Yuko Mizutani

Yuko Mizutani

Рождение : 1964-11-04, Ama, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

Смерть : 2016-05-17


Yuko Mizutani was a Japanese voice actress. She worked for Production Baobab until September 2011 and was affiliated with Aoni Production from December 2012 until her death.


Yuko Mizutani


One Piece
Nightin (voice)
The special takes place during the two year before the Straw Hats reunite on Sabody. Luffy is currently in Rusukaina training to get stronger to take on the New World. However the training is interrupted when Hancock's sisters, Marigold and Sandersonia, are kidnapped by the Byrnndi World, a pirate who was locked away on Level 6 of Impel Down but escaped during Luffy's invasion to save Ace, in order to lure Hancock to him and use her as a hostage against the World Government due to her Shichibukai status. Thus Luffy and Hancock head off to confront him and save Hancock's sisters.
Black Jack: Final
Contains 2 separate stories. In Part 1, Black Jack's latest patient holds a link to Pinoko's past. Pinoko begins experiencing heart attack-like pain periodically, and detailed medical examinations fail to find any abnormalities. During this time, Black Jack receives an urgent request from a past patient whose identity shocks him: Yurie SAIONJI, whose Teratogenous Cystoma was constructed into Pinoko by Black Jack 10 years ago. In Part 2, Black Jack is kidnapped by the government of a war-torn country.
Хеталия: Мир в белом
На этот раз бравая команда борется с внеземной угрозой с планеты Пикт, обитатели которой намерены обесцветить всю Землю.
Detective Conan: Full Score of Fear
Rara Chigusa (voice)
Serial murders involving all kinds have happened. All the victims are from a Music School led by a famous pianist. Conan and company have been invited to a opening concert of the Music Hall built by the pianist. The biggest attraction of this concert is the world famous violin called "Stradivarius" and a special appearance of a singer who has perfect pitch.
Animal Crossing: The Movie
Perimi (Phyllis)
This is the story of a young self-reliant girl called Ai, who one day, moves into the Animal Village. While working at Tom Nook's shop "Nook's Cranny" she begins living her life away from her family. To begin with, she doesn't know left from right, but under the guidance of Mayor Tortimer, the angry but correct Mr. Resetti, and the wandering musician K.K. Slider among others, she is eventually accepted as a member of the village. One night as she walked along the beach, she finds a message in the bottle. It sets her off on a quest of planting pine trees around the village to fulfill a miracle on the eve of the Winter Festival
Черный Джек
The mega-corporate Daedalus Group is under attack by a small group of activists known as the Ghost of Icarus. While taking care of some of the victims of the bombing, Black Jack encounters Dr. Kiriko, also known as Death Incarnate, who just like him, asks his patients huge sums of money but instead of saving them, he offers them a painless death. When the activist group requests both doctors’ collaboration, Black Jack finds himself caught in a spiral of life, death and treason while trying to save his patients' lives and avoid the breaking of a biological war that could destroy humanity.
Super Robot Wars
Based on the popular video game series, this futuristic anime feature follows the plight of the Earth Federation, the last group of human beings on the planet, who are forced to defend themselves from elimination at the hands of an alien invasion. To give its troops a chance in battle, the Earth Federation Army has developed the "Personal Trooper," a mobile robotic weaponry system that fuses with the body of its human pilot to remain functional.
Мёртвые листья: Звёздная тюряга
Galactica (voice)
Шизоиды Панди и Ретро с отшибленной памятью очухиваются в центре Токио и устраивают беспредел — им нужна еда, шмотки и средство передвижения, и они не остановятся ни перед чем! Отмороженную парочку все-таки ловят и отправляют отбывать сроки в знаменитую лунную тюрьму строгого режима, которую, по слухам, покинуть можно только в виде трупа. Тут-то и начинается реальный дурдом!
Shadow Skill: Secret of the Kurudan Style
The story takes place in warrior kingdom where a deadly martial art called Shadow Skill is practiced to defend the continued existence of the kingdom. Dreaming of becoming an invincible warrior one day, like the legendary warrior named Scar Face who has defeated 2,000 opponents, the boy named Cau Ban trains hard with his older adopted sister Elle who has mastered Shadow Skill. A deadly combat breaks out when a rouge pack of intruders suddenly assaults the castle to steal a box that contains a secret...
Железные дороги Дикого Запада
Спустя несколько лет после окончания войны Севера и Юга в Америке все еще неспокойно: разбитые конфедераты объединяются с бандитами и сводят счеты с победителями-северянами, охотясь за золотом и боеприпасами. В те времена путешествия по железным дорогам стоили жизни многим мирным жителям. Судьба сводит в одном поезде очень разных людей: капитана Спенсера, героя Гражданской войны, молодую наследницу Элис, медсестру Джейн, певицу Хелен, фермершу Каролину и даже двух феминисток – юную Маргарет, которая мечтает пойти по стопам отца и стать шерифом, и женщину-снайпера, загадочную Ролу. Перегон до Саншайн Хилл будет полон самых драматических событий...
Paul Rusch: His Life and Dream
Dr. Uematsu Kikue (voice)
An animated film about Paul Rusch, an American missionary who helped build churches, schools, hospitals in Japan and overall helped improve life in rural areas of Japan along with soothing post-WW2 relations between the two countries.
Диоксиновое лето
В этом аниме, основанном на реальных событиях, сюжет разворачивается вокруг итальянского города Севезо, где 10 июля 1976 года произошла ужасная техногенная катастрофа. Компания подростков пытается выяснить, к чему приведут последствия утечки диоксинов — одних из самых токсичных веществ на планете.
Mon Colle Knight: Legendary Fire Dragon
An alternative interpretation of the series' start.
Osamu Tezuka's Last Mystery of the 20th Century
Pinoko (voice)
Osamu Tezuka is going to a 21st Century new year's party with all the characters he made. One thing leads to another and he ends up missing! It's up to his most popular characters to find out what happened to him and get him back safely before the rest of the guests show up.
Black Jack: Capital Transfer To Heian
World famous surgeon Black Jack meets a family with a strange predicament...their grandma is constantly demanding money. They struggle to deal with this beligerent elderly woman whose motives are shrouded in mystery. But when her medical problems come into play, Black Jack and his adoptive daughter-slash-assistant Pinoko are ready to operate!
Тэнти - лишний! (фильм третий)
Устав от перебранок Рёко с Аэкой, Тенти убегает в храм Мисаки, дабы хоть немного насладиться покоем. Но после таинственной встречи в лесу неподалёку от храма пропадает в неизвестном направлении. Рёко и Аэка сразу же бросаются на поиски. И вот, спустя шесть месяцев безуспешных поисков они всё-таки наконец находят Тенти. Всё это время он находился в ином мире с незнакомой женщиной. Вся беда в том, что герои не имеют ни малейшего представления, ни как попасть в тот мир, ни кто эта таинственная незнакомка, похитившая их ненаглядного. Да ещё и сам Тенти, как назло, потерял память и ничего не помнит о своём прошлом. В конце концов героям удаётся найти путь в мир, где пребывает Тенти. Но получится ли у них спасти его и вернуть ему память?
Тэнти — лишний! Канун летнего солнцестояния
В один из погожих летних дней пред Тенти внезапно предстаёт девушка, Маюка. Что ещё более странно, она утверждает, что является его дочерью. Кто же её мать? Откуда она пришла? С какой целью появилась здесь и сейчас? Пока самый гениальный учёный во вселенной, Васю пытается найти ответы на все эти вопросы, девушкам приходится привыкать к новой сожительнице. Позднее выясняется, что её появление отнюдь не случайно и что сама жизнь Тенти теперь под угрозой. Как оказывается за всем стоит таинственный демон Юзуха. И вот снова Тенти предстоит бороться со злом ради спасения своей жизни. Но так ли просто одолеть столь могущественного демона?
Вечная семейка
Akiko (voice)
Всё началось с очень амбициозного социального эксперимента. Специальный научно-исследовательский институт собирал людей разных возрастов и полов, оказавшихся на обочине общества, и по особой технологии проводил им промывку мозгов, в ходе которой с помощью гипноза подопытным внушалось, что они - семья. Подопытные, лишённые прошлого и будущего, просто вели обычную будничную жизнь, нисколько не подозревая, что ими кто-то манипулирует. Для них это закрытое помещение было естественным жизненным пространством, а о внешнем мире они не имели ни малейшего понятия. С оскудением бюджета проект продали коммерческому телевидению для трансляции в качестве реалити-шоу, моментально ставшего невероятно популярным. Семейка оказалась столь экстравагантной, а поведение её членов столь уморительно, что день и ночь тысячи людей не отходили от телеэкранов. Но однажды случилось неожиданное..
Медицинские карты Чёрного Джека
Pinoko (voice)
Внезапно по всему миру начинают появляться люди, необычайно талантливые в спорте, искусстве и науках. Этих гениев общественность называет сверхлюдьми. Джо Кэрол Брейн настойчиво пытается нанять доктора Чёрного Джека, чтобы в тайне от мира лечить сверхлюдей, поскольку у каждого из них по прошествии нескольких лет, после внезапного появления таланта, начинаются серьёзные проблемы со здоровьем, приводящие в конечном счёте к летальному исходу. Сумеет ли доктор Чёрный Джек найти лекарство к доселе неизвестному заболеванию?
Искусство тени
Faurinkmeier Plasmatizer
Под благословенным богами летающим городом Юлианнесом широко раскинулись четыре Великие Страны, славные своими магами и воителями. Но всем известно, что в искусстве поединка нет равных жителям королевства Куруда, которое за 2000 лет ни разу не уступило врагу. Лишь раз в поколение среди обитателей воинственной земли рождается тот, кто достоин титула Севар – то есть «божественный боец». Но ныне творится неслыханное: в битвах и интригах сошлись сразу пятеро великих мастеров – от 55-го Севара, короля Куруды Ибы Стола до 59-го Севара, юной Эль Рагу, единственной женщины, удостоенной этого звания. Любой знающий человек поймет – теперь нас ждут великие и ужасные перемены… Данная OVA повествует о взаимоотношениях 59-го Севара, юной Элле Рагу (единственной женщины, удостоенной этого звания) c её названым младшим брате Гау Бане, а также открывает тайну происхождения Школы Теней.
Idol Fighter Su-Chi-Pai II
Sanae Makieda (voice)
A bunny alien, a maid-dominatrix, a cyborg, a magical girl, and a transforming super hero set out to vanquish a set of monsters to retrieve a set of magical Mahjong tiles known as the Pai - these ancient artifacts will grant the one who gathers them a wish, and these girls aren't going to let anything stand in their way - monsters, or each other!
Тэнти - лишний! (фильм первый)
Ужасный космический пират Кэйн сбегает из тюрьмы и разрушает штаб-квартиру Галактической Полиции. Для того, чтобы Дзюраи не смогла ему помешать, Кэйн возвращается в 1970 год, чтобы убить мать Тенти еще до его рождения. Тенти со своей компанией должны отправиться в прошлое, чтобы помешать Кэйну, пока Тенти не перестал существовать.
Compiler Festa
Compiler and Assembler have been given 3 days to return the the 2-D world. If they do not return the council has sworn to destroy it. How will the they spend their last days on earth. Will they be able to confess their love. If only things were that simple. Now a mysterious character is eliminating other individuals from the 2-D world. Can Compiler and Assembler stop this new fiend and be together with those they love.
Crayon Shin-chan: Unkokusai's Ambition
A time traveler claims that bad guys are trying to change the past! Shin-chan is on the case, going back in time to defeat the evil Lord Unkokusai.
Assembler (voice)
When a world of 2-D beings discovers the existence of our universe, they send a team of beautiful Domni-Matrixes into our world to prepare it for total integration. However, once liberated from their flat and dreary 2-D existence, Compiler and Assembler quickly discovered that cybersex with a couple of 3-D guys is a lot more fun than world conquest.
Tenchi Muyou! The Night Before the Carnival
Mihoshi Kuramitsu (voice)
A few days after Kagato is defeated everything returns to normal. Ryouko finds Mihoshi and Sasami reading shoujo manga, which Sasami mistakes as guides on how to win a boy's heart... Earth style. So Ryouko decides to try out the ideas from the manga to win over Tenchi. But Aeka finds out what her rival Ryouko is doing and tries to take advantage of the same method. Naturally, the results are less than satisfactory for all involved...
Minky Momo in the Bridge Over Dreams
Flower Girl (voice)
A bridge's legend tells that when two people meet on it, they will surely meet again. Momo meets a boy who doesn't believe the legend, and promises that she will meet him again to prove it. As the year passes, she comes every day to wait for him, and becomes a small part of many people's lives.
Desert Rose
Lynn (voice)
Mariko, codenamed "Rose Marie", is a leader of an anti-terrorism group, CAT (Counter Attack Terrorism). She lost her husband and son in a terrorist bomb attack at an airport. Also suffering injuries in the blast, she was left with a scar that looked like a rose flower on her chest. A secret summit conference is due to be held in Switzerland, with Marie's team deployed as security. However, it becomes clear terrorists have already made a move to sabotage the meeting...
Eternal Filena
The story is centered around Filena, a princess who was raised as a boy after her kingdom was conquered.
Chibi Maruko-chan: My Favorite Song
Sakiko Sakura (voice)
Momoko's teacher asks the third grade to draw a picture based on their favorite song, to enter in a contest. She picks a song she's recently become fond of during music class, and is anxious to make a good drawing based on it. On her way to meet relatives in Shizuoka, Momoko meets Shoko Kimura, a university student who occasionally draws portraits and plans to participate in an art contest. Momoko and Shoko become close friends, and end up inspiring each other both in their own ways.
After School Tinker Bell
Misako Watanabe (voice)
A member of the school broadcasting club suddenly disappears and rumors point towards a student who died in the previous year. His mysterious last message said that he would become Peter Pan. Kenichi and Misako, two friends of the missing girl's boyfriend, find themselves completely wrapped up in this puzzling case.
Aki (voice)
Takatou Masaki is the second youngest of four sons, and seemingly a delinquent by nature. His hot temper has put a wedge between himself and his strict father, gotten him kicked out of one school, and tossed him at a school notoriously horrible for the one thing he's truly good at, basketball. A chance encounter with the willful Yuuki Kanako may serve as a catalyst for change, as the indefinable connection she feels with him draws them together...
Dragon Knight
Magic swords, damsels in distress... and an instant camera? It's cold steel and hot babes as our morally impaired young knight must rescue multiple damsels in distress imprisoned in an enchanted castle by an army of demons. Pausing only for a quick click of his trusy camera's shutter, the young lasses struggle to cover their lithesome charms. Yea, the shining spirit of chivalry has never been so disgraced as by this knave in his ebdless search for fast gold and faster women.
Yokohama Meibutsu Otoko Katayama Gumi!
When a number of biker gangs ranging from small to large started to appear in Yokohama, Hiromi Katayama united them at the risk of his own life. Set in the present, this OAV tells the story of Toshi Ikeda, a young rookie who returns to Yokohama to join Katayama's group. There, he will encounter an old friend and things will turn violent when the yakuza gang Mad Emperor attacks them.
Stardust Paradise
A high school student's father re-enters his life and brings along his famous new wife and daughter.
Ariel Deluxe
Aya Kishida (voice)
Those incompetent aliens are still plotting to conquer the Earth! The only obstacle in their path is the giant, feminine robot ARIEL! But the young pilots have lives of their own... When Kazumi receives a mysterious love letter from a secret admirer, should she cancel her first date just to save the Earth?
Sword for Truth
Mio (voice)
Shurannosuke Sakaki is a masterless samurai with a razor-sharp katana and a cold-hearted personality. Whenever you see the mark of two crossed scythes on his back, death is sure to follow. Because of his exceptional swordsmanship, Shurannosuke is hired by the Nakura Clan to rescue Princess Mayu from the Seki Ninja. In this mission, he must use his full potential to survive the Seki Ninja's notorious henchmen.
Chibi Maruko-chan
Sakiko Sakura (voice)
Chibi Maruko chan is the nickname of a sweetly obnoxious 9-year-old girl. She tricks her grandfather, ponders for hours over how to spend her allowance, and hates sitting next to ugly boys. She talks, feels and lives just as real kids do. As the second term commences, Maruko and her classmates return to their small groups. Maruko’s group includes two naughty boys and Maruko is forced to be one of their subordinates. She seems to face a lot of pressure at school.
The Demonic Beast Front
13 scientists seek to tap genetic powers by creating a hybrid of man and beast. Years later, 13 of their children are embroiled in a battle to undo their handiwork, while Shinichi, the son of one of the scientists, teams up with Christian super-beings to save the world.
Marina Takasugi
Legendary boxer Keijiro Akagi's second son, Eiji, is a high school dropout and the world's worst rock guitarist. Though his father and elder brother are both boxers, he hates the sport but suddenly takes an interest in it when he meets the local champion's little sister.
Milky Passion: Dougenzaka - The Castle of Love
Hiromi (voice)
An attractive owner of a love hotel falls in love with her handsome manager.
St. Michael Academy
Reborn as a woman named Aiko, the soldier rises as the military leader of a new crusade, successfully unites the world, and abolishes all religion. Haunted by memories of a past life, Aiko travels backward in time and finds herself caught in an incredible battle to save the future.
Lightning Trap: Leina & Laika
Reina Haruka
In present day Tokyo, traveling has never been more comfortable than aboard the Lightning L808, Japan's new luxury passenger plane. One day, on what seemed to be a routine flight, Haruka Leina and the plane's passengers were unaware of the mysterious and top secret cargo brought aboard, which attracted the attention of international terrorists set on obtaining it. Now, with a dangerous hostage situation at hand, only special agent Laika Strange and brave Leina may be able to save the passengers, and keep the deadly cargo from falling into the wrong hands...
Gall Force: Earth Chapter
Anne (voice)
After the completion of Operation Exodus,the Earth-based forces must survive long enough for the Mars re-inforcements. During this time, Sandy Newman and her squad face a challenge to their military training in the form of a quasi-religious group called Geo Chris which endeavours to make the Earth green once more. Unknown to them, the plans Mars have drawn up will kill the machines and the forces fighting against them.
Гайвер: Биоусиленная броня
Mizuki Segawa (voice)
История повествует о жизни обычного японского школьника по имени Cё Фукамати, случайно нашедшего блок био-брони, сделавший его почти всесильным и почти неуязвимым. Корпорация Кронос, желая заполучить данный артефакт и имея практически неограниченные возможности, начинает прибегать к самым изощренным мерам, дабы вернуть то, что принадлежит им по праву.
Angel Cop
Freya (voice)
In the late twentieth century, the Secret Security Force was formed to stop the actions of the communist terrorist group known as the Red May. Angel, a beautiful, yet cold woman, has recently joined the small anti-terrorist group. But her first mission will be a true test of skill, for members of the Red May are being found dead, murdered by gruesome methods. Who is causing these murders? And why? Written by Chuck "Dark-Side" Williamson
Heaven Wars Shurato
ARIEL: All Round Intercept & Escort Lady
Aya Kishida (voice)
The Earth is being invaded by aliens. Fortunately, the aliens are so concerned about budgets and the cost of the invasion that they haven't succeeded yet. To defend the Earth, Dr Kishida has designed ARIEL, a giant robot shaped in the likeness of a woman with body-armor. Unfortunately, he has selected his relatives (his grand-daughters Aya and Kazumi Kishida, and his niece Mia Kawai) to be the pilots, and they are far more interested in their own lives.
Йома: Посланцы царства тьмы
Kotone (voice)
Ниндзя-воин Хикагэ одинок. Ему приходиться проникнуть в истинный земной ад, чтобы предотвратить пришествие страшенных порождений темного царства под названием Йомы. В период жесточайшей гражданской войны, в то время как дела смертных проявляются более страшно, нежели козни демонов, именно он принимается защищать людей. Его жизнь не знает покоя и любви. Он занят только вечной гонкой за бывшим своим товарищем Маару, который из простого человека перевоплотился в одержимого посланца темного царства. Также он занят противостоянием нечисти, которая сумела прорваться в наш мир. Но как будут развиваться события, если Хикагэ доведется с противником повстречаться лицом к лицу. Получиться ли у него противостоять искушению бессмертием или властью?
Rhea Gall Force
The last remaining human soldiers of a devastated Earth fight against the machines for one last chance for their species to escape and survive.
Война на Венере
В XXI веке человечество развивается в двух мирах. После столкновения ледяного астероида с Венерой на этой планете стало возможным терраформирование. Земные колонисты укротили враждебный мир, и вот уже четвертое поколение людей живет на Венере, но человек принес сюда и свою темную сторону. Скоро Венера вновь станет враждебной. Это история Хиро Сэно, безрассудного мотоциклиста, ставшего непосредственным свидетелем первой атаки иштарцев на его родную страну Афродию. Хотя парень и ненавидит междоусобицы, ему всё-таки приходится сражаться на передовой ради мирного будущего.
Leina Stol in Wolf Sword Legend
Leina Stol / Reina Haruka
Leina Stol is incarnated as Reina Haruka, a Japanese schoolgirl. As the story progresses, she meets up with Rod Drill, Blue Jet, Triple Jim, and Rom, all of whom are now human.
Space Family Carlvinson
Beruka (voice)
After hitting a passing spaceship and causing it to crash, a troupe of aliens and robots rescue the only survivor. It is a human baby named Corona that they decide to raise on their own, using the data they retrieved from the computer to mimic the life she would have had on Earth.
Gall Force 3: Stardust War
Spea (voice)
The remaining forces of the Solnoid and the Paranoid races now head toward Sigma Narse, a forgotten star system with a dying red giant for their final confrontation. The crew of five Solnoids who survived the battle at the ninth star system are sent to meet Capt. Nebulart, head of Intelligence, for what appears to be the last hope for both races.
Ten Little Gall Force
Spea (voice)
A super deformed parody which depicts the "making of " Eternal Story and Destruction. A very humorous behind-the-scenes look (if "Gall Force" were a live-action series instead of being animated).
Zillion: Burning Night
Apple (voice)
In the 24th century, on the war-torn planet Maris the conniving Queen Adama abducts Apple, a member of an heroic trio known as the White Knights, and imprisons her in the infamous Zone. Even though no one has ever returned alive from the Zone — and despite the low ammo at their disposal — the other knights follow their companion. What they find there, however, is an enigmatic figure with a mind-bending revelation...
Мой сосед Тоторо
Ryoko (voice)
Сестры Сацуки и Мэй переезжают вместе с папой в деревенский дом. Однажды девочки обнаруживают, что по соседству с ними живут лесные духи — хранители леса во главе со своим могущественным и добрым повелителем Тоторо. Постепенно Тоторо становится другом девочек, помогая им в их повседневных приключениях.
Mobile Suit SD Gundam
Sarah Zabiarov
A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.
High School Agent
Teenager Kanemori Kousuke is a secret agent for the international VN spy network. Using his computer hacking skills, he tracks international criminals. Later he goes after Neo-Nazis to the Arctic were they try to raise a U-boat with a sinister secret.
Gall Force 2: Destruction
Spea (voice)
The war between Solnoids and Paranoids continues, but the conflict reaches a new height as both races complete their Planet Destroyers. This new technology wipes out several star systems leaving only the ninth star system undamaged. As both races head towards it, a Solnoid ship finds Lufy, an attacker cryogenically preserved inside an assault trooper among space debris. Reawakened, Lufy is invited to join a group of Solnoids who are set to complete the original secret mission of her former crew.
The Samurai
Atsuko Yamaguchi
Sixteen-year-old high school student Takeshi Chimatsuri has devoted his life to being a master samurai like his father was. Then one day, the Toki twins, two ninja sisters he's known since childhood, transfer to his school and issue him a challenge to take back their family dagger from him. Unfortunately for him, they have discovered his one weakness: the fear of the naked female body. Now, Takeshi must undergo special training from his classmates Atsuko and Torai, and his teacher Miss Ayatsugi to resist the combined brute strength of Akari and the temptation of her sex-crazed twin Kagiri. Class will never be in order with these three constantly fighting each other.