Beatriz Rico
Рождение : 1970-02-25, Aviles, Spain
Beatriz Rico was born on February 25, 1970 in Aviles, Spain as Beatriz Juarros Rico. She is an actress, known for Abierto 24 horas (2000), Un paso adelante (2002) and Istanbul Beneath My Wings (1996). She was previously married to Nacho Ramírez.
Elvira, an artist devoted to painting, he decides to live on the edge and take a frenetic game in which each day has one foot in the world of the dead. The painter, after several suicide attempts, decides to start a bizarre system created by a Russian poet based on chance. It involves taking one pill per day, being one which snatches life.
A thirty-six year old radio show host embarks on a cross-continent search to find herself, in the process discovering that her sex is "stuck" and waging a valiant effort to release it while simultaneously accomplishing her many unmet goals in life. Carolina (Beatriz Rico is in her mid-thirties, and her life is falling apart fast: not only has annoying blonde Lula (Imma del Moral) been recruited to take over the show that Carolina created, but the besieged hostess is beginning to feel that time is running out for her to chase down the dreams of her forgotten youth. In search of guidance, Carolina turns to openly gay carpentry shop owner Compass Rose (Jorge Luis Gonazáles). Compass is Carolina's best friend, and while his advice often veers towards the hysterical side, the two quickly hatch a plan to travel to India in search of a guru.
Environmental drama set in Asturias, Spain. A Scottish travel writer is forced to stay in a valley town in northern Spain when his camper van breaks down. There he gets to know the different inhabitants, some of them struggling to close down the nearby power station and some trying to make it more prosperous.
Режиссёр Микель де Гарей и его молодой продюсер, хорошенькая Андреа Бильбао, собираются снять фильм по последнему роману Розендо Карбайо. Он известный писатель с гомосексуальными наклонностями, разорвавший свой брак по расчёту и теперь живущий с молодым гомосексуалистом. Розендо намерен встретиться с Микелем и Андреа, к ним хотят присоединиться трое друзей писателя – Фенандо, Беатрис и Начо. Конфликт возникает внезапно, когда персонажи начинают играть в опасную игру – копаться в прошлом друг друга.
Mujer de Irineo
This movie has any coherent plot. It is more the portrait of the lives of different people in the hard years of post-war in Spain (the 40's), and how people manage to survive in a country desolated by the war. Like other films: la colmena or roma (fellini) it shows us lots of characters and some moments of their lives.
Филиппо — ведущий рубрики о животном мире на местной телевизионной станции. Однажды, по роду службы, он вместе с оператором отправляется на Канарские острова, чтобы сделать увлекательный репортаж об аномальных миграциях аистов. И там происходит нечто совершенно невероятное. Проснувшись утром, Филиппо обнаруживает, что наступивший день — опять 13 августа, который был уже вчера. НО самое удивительное — это загадочное явление продолжает повторяться, заставляя его переживать один и тот же день снова и снова…
A German bank buys a small Spanish entity and announces to its employees that it will pre-retire them on January 1st. The cashier Galindo proposes his fellow coworkers a plan to steal a large sum of euros which will arrive on New Year's Eve.
A mature and successful businessman leads a peaceful life with his family and his lover. However, his life is greatly complicated when found dead in bed a girl who had spent the previous night with him. The first thing that comes to mind to solve the problem is to remove the body, but that's not easy. Still, the case is much worse when someone who seems to know what happened, begins to blackmail.
Стамбул, 17-век, времена правления молодого султана Мурада IV. Два друга, Хезарфен Ахмет Челеби и Хасан Лагари Челеби одержимы идеей летать. Хасан строит ракеты, наращивая их мощность и надеясь долететь до луны, полагая, что до нее не так уж и далеко. Ахмет же одержим иным планом – летать подобно птицам. Используя попавшие к нему в руки бумаги Леонардо да Винчи, он строит балансирный планер. А их друг, журналист и летописец Эвлия Челеби записывает все это в свои хроники, благодаря которым имена этих людей сохранились до наших дней. Но на дворе все-таки 17-й век..
While the three heir sons of a hotel owner want to bring their establishment back to the glamour of former times, a Department of Health official tries to find the way of closing it permanently.
Sister Angela and Sister Mary park his van in front of a bank branch. They enter the bank and with the weapons hidden under their habits, commit the robbery of the century, to the astonishment of all employees and customers. After thorough police investigation the two nuns are arrested, but then appears Trini, twin sister of one of them and now all is not so clear. Were the nuns who committed the robbery?
When Martin is about to be expelled from some literature courses, an unexpected event gives a turn to his uncertain future as a writer. Taking advantage of the absence of his neighbor, a consecrated novelist who entrusts him with the care of his cat, Martín steals his identity and some pages of his latest novel, presented in the school as a result of his own work. As a result of this, the teacher congratulates him publicly and the girl he is in love begins to look at him with different eyes.