André Calmettes


The Life and Death of King Richard III
Shakespeare's tragedy of the wicked and hump-backed Duke of Gloucester, who rises to the throne of England by chicanery, treachery, and brilliance.
The Three Musketeers
Marguerite is a courtesan in Paris. She falls deeply in love with a young man of promise, Armand Duval. When Armand's father begs her not to ruin his hope of a career and position by marrying Armand, she acquiesces and leaves her lover. However, when poverty and terminal illness overwhelm her, Marguerite discovers that Armand has not lost his love for her.
Madame Sans-Gêne
Directed by André Calmettes and Henri Desfontaines.
Madame de Langeais
Madame de Langeais
The Great Breach
M. de Merret
The Count of Féredia, ex-officer of the Spanish army and prisoner of war, gains the favors of a young woman whose jealous husband spies relentlessly on their conduct. An adaptation of the Balzac story.
The Great Breach
The Count of Féredia, ex-officer of the Spanish army and prisoner of war, gains the favors of a young woman whose jealous husband spies relentlessly on their conduct. An adaptation of the Balzac story.
The Children of Edward IV
The Kiss of Judas
Judas betrays Jesus Christ.
La Tosca
Scenario Writer
Rome, June 1800. Floria Tosca is a celebrated opera singer, better known as La Tosca. Her lover is Mario Cavaradossi, a young artist and Bomapartist sympathizer. When the latter helps Angelotti, the leader of the opposition, to escape from prison and hides him in La Tosca's home, he antagonizes Baron Scarpia, the ruthless chief of police, all the more as his love for Tosca is unrequited. Scarpia has Mario arrested and condemned to death. Upset, Floria begs the Baron for her lover's life. He accepts to have the bullets of the firing squad replaced by blanks if... she sleeps with him. She agrees nominally but when she finds herself with Scarpia, she stabs him to death. She then goes to see Mario in his cell and lets him know about his phony execution. But Scarpia had had time to get the order reversed and in the early hours of the morning, Mario is executed in the proper manner. In despair, Tosca throws herself into the void...
La Tosca
Rome, June 1800. Floria Tosca is a celebrated opera singer, better known as La Tosca. Her lover is Mario Cavaradossi, a young artist and Bomapartist sympathizer. When the latter helps Angelotti, the leader of the opposition, to escape from prison and hides him in La Tosca's home, he antagonizes Baron Scarpia, the ruthless chief of police, all the more as his love for Tosca is unrequited. Scarpia has Mario arrested and condemned to death. Upset, Floria begs the Baron for her lover's life. He accepts to have the bullets of the firing squad replaced by blanks if... she sleeps with him. She agrees nominally but when she finds herself with Scarpia, she stabs him to death. She then goes to see Mario in his cell and lets him know about his phony execution. But Scarpia had had time to get the order reversed and in the early hours of the morning, Mario is executed in the proper manner. In despair, Tosca throws herself into the void...
Le Retour d'Ulysse
When Troy has fallen and Ulysses sets sail for home, his ships are driven to different lands, where his adventures are numerous, keeping him away from his native land for ten years. As time rolls on without his return he is looked upon as dead by everyone except his wife, Queen Penelope, who firmly believes that her husband still lives and will some day return to her.
Убийство герцога де Гиза
Герцог Гиз покидает Маргариту де Нуармутье, и попадает в западню. Король расставляет убийц, на пути Гиза, переходя от одного к другому, натравливает, улыбается, ободряет, проверяет их шпаги, пробуя их остроту кончиком пальца. Появляется герцог, смелый, с решимостью во взоре, с гордой осанкой, уверенный в своих силах. Едва он переступает порог королевской комнаты как его тут же хватают и закалывают. Он делает несколько шагов и падает. На земле валяется подушка короля с монограммой в короне; её герцог схватил случайно, пытаясь защититься от ударов. Убийцы с облегчением вздыхают. Генрих велит обыскать труп. Письмо, которое находят, возбуждает в нем злобу. Шестеро убийц с трудом тащат громадное тело герцога вниз по лестнице. Его обвертывают соломой и бросают на пылающие в камине поленья.