Director of Photography
Three separate episodes of the Red Shoe Diaries (1992) tv series - "How I Met My Husband", "Naked in the Moonlight" and "Midnight Bells" - edited together into movie length.
Director of Photography
In this mystical comedy, Felicien has traveled to Portugal from France soon after the end of the First World War. It seems that his recently deceased father had invested a lot of money in a factory located in a remote village, and he has come to evaluate that investment. He gets some clues to the real situation in the town when the man driving his coach refuses to go any further and leaves him on a section of road which is practically paved with abandoned crutches. After a short trek, he meets up with the local dignitary who is to show him around, and he meets a priest and an artist. The priest gives a further clue to the events taking place in the village when he indicates that he's completely exasperated with the endless miracles that seem to be taking place. From that point onward, amazing coincidences, visions and miracles take place in great numbers.
Chile is seen through the eyes of a Chinese painter - a traditional painter who uses the concepts of XVIII century Shih-T'ao.
Director of Photography
The survivor of a concentration camp finds out that her lover, a lesbian, is having an affair with a protegee.
1952 год, Париж. Надя, дочь польских эмигрантов, в свои пятнадцать — активная коммунистка. На антиамериканской демонстрации она попадает под дубинки полицейских, и спасает ее молодой фотограф Стефан. Их дружба постепенно перерастает в роман.
A prostitute, released from prison, tries to change her life, but a murderous slave organization, the Consortium, is determined to bring her back to the fold or kill her, which forces her to seek help from Liberty, an anti-Consortium group.
Director of Photography
When Mark goes to visit his cousin Toni in Austria for the summer, he develops a serious crush on Toni's pretty stepsister Clair and at the same time tries to fend off Toni's efforts to get him set up with prostitutes. As much as he likes Clair, Mark cannot bring himself to start a sexual relationship with her and ultimately goes to Clair's mother Katherine to vent his feelings. It is that meeting that ultimately sends Mark home more experienced than when he arrived.
Director of Photography
Roberto Hurtado suffers from a rare disease that requires massive transfusions of blood from children or adolescents. His son blackmails three employees to get blood for him and they resort to unscrupulous methods to obtain it.
Director of Photography
Rich in environmental mood and ethnic color, this human drama chronicles the lives and rituals of a nomadic Berber tribe in the southern Tunisian desert, especially focusing on a son about to inherit the full mantle of leadership. When he sees that their sheep are threatened with a possibly devastating illness, the precarious nature of the group's existence is brought home to him and he leaves to gain a livelihood and knowledge in the city. Once he gets back, bringing money and presents, it first appears that the group will be assured of a better future because of his enterprising outreach. Yet military and governmental officials arrive on the scene to take a census and the young man is conscripted, against his will.
Жерар, Жан, Фил и его невеста Арианна торгуют в магазине антиквариатом. Вскоре невесту Фила похищают и наши герои отправляются в погоню за ней. Они еще не знают, что эта погоня приведет их в Трансильванию, к самому графу Дракуле…
Director of Photography
This black-and-white film explores the dividing line between the theatrical imagination and everyday reality in its story of a narcissistic silent movie actor who believes his screen image as a great lover but is in fact a confused bisexual. His girlfriend, also an actress, is also caught up in the fuzzy space between fantasy and reality but feels this as a loss and tries to do something about it.
The fictional town of Villa Romero is the set upon which the events of Spain's civil war play out. Villa Romero is home to Vandale (Mariangela Melato) a witch, count Cerralbo (Bento Urago) a powerless land baron, and his four sons. Three of Cerralbo's sons are ruthless sadists who pillage the countryside, but the fourth, Goya (Ron Faber), is an artist challenging authority and the church.
Director of Photography
Additional Director of Photography
Фильм основан на рассказе Агаты Кристи, в котором группа людей приглашена в изолированное место неизвестным человеком, который хочет убить их одного за другим за преступления, которые они совершили в прошлом. Люди начинают умирать и не знают, кому могут доверять, а кому — нет. Международная экранизация ”Десяти негритят» Агаты Кристи с участием кинозвёзд из разных стран снята на основе пьесы, написанной для постановки Рене Клера 1945го года. Диалоги по большей части взяты из сценария 1965 года. Элементы юмора Клера там отсутствовали изначально, но зато в новый фильм была добавлена атмосфера ужаса в стиле джалло, удачно подчёркнутая замечательной музыкой Бруно Николаи. Фильм снят совместно киностудиями Франции, Испании, Западной Германии и Италии. Существует несколько его версий на разных языках, немного отличающихся по длине, а так же именами действующих лиц и даже эпизодическими персонажами в финале.
Director of Photography
Герой картины Аден бежит от общества в пустыню после загадочной смерти своей деспотичной и сексуально неуравновешенной матери, где встречает отшельника Марвела, древнее одинокое божество, открывающего ему суть вещей.
Following the Spanish Civil War, a man goes into hiding to avoid arrest by the victorious Nationalist forces.
In the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs incident, Sergio chooses to stay behind in Cuba while his wife and family escape to neighboring Miami. Alone in a brave new world, Sergio observes the constant threat of foreign invasion while chasing young women all over Havana. He finally meets Elena, a young virgin girl he seeks to mould into the image of his ex-wife, but at what cost to himself?
Director of Photography
A young man attempts to fight the system in an entertaining account of bureaucracy amok and the tyranny of red tape. Restored by the Academy Film Archive and the Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industrias Cinematográficos in 2019.
A young man attempts to fight the system in an entertaining account of bureaucracy amok and the tyranny of red tape. Restored by the Academy Film Archive and the Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industrias Cinematográficos in 2019.
A Haitian son returns from fifteen years in Cuba to find his home village afflicted with the double plague of drought and strife. A Cuban production from the director of Memories of Underdevelopment. In Spanish.
Director of Photography
Умирающая теща сообщает своему зятю, сеньору Ипполито Гарриго, что успела спасти драгоценности от экспроприации и спрятала их в один из двенадцати стульев гостиного гарнитура. Похоронив тещу, Ипполито бросается на поиски сокровищ. Конечно же, набожная женщина не могла не открыть тайну и своему духовнику, молодому священнику. Каноник тоже пускается на поиски сокровищ…
Director of Photography
В основе фильма — эпизоды жизни простой крестьянки Доменги, личная драма которой тесно переплетается с событиями народной борьбы. У Доменги есть сын, но он, подло предав родных, друзей и общее дело, очутился в стане врагов. Став одинокой, Доменга решает покинуть свой дом, но любовь к родной земле оказалась сильнее чувства горя и одиночества. Доменга остаётся. Все свои силы она посвятит защите интересов крестьян.
Director of Photography
Юный крестьянин Педро уходит из дома, чтобы присоединиться к повстанческой армии. Ему удается прийти в партизанский отряд не с пустыми руками: перед побегом он крадет карабин у солдата расквартированной в его деревне части. Но романтические представления юноши о революционной борьбе оказываются мало похожи на реальность. В отряде Педро ждут суровые будни молодого бойца. Прежде, чем оказаться на передовой, ему предстоит пройти нелегкое обучение, где во главу угла ставится незнакомое ему прежде слово «дисциплина»…
Director of Photography
In Asamblea general (1960), the documentary about Fidel's address of the First Declaration of Havana in the Plaza of the Revolution, Alea practises what becomes a sustaining Cuban contribution to documentary. Engaging with Free Cinema and cinema-vérité, his camera seems to touch the faces of the new citizen one by one rather than as a single mass before a leader.