Costume Design
Kelly is an electronic forró singer in search of ascension. She does shows in the backlands of Brazil, but does not have many opportunities. For her career to become a success, she ends up killing some people along the way. Investigated for the murder of three men, she uses her itinerant presentations as an escape tool as she becomes known as Serial Kelly.
Costume Design
Бебель и Лукас хотят простой свадьбы, но из-за разногласий между их семьями все усложняется. Родители Лукаса исповедуют религию Умбанда, а родители Бебель — традиционная еврейская семья. У каждой из сторон свои планы, и каждая старается доказать паре молодых людей то, как должна проходить церемония.
Costume Design
A phenomenon of popularity in the 1960s, Wilson Simonal saw his meteoric career fall apart when he was accused of collaborating with the Brazilian military dictatorship.
Costume Designer
The story of Allan Kardec, from his days as an educator to his contribution to the spiritist codification.
Costume Design
Nilo Perequê is a successful comedian who stars in a TV show. When he wins the award for best comedian of the year, the comedian decides to radically change his career and devote himself totally to drama, leaving his family and businessman desperate.
Costume Design
Фильм рассказывает долгую историю семейства, владеющего цирком.
Costume Design
The true story of Tancredo Neves, the first civilian president of Brazil after a 20-year military dictatorship, and the infamous hospitalization which led to his death before he ever managed to take office.
"All Paulos in the World" is a cinematographic essay about Paulo José, one of the greatest artists in Brazil, in the year in which he turns 80 years-old.
Costume Design
The sierras of southern Brazil, 1963. The son of an French man and a Brazilian woman, Tony is a young man with a profound love of cinema and poetry. After graduating from college he returns to his small town in rural Brazil, to find out that his father had left for good, back to France. Tony then looks for the company of his fathers friends in search of information and references of a lost male role-model. He becomes a school teacher and a male figure to kids, in an attempt to provide them with something he lacks himself. A series of developments lead him to a surprising final lead on his fathers' whereabouts and reasons for leaving.
Costume Design
A small group of artists travels the Brazilian backlands presenting a show. Upon arriving in a small village, they find an abandoned city with houses, a church, and a fountain spouting clean water, like a miracle of a biblical desert. Tired of and battered by their life as wanderers, the artists decide to settle in the village and start a new community, assigning themselves different roles from those they have played throughout their lives. This new arrangement, however, will reveal these artists the worst vices of the civilian life.
Costume Design
12-летний мальчик рассказывает историю своей семьи. В конце 1950-х годов его отец Антонио решается на рискованный шаг и едет вместе с женой и детьми на строительство будущей столицы Бразилии — город Бразилиа. Героя фильма «Обратная сторона рая» привлекают обещания о баснословном заработке, но реальность оказывается далеко не столь безоблачной. Власти не сдерживают своих обещаний, и Антонио, как и сотни его соратников, выходит на уличные митинги.
Costume Design
The heroes of Golden Oldies 1— Juca, PR, and Montanha — are back, following different routes. Montanha lives in an old mansion and gets ready to reunite with his friends. Once together again, the three friends get into hilarious situations.
Costume Design
The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.
Costume Design
Divided in five segments, "Todo Mundo Tem Problemas Sexuais" follows the story of different couples, each having various problems in bed.
Costume Design
Фильм рассказывает историю Сантиньо (в переводе с португальского имя означает «Святой»), молодого человека, которого община возвела в ранг Святого после сотворённого им чуда — «оживления» собственной матери. Теперь же жители верят, что Сантиньо — проводник посланий мёртвых. Раз в год в деревне устраивается празднество в честь мёртвых, на котором Сантиньо передает уроки мудрости живым.
Costume Design
José Costa is a Brazilian ghost writer. Returning from a ghost writers convention his airplane is rerouted to Budapest. His life is also rerouted when he meets Krista and with her help, learns "the only language in the world which, according to the tongue-wagers, the devil respects.
Costume Design
David, a man in his twillight years, lives all by himself and decides to invite two childhood friends for a day at his house in Petrópolis, where they spend hours talking about the past.
Costume Design
Зузу Анжел — успешный модельер, которая распространила бразильскую моду по всеми миру. В 70-х годах Зузу восстала против военной диктатуры после изчезновения сына Стюарта, который также протестовал против диктатуры а рядах студенческого вдижения. После ареста Стюарта пытали и убили агенты секретной службы, которые позже объявили его пропавшим без вести. Именно в тот момент Зузу решает предать гластности произвол диктатуры и привлечь внимание барзильской и международной общественности.
Costume Design
In Nordestina, a small town lost in the Brazilian badlands, young Karina dreams of becoming an actress and leaving to explore the world. Before losing his love, Dona Nazaré’s son, Antônio, takes the first step in a kamikaze crusade to bring the world to Karina. For that, Antônio leaves town and announces, in a TV show that he will set off on a sensational adventure: a trip into the future, starting from Nordestina’s square. A story where dreams contradict reality, geographical and political conditions threaten to block life, and love plays the part of the transforming element.
Art Direction
Costume Design
Apolônio Brasil was a pianist at a famous nightclub in Rio de Janeiro, from the 1950s until his untimely death. Quite a character, Apolônio was loved by women and idolized by his audience and friends. His contagious joy attracts the attention of American scientist Dr. Boris Lewitsky, who comes to Brazil in order to interview Apolônio's close friends and make them a most unusual offer concerning the remains of the late musician.
Costume Design
A light-hearted and high-spirited story, full of spice, sensuality and romance, Viva Zapato tells the tale of Dolores, a beautiful Cuban dancer who decides to leave her failing marriage and open a restaurant by the beach with her aunt from Brazil. When her aunt sends her a pair of shoes instead of the money to start up the restaurant, she angrily sells the useless gift for spare change. Her dream fades away - until she discovers that the money was hidden in the heel. The zany search for the shoes begins, as she follows the footsteps through the lively streets of Havana, running into the quirky, colorful characters that bring Viva Zapato and Dolores' dream.
Costume Design
Three stories set on Brazil countryside. In Foice, a weeder becomes head of his group and awakes the envy of his best friend. In Veneno, a cowboy cannot sleep, waiting for the revenge from a enemy of the past. And in Machado, a quiet and rude rose maker decides to end his wife's joy of living.
Costume Design
Policarpo is a chauvinistic patriot, a major who tries to find solutions for Brazilian problems using only the resources of his own country. His visionary and idealistic temperament is behind his strange ideas about how to build a great nation.
Costume Design
The forbidden love affair between Peri, an Indian, and the beautiful Ceci, a Portuguese white girl, in the 17th century Brazil.