме. С другой стороны мы можем лицезреть совершенно иной подход к этому священному чувству у Гопала. Но любовь, в конце концов, побеждает как в жизни, так и в смерти.
Lucknow-based Nawabzada Aslam lives a wealthy lifestyle along with his dad, Bakar, and mom. He writes poems under the pen name of Raj Lakhnavi, and is a close friend of Iqbal. One day he meets and falls in love with Salma Banarsi, a Banaras-based Courtesan. When his parents arrange his marriage with his foreign-returned cousin, Mumtaz, he informs them that he loves Salma and incurs their displeasure so much so that his dad shoots him, and he gets hospitalized. When he recovers fully he is shocked to find that Salma has not only accepted Iqbal as her lover, but has also taken a lot of money and jewelry from his mother. He takes to alcohol in a big way and swears to exact vengeance against Salma by getting married to Mumtaz and forcing Salma to sing and dance at his wedding.
Lucknow-based Nawabzada Aslam lives a wealthy lifestyle along with his dad, Bakar, and mom. He writes poems under the pen name of Raj Lakhnavi, and is a close friend of Iqbal. One day he meets and falls in love with Salma Banarsi, a Banaras-based Courtesan. When his parents arrange his marriage with his foreign-returned cousin, Mumtaz, he informs them that he loves Salma and incurs their displeasure so much so that his dad shoots him, and he gets hospitalized. When he recovers fully he is shocked to find that Salma has not only accepted Iqbal as her lover, but has also taken a lot of money and jewelry from his mother. He takes to alcohol in a big way and swears to exact vengeance against Salma by getting married to Mumtaz and forcing Salma to sing and dance at his wedding.