Ryutaro Tatsumi
Рождение : 1905-04-20, Ako, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan
Смерть : 1989-07-29
Ryutaro Tatsumi (辰巳柳太郎; April 20 1905 - July 29 1989) was a Japanese actor.
Hunting master Ginzo kills a man-eating bear. When he finds out the bear had a cub, Ginzo decides to raise the cub, but the bear later becomes a troublemaker.
Kenkichi's father
Тора-сан проводит несколько дней в доме трудолюбивого служащего, который внезапно исчезает. Когда жена мужчины просит Тора-сана помочь найти его, он влюбляется в нее и втайне надеется, что мужа не найдут.
Can a woman love two men at the same time? Set against the backdrop of Kyoto's rich history, this story depicts a woman's difficult choice for love. Ayako, played by Yukiyo Toake, is an international conference coordinator. Torn between her childhood sweetheart (played by Kenji Sawada) and her English professor (played by Noboru Nakaya), Ayako will seek answers to love, marriage, and choice.
Kahei Nire (scale maker)
Инспектор Исокава нанимает частного детектива Киндаити для расследования убийства, произошедшего в глухой деревне 20 лет назад. Но им приходится искать человека, совершившего несколько новых убийств - одну за другой в деревне убивают молодых женщин. Как выясняется позже, убийства происходят согласно старой детской песенке, которую поют, играя с мячом.
Toei studios last ninkyo eiga of the 70's.
The film follows the story of Sugi Toranosuke, a ronin, who returns to his home town of Edo many years after his attempted suicide as a sickly child. Rescued and adopted by a master swordsman, he has grown into a master swordsman and a very kind gentleman. The time is around 1868 the year that the nails were finally put into the coffin containing the feudal system that nurtured and sustained the samurai. Sugi is confused and unsure about what is happening but his teacher wants him out of the chaos of the multiple power struggles between the various clans.
Set during the declining years of the Tokugawa shogunate, Shadow Hunters details the questionably noble exploits of three ronin who act as "Shadow Hunters". These three ronin are not your normal ornery ruffians who are looking for a drink, a broad and someone to jab a sword into, but are in fact former samurai who, rather than follow their destroyed fiefs and murdered masters into death via seppuku, have dedicated their combined sword prowess to stopping the government from raping its daimyos for valuable resources.
When Omuro Yahachi of the Omuro family is selected as Mutsumikai Soke's successor, the conflict between the Kitakyushu and Wakamatsu begins.
Based on Shinichi Mori song
Contrast between two outlooks on life: one of a poor factory worker and the other the heir to millions.
The beginning of the Showa period. A town in the Kanto region. During the autumn festival, a car from Daihoji Senzo hit a child and left. Upon hearing this, Shogoro Chiba's boss tried to pay for the medical treatment of Kenbo, but Senzo ordered his child Gentaro to claim damages to the car and ruined Shogoro's gambling house.
The film takes place in Yokohama, a night city where you can revel in the neon mood. A bartender who wants to become a singer and a beautiful married woman burn fierce and ephemeral love in a confrontation with a ruthless yakuza.
Tsutomu Yoshioka, a Tokyo office worker, is enaged to Mariko, the niece of his company's president. But Yoshioka has a crisis of consence when he remembers his former love Mitsu, a rural girl whom he met and later left while in college. Shimako, a former friend, persuades Yoshioka to meet with Mitsu while she plots to blackmail Yoshioka by photographing the meeting to break up Mariko and Yoshioka.
Киото, 1862 год. Япония переживает период Бакумацу, агонии сёгуната. Появление у её берегов «Черных Кораблей» под командованием американского командора Перри не оставило стране выбора: Япония должна выйти из самоизоляции, открыть себя для иностранных держав. В течение нескольких лет японское общество пребывает в шоке. Правительство подозревают в пособничестве иноземцам, и веками незыблемая власть сёгуната пошатнулась. Раз сёгун не может или не хочет защитить Японию от иноземцев - он должен вернуть власть императору, так считают «лоялисты». Только объединившись под властью императора, японцы смогут изгнать наглых варваров из страны и избежать порабощения. Ужас перед нашествием иноземцев и кризис власти вызвали смуту и междоусобицу в стране. Убеждённые патриоты из различных фракций проливают кровь друг друга. Южные кланы Сацума, Тёсю и Тоса примкнули к движению лоялистов: они сторонники возвращения власти императору и изгнания иноземцев из страны любой ценой....
General Gonbei Yamamoto
Попытка японцев во время Русско-Японской войны забрать Порт-Артур терпит неудачу. Русский флот базируется в Японском море. Адмирал Хэйхатиро Того посылает свой флот, чтобы противостоять противнику. Тем временем японская разведка ведёт секретные переговоры с большевиками в России, которые имеют далеко идущие последствия…
Boatman Kitaro
Это история о выдающемся японском адмирале Ямамото Исороку, спланировавшем атаки на Перл-Харбор и Мидуэй. Ямамото Исороку был одним из немногих японских военачальников выступавших против участия Японии в войне.
Хисякаку освобождает свою возлюбленную Отоё из публичного дома, которым управляют босс Оёкота и другие гангстеры. Хисякаку убивает нескольких членов банды, включая своего лучшего друга, который его предал, и бежит, преследуемый полицией. Он находит убежище в странном доме, где встречает Кирацунэ, пожилого человека, который спокойно приглашает его к себе, угощает и советует сдаться. Пораженный благородством и мудростью старика, Хисякаку следует его совету. Проходит четыре года после ареста Хисякаку. Теперь в Отоё влюблен телохранитель Миягава. Но ни он, ни Отоё не дают волю вспыхнувшему чувству, так как это нарушило бы «рыцарский кодекс» якудза. Хисякаку выходит из тюрьмы с помощью Кирацунэ и присоединяется к Отоё и Миягаве. Банда подсылает убийцу к Хисякаку, Миягава спасает его, но погибает сам. Теперь наступает очередь Хисякаку отомстить за смерть друга…
The early years of the Showa period were turbulent times for Japan. The country suffered financial crisis and famine, women worked under intolerable employment conditions, and political corruption was a major issue. Out of fear that the great nation would soon fall, a group of young patriotic men gathered to lay out plans to assassinate the crooked politicians. One of these young terrorists was Shinsuke Kusaka. He receives orders to kill the Prime Minister.
The three henchmen join forces to challenge the brutal gang that is trying to control the city of Izu in Shizuoka during the early Showa period. Representatives of three different yakuza gangs - Tatsuo Umemiya, Tomisaburo Wakayama and Koji Tsuruta celebrate male friendship and male chivalry in action.
Эпическом полотно о героическом эпизоде послевоенной истории Японии, когда общими силами многих компаний в малодоступном горном районе на реке Куробэ была сооружена грандиозная плотина. Однако для режиссера фильма намного интереснее были рассуждения героев о ценности человеческой жизни. Как и во многих других его фильмах красной нитью повествования проходит главный вопрос Достоевского, допустимы ли какие-либо жертвы ради великой цели…
Tetsuya Watari, a modern youth idol, co-stars with Tetsuro Tamba for the first time, and a young man who survives freely is an action giant who swings down the iron arm of justice and anger toward evil
It has been 5 years since Eijiro Kikukawa of the Asakusa Kaminarimon family killed the head of the Suzaki family. Finally he gets out of prison and comes to the city of Odahama, where he had a mistress, Okei, whom he could not forget. He accidentally helped a man named Hanji from the Kurokane family and was received by the family as a guest. And soon Eijiro is involved in a showdown between the yakuza families.
A young yakuza who respects obligation and humanity must face cruel and heartless turf wars leading to a fight to the death with his own brother.
The film depicts the fate of a young yakuza boss and his father, who confront each other, not knowing that they are relatives, and become victims of a brutal war for territory between the clans according to the merciless laws of the yakuza.
Takichi "Taa" Sadogashima
Эпическая история по роману Сакуноскэ Оды разворачивается с начала ХХ века до первых послевоенных лет. Такити Садогасима считает, что люди обречены изнурять своё тело работой, пока не треснут кости. Он готов совершать подвиги, и не замечает, что его геройство причиняет всем страдание. Через всю жизнь он пронёс воспоминания о невыносимых испытаниях, которые пережил на Филиппинах при строительстве дороги Бенгет. Но в его родном Осака герои не нужны, там его ждёт женщина, которой нужны забота и ласка. Сможет ли он дать своей возлюбленной и своей дочери то, что сделает их счастливыми?
This historical film depicts the life of a man who was at the mercy of the waves during transition from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji Restoration, and therefore, shows audience the dynamic change from Edo to Meiji. Before the war, the director, Eisuke Takizawa, together with the writers, formed a scenario writer group "Narutaki-gumi and they shot many historical masterpieces.
In June 1941, Captain Kagawa (Ryutaro Tatsumi), who had just graduated from the military academy, was assigned as the captain of a sentry patrol in Beiman, which was located on the opposite side of the Heilongjiang River from the Semidomka region of the Soviet Union. His predecessor, Lieutenant Kishi (Kawamura Kenichiro), a mild-mannered middle-aged man, had earned the trust of his men and the villagers by relaxing his military duties. However, newly appointed Lieutenant Kagawa thinks that Kishi's way of doing things is sloppy and begins to train the soldiers furiously in order to teach them a lesson.
In the town of Yumoto, Asakichi, a left-arm-less gambler who had been winning at the gambling hall, was attracted by the sound of a faintly heard storyteller, Saman, and left his seat. Asakichi was fascinated by the voice of Oyasu, who sounded exactly like his wife Ochiyo, who had died three years earlier. Asakichi told Oyasu that Ochiyo had fled with him to his home town of Omigawa just before he was deposed by the samurai Shingo Inaba, but that he had put her through a lot of hardship to make her die. Oyasu's husband Tokujiro was a palace carpenter in Edo, but his skills were damaged and he came to take a cure. Asakichi heard about Oyasu's story and offered him money, and Tokujiro's arm was almost completely healed by Oyasu's nursing care.
The man is chased by losing the beauty and preciousness of love and the foundation of life without overcoming the hardship of life.
Chûji Kunisada
Kunisada Tadaharu, a peasant of Kunisada Village in Joshu Sai County, could not stand the bad government and poor harvest of Takebe Genhan, the governor of the time. entered the world of As he played more and more games at the gambling hall, he became feared as "Chuji the gambling robber", and became a boss who had a share of Inui such as Nikko's Enzo and Shimizu's Kentetsu. However, due to a disagreement, he killed his benefactor Isaburo Boss, and was abandoned by Yasugoro and was chased. However, Chuji cleverly took advantage of the peasant uprising, shut himself up on Mt. Akagi, opened a gambling hall, and was touted as the greatest boss in the Kanto region. The magistrate, who learned of the close relationship between the peasants and Chuji, finally arranged for Chuji to go on a trip. Chuji, who doesn't know that he was weighed, gleefully descends the mountain, but...