Julio Parra


R2 y el caso del cadáver sin cabeza
Production Manager
R2 is going through hard times: his past failures have earned the anger of the Chief Inspector. He finds consolation visiting Didi's bar to cheer listening to music, especially blues. In addition, the Chief Inspector is jealous since he knows that R2 receives letters from the Palacio de la Zarzuela. Aided by his trusty and faithful Inspector Cardenas,he tries to solve all the cases that are presented, using methods rather unorthodox, including the use of disguises. One day, he decides to solve a very interesting case: the blackmail to a rich businessman who is threatened by the kidnapping of his young wife.
Pápa Piquillo
Production Manager
Comedy film based on the story of a gypsy patriarch and his grandchildren.
Aquí llega Condemor, el pecador de la pradera
The film follows the adventures of a French aristocrat, the "Condemor"and Lucas, his faithful Mexican servant, lost in the desert of Far West, looking for ways to return to Paris. Following an unintentional demonstration of courage, "Condemor" is appointed sheriff very much against his will and forced to chase the "One- Eyed" and solve the mystery of the whereabouts of Chico's father and also the location of the legendary El Dorado, the fabulous gold mine. The plot thickens when Condemor platonic love, the "Bella Jolly" saloon singer, is also kidnapped by the evil ...
Production Manager
Count Nado, is in love with Fénix, an intergalactic singer. Unable to achieve it with traditional methods, the evil Nado kidnaps the scientist Avelina to make a replica of the singer, creating Supernova.
The Black Moon
Unit Manager
After experiencing a series of traumatic, seemingly unrelated, accidents, Eva begins to notice that her daughter Luna is behaving in increasingly strange ways.
The Rogues
Production Supervisor
The adventures of a couple of scoundrels in the Spain of the 16th century.
Взлом 2
Production Assistant
Детектив Херман Арета принимает дело, рекомендованное его бывшим комиссаром. Новый клиент, по имени Мигель Сампедро, является зрелым гомосексуалистом, которого после 20 лет связи, только что, бросил его партнер, и он хочет знать, есть ли между ними кто-то третий. Когда они оба оказываются мертвыми, кажется, что один убил другого, прежде чем покончить с собой.
Un rolls para Hipólito
Production Manager
Hipólito, a factory janitor whose workers are on strike, is choosen as spokesperson for your workers' complaints to the principal. He, who is not willing to budge, decides to earn the concierge, naming his personal secretary.
Production Manager
Фильм о жизни людей в Мадриде 1942 года, сразу же после окончания гражданской войны в Испании. Главная тема фильма — контраст между поэтами, живущими почти в нищете под гнетом режима Франко, и победителями войны, зарождающимся классом людей, делающих деньги на нелегальном бизнесе.
Молодожены Ольга и Майкл едут на машине через пустыню. Внезапно их окружают полуголые девушки с ружьями и увозят в садистский женский лагерь, которым заправляет чернокожая надзирательница Магда. В последующие несколько недель Ольгу ожидают не только лесбийские заигрывания, унижения и пытки, но и развлечения с губернатором Мендозой - импотентом, которому Магда поставляет своих девочек. Майкл решает пробраться в лагерь, и освободить Ольгу...
Gay Club
Production Manager
A group of homosexual friends tries to set up a gay club in a town in Andalusia, meeting the opposition of the chief who will use all his resources to try to prevent it.
Police Destination Oasis
Production Manager
Freewheeling female friends Annie and Nadine are snatched during a night of rump-shaking discotheque shenanigans by an evil slavery ring. Drugged and gagged, the gals wake up in the "Oasis", a clandestine bordello nestled deep in the African Congo where they - and a gaggle of girl prisoners from all over the world.
Rocky Carambola
Production Manager
Production Manager
A story about a little boy who grows a pair of wings on his back, giving him the appearance of an angel. The boy draws the attention of his community including doctors, scientists and schoolmates. The wings are surgically removed but eventually they grow back.
¡Susana quiere perder... eso!
Production Manager
Till Divorce Us Do Part
Production Manager
Miguel is a young Spanish naval engineer in love with an American student of History of Art. When she becomes pregnant, she decides that the easiest solution to her situation is to marry her civilly. However, in Spain in the 1970s, prior to the passage of the Divorce Law, the only way to do so is to apostatize the Catholic Church. For Miguel, a believing devotee, taking this step involves a deep inner conflict.
Mauricio, mon amour
Production Supervisor
Кто может убить ребенка?
Production Manager
Молодая пара английских туристов нанимает лодку, чтобы отдохнуть на острове Альманзора, недалеко от южного побережья Испании. Когда они прибыли, то нашли остров пустынным, там не было ни одного взрослого, только дети. Дети ведут себя странно - они молчат и только хихикают. Вскоре англичане выясняют, что в местных ребятишках сидит злая сила, которая заставляет их убивать взрослых. Теперь приехавшей чете предстоит борьба за собственные жизни. Дело осложняется тем, что их противниками являются хоть и психованные, но всё же дети. А кто способен убить ребёнка?
Mi mujer es muy decente, dentro de lo que cabe
Production Manager
Tocata y fuga de Lolita
Assistant Production Manager
Carlos, a widower in his forties, lives with his daughter Lolita and his sister Merche. He is a candidate to Spanish Court's Proctor, so frequently travels outside Madrid. During one of those trips, he is forced to return at home precipitously, because his sister informed him that Lolita has left the house to live with some friends.
Un curita cañón
Production Assistant
Рожденный заново
Production Supervisor
Моника — менеджер Алекса, его ближайшая подруга, помощник и соратник. Она влюблена в Алекса, и ради этой любви готова пойти на все. Она мечтает увезти Алекса куда-нибудь подальше, чтобы быть с ним наедине, влюбить его в себя и заставить забыть обо всем. В ее голове рождается безумный план, о котором она рассказывает Алексу и его друзьям — Майку и Ольге, молодым певцам и который она готова осуществить якобы ради рекламы. По плану, во время одной из пресс-конференций Майка и Ольги, вдруг должен появиться Алекс и выстрелить в них якобы из ревности, после чего он должен стремительно исчезнуть. Разумеется, он будет стрелять холостыми патронами и никого не убьет, зато шуму из этого будет столько! Об этом будут писать все газеты, а это отличная реклама и для Алекса и для Майка с Ольгой. План безумный, но он с легкостью принимается Майком и Ольгой и даже самим Алексом. Но случилось непоправимое.
La llamaban la madrina
Production Assistant
Trini is the daughter and granddaughter of thieves. Before it was a specialist in the art of opening safes, but one day decided to change their way of life and is now a cashier at a supermarket. It has also taken a law student boyfriend, but all will be dashed when his father stop, Mr. Baldomero, for stealing 36 kilos of appliances.
Живи падаль... награда растёт
Captain Chadwell, Lieutenant Junger and Sergeant Smith are sent by Washington to help their colleagues of Fort Apache to recover stolen arms. A bounty hunter accompanies them.
Si estás muerto, ¿por qué bailas?
Production Supervisor
Préstame quince días
Production Supervisor
Pierna creciente, falda menguante
Assistant Production Manager
Облако пыли... предсмертный крик... Сартана идёт!
Unit Manager
Коварный бродячий стрелок Сартана приезжает в маленький городок и пытается отыскать спрятанные полмиллиона долларов в золоте и два миллиона фальшивых долларов. Разумеется множество других темных личностей, в том числе вдова Сеньора Манассас, ушлый парень - стрелок Гранд Фулл и жестокий и сумасшедший Генерал Монк, тоже пытаются прибрать сокровища к рукам.
El cronicón
Production Manager
The Price of Power
Unit Manager
In 1881 Dallas, an ex-Union soldier attempts to expose a conspiracy of Southerners that killed his father, his friend and President James A. Garfield.
Long Play
Production Supervisor
A rainy day forces Joaquin, Joe Luis and Alvaro to refuge in Martins' house. They also go there two Swedish girls who want love and spanish ham; a nun with hobbies of racing driver; a fat priest; a policeman unable to establish order; and the father of Joaquin, a fortune hunter. In the chaos that is triggered, the five young people discover their common love for music and they form a band.
A Love Story
Production Supervisor
An aspiring young writer lives with his pregnant wife and works for a newspaper to provide for his growing family. When his sister-in-law comes to visit, there is a mutual attraction between the guest and the writer.
Operation Delilah
Production Supervisor
A couple try to help the residents of a small Caribbean island overthrow a dictator.
Перри Родан: S.O.S. из космоса
Production Supervisor
Команда астронавтов во главе с майором Перри Роданом летит на Луну для её исследования. В это время за ними следят мафиози с Земли. На Луне экипаж корабля "Звёздная пыль" почти терпит крушение, но выживает. С ними вступают в контакт инопланетяне человекоподобного вида с другой планеты, чтобы те помогли им с одной проблемой, но история приобретает несколько неожиданных поворотов.
Production Assistant
El escándalo
Production Supervisor
Dr. Orloff's Monster
Production Supervisor
A mad scientist creates a hideous monster to carry out his murderous plans...
Girl from La Mancha
Assistant Production Manager
The story of Dulcinea, the love of Don Quixote, who was only a normal girl named Aldonza that is suddenly involved by the legend of the brave and ingenous gentleman.
Bahía de Palma
Assistant Production Manager
Mario starts working as a pianist in a party hall in Palma de Mallorca, where he finds two girls, an old pupil, and Clara, who will get to conquer him.
Historia de una noche
Property Master
After a few years, Víctor Morel comes back to the city. He has been a happy and Bohemian man who spent an authentic fortune. His first meeting with the past is with Laura, an extraordinary woman with he had intense relationships. She is now married with Daniel Romero, a man dedicated to the business that, precisely in the last days, has had a money problem. Due to this matter, Daniel will have to ask Víctor for help because it knows that he can extract it of the difficulty, in spite of the fact that he does not have any sharm.
Salto mortal
Production Manager
El indulto
Property Master
Spain, 1906: in a small village and pregnant after having been raped, Antonia is forced to marry the brutal Lucas to save her honor. But the mother of the girl pays Lucas 20,000 reales so that the man will never get any closer to Antonia or the child to be born. The man's bad temper will take him to jail and Antonia will try to remake his life with Pedro, Luca's brother. However, despite how far they may go, the couple are distressed at the prospect of Lucas being pardoned and seeking them after leaving prison.
S.O.S., abuelita
Production Assistant
Clemen is very sad. After three years of marriage, Raul, her husband, is moving away from it and, what is worse, is getting dangerously close to other women. Desperate, she cries under the portrait of his late grandmother. And the miracle occurs. Granny leaves the frame and proposes to take its place Clemen. Clemen remains painted on the wall, while his grandmother set about reconquering Raul.
Ejército blanco
Production Assistant