A woman is recruited by REDSHIFT INC., and through various assignments comes to terms with its grand and sinister purpose, its treacherous employees, and her new-found role as a corporate entropist.
A woman is recruited by REDSHIFT INC., and through various assignments comes to terms with its grand and sinister purpose, its treacherous employees, and her new-found role as a corporate entropist.
August Fade
A woman is recruited by REDSHIFT INC., and through various assignments comes to terms with its grand and sinister purpose, its treacherous employees, and her new-found role as a corporate entropist.
A woman is recruited by REDSHIFT INC., and through various assignments comes to terms with its grand and sinister purpose, its treacherous employees, and her new-found role as a corporate entropist.
В один не очень прекрасный день молодая девушка по имени Лаура, внезапно обнаружила, что ее тело начало медленно и неумолимо меняться. От неизвестной болезни тело Лауры стало гнить и разлагаться, превращая ее в живой и все еще продолжающий мыслить труп. Брошенная любимым парнем, родными и друзьями, Лаура погружается в омут умирания и безумия.