A persistent door-to-door salesman tries to sell his wares in a gated community that doesn't allow peddlers. He makes a killing selling clubs to a bunch of battling street brawlers.
Popeye has replaced Bluto in the Spinach Theatre's production of Romeo and Juliet (Olive, of course), much to Bluto's surprise and dismay. Bluto does what he can to sabotage the production, like cranking up the snow and wind machines, and eventually coming onstage, even though Olive wants no part of him.
Animation Director
По мотивам бессмертной повести Джонатана Свифта. После кораблекрушения молодой Гулливер оказался на неизвестном острове в плену у жителей страны Лилипутия. Само название страны говорит о том, как выглядят ее обитатели. Вначале жители Лилипутии встречают Гулливера вполне приветливо. И вот он узнает, что Лилипутия находится в состоянии войны с соседним островом Блефуску. Однако после того как он использовал свой гигантский рост, чтобы организовать секретное свидание принца Песто с его возлюбленной принцессой Мариной, Гулливера стали считать шпионом…
Сейчас только настоящий подвиг может положить конец этой изнурительной войне между двумя соперничающими королевствами, населенными крошечными жителями… Удастся ли Гулливеру прекратить междоусобицу?
Popeye teaches Olive the art of self-defense, which comes in handy when a woman boxer flirts with him.
Wimpy is working for Bluto in his diner and trying to filch all the food he can eat. Popeye comes in and orders roast duck, but Wimpy grabs the drumsticks, then coats it with pepper sauce. Popeye walks out in anger and Bluto comes after him. Wimpy takes advantage of the resulting battle to load up on hamburgers.
Popeye and Olive are taking a ferry run by Bluto. When they find out the fare, they decide, with Wimpy, to build a bridge. Bluto does what he can to sabotage this plan - until spinach time, of course.
Popeye is running a women's gymnasium next door to Bluto's cabaret. Seeing Popeye's greater success with women, Bluto dresses in drag and challenges Popeye to various feats of strength.
Popeye's ensemble is rehearsing the opening of the Poet and Peasant Overture (with interpolations of the Popeye theme and "I've Been Working on the Railroad"). Maestro Bluto drops in from next door to conduct and play violin and show Popeye up. Popeye plays horribly until he unlocks the previously unexplored artistic benefits of spinach.
The old lady who lives in a shoe has a bit of trouble with her gaggle of children. They won't eat their porridge, won't brush their teeth or comb their hair. As soon as their mother's in bed, they launch a wild party, playing musical instruments and doing a swinging rendition of Smiley Burnette's classic "Mama Don't Allow No Music Playing Round Here." They then have a massive pillow fight until the old woman wakes up.
Popeye takes Olive to a stage show of a hypnotist (Bluto), who also levitates objects. While he's doing this, Popeye makes him lose his concentration, so in retaliation, the hypnotist pulls Olive on stage and turns her into a chicken. Popeye comes down to fight and the hypnotist tries to turn him into a monkey, but Popeye pulls a mirror into place. He recovers, and turns Popeye into a donkey, then smacks him around a bit, but spinach comes to the rescue.
Popeye and Bluto each wants to save Olive as she sleepwalks onto a construction site. But most of their efforts go into preventing each other from being the hero.
Pierre Bluto, running a logging camp, has thrown Olive into the river because he didn't like her spinach. Popeye rescues her and proceeds to beat Bluto in a lumberjack contest.
In the only Betty Boop color cartoon, Cinderella (Betty) goes to the ball thanks to her fairy godmother. Later, only her foot fits the glass slipper.
Olive runs some kind of boarding school. She serves her charges a huge bowl of spinach, but they are less than enthusiastic about it. Popeye comes by and demonstrates the values of spinach: he feeds some to a tree, which grows huge and sprouts a variety of fruit; he feeds a hen, which lays a dozen eggs, and he eats some himself to resist a prizefighter passing by.
Animation Director
Betty falls asleep doing a jigsaw puzzle and finds herself through the looking glass into a modern, urban wonderland. The shrinking potion comes from a "Shrinkola" dispenser. When most of the characters assemble, Betty sings "How Do You Do" to them. But the jabberwock steals Betty away, and everyone comes to her rescue.
After drawing Betty Boop, Max Fleischer (live-action) leaves the studio; Betty and Koko try amateur dentistry, releasing enough laughing gas to convulse the 'real world.'
Animation Director
Betty Boop appears on stage with Freddie in an old-fashioned mortgage melodrama.
Popeye skates over to Olive's house to give her a Christmas present: ice skates of her own. While he's teaching her, Bluto skates up and gets fresh; of course, Popeye fights him. When Olive rejects Bluto again, he sends her careening on an ice floe towards a waterfall.
Animation Director
Злобная длинноволосая королева спрашивает у зеркальца в руке, кто прекрасней всех на свете, и зеркало отвечает, что это она. Но в пещеру королевы с песней о мачехе приходит Белоснежка, и теперь зеркальце самой прекрасной называет Белоснежку. Королева приказывает отрубить Белоснежке голову, но Коко и Бимбо не могут заставить себя выполнить указ. Белоснежку помещают в глыбу льда, а семь гномов, думая, что она умерла, приносят её в таинственную пещеру. Туда же приходят Коко и Бимбо, а также королева, превратившаяся в ведьму. Клоун с голосом Кэба Келлоуэя поет песню, а в пещере полно летающих скелетов и блуждающих привидений. Теперь только чудо сможет спасти Белоснежку и двух героев.
Betty, while reading a book of Mother Goose stories, wishes she could visit such a wonderful place. Betty's wish is granted when Mother Goose appears, and gives her a tour of Mother Goose Land. Betty has a wonderful time until Little Miss Muffet's spider chases her, with lecherous ends in mind. All of the characters come to Betty's rescue. Betty wakes up in bed with all the fairy tale characters surrounding her.
Max helps the Inkwell Clown prepare for a family reunion.
Художник и уборщик ради забавы играют с доской для спиритических сеансов, а вот Коко не до смеха - его преследует стая призраков!
Художник рисует клоуна, а муха досаждает ему. И ему и его творению. Надо бы как-то избавиться от нее.