Girl Getting Lola's Autograph at Table (uncredited)
A glamorous film star rebels against the studio, her pushy press agent and a family of hangers-on.
When Cap's back pension finally comes in, he treats the gang to a day at an amusement park.
Банда идёт на цирковое представление, чтобы навестить дядю Дики и Спанки, ошибочно полагая, что он «Дикий человек из Борнео».
While the rest of the gang goes fishing, Spanky gets stuck babysitting.
Патрульный офицер полиции замечает детей в парке развлечений. Они пытаются убежать от него.
Дикки устраивает вечеринку по случаю дня рождения, чтобы попытаться собрать деньги, чтобы купить маме подарок на день рождения.
Stymie takes Dickie for a ride in his runaway car and cures his stiff neck.
Банда, играя в пожарных, натыкается на настоящий пожар.
Банда пытается спасти Пити от ловца собак.
The gang trades places with a group of orphans about to take a train ride.
Dorothy/Little Eva
While staging a play, Spanky finds his father's hiding place for the family "fortune."
Дети помогают поймать семью воров.
Tired of going to school, Breezy comes up with a plan to get himself expelled.
The Gang plays hooky from school so they can listen to the tall tales of a friendly sea captain.
Жадный мужчина пытается избавиться от своей матери, поместив её в дом престарелых, пока не обнаруживает, что у неё целое состояние на сертификатах акций.
Wheezer and Stymie, door-to-door salesmen, meet a lonely little rich girl.
У Нормы Ширер на балу украли жемчужное ожерелье. Детектив принимается искать пропажу, опрашивая всех подряд кинозвёзд.
Фарина планирует прощальную вечеринку для Стайми, поскольку власти готовятся поместить его в приют.
Miss Crabtree, the teacher Jackie has a crush on, rents a room at Jackie's house.
Baby-Sitter (uncredited)
Mickey overhears the gang rehearsing a play and thinks it's real.
Бабушка детей принимает решение продать свой магазин, но не может решить, кому его продать. Дети пытаются ей помочь.
The schoolchildren lost their last teacher because she got married and quit her job. When the brother of their teacher Miss Crabtree comes to visit, the children mistake him for a suitor. The children tell abominable lies about Miss Crabtree to try to discourage the man. Meanwhile, one of the children is selling answers to the upcoming oral exam. Unfortunately for the students, the young entrepreneur used a book of minstrelsy and blackface as his source for the "answers".
Джеки готовит серию сложных шуток для своего нового учителя.
Child (uncredited)
Part of a gold shipment has been stolen and the Sergeant suspects Louis LeBey. When Louis is attracted to newly arrived Nedra Ruskin, Woolie-Woolie becomes jealous and tells the Sergeant where Louis hid the gold. First Louis rescues the Sergeant whose dog team crashes chasing him and then he saves Nedra from an avalanche. When he returns the injured Nedra to the settlement, the Sergeant takes him prisoner.
The gang decides to enter their animals in a local pet show.
A young writer, John Hale, inherits a fortune and moves into an alleged-haunted castle with his servant "Rusty." He discovers the 'hauntee' to be Countess von Baden, hiding in a secret chamber with her son, whom the court has awarded to her divorced husband.
For generations, Our Gang comedies have been enjoyed by millions of fans the world over. Now, celebrate the 100th anniversary of this iconic and beloved film series .
In 1922, producer Hal Roach introduced the kiddie troupe known as “Our Gang” to theater audiences and kicked off one of the most popular and prolific franchises in the field of short subjects, with 220 one- and two-reel comedies released over a twenty-two year period.
This 6-disc set is a must-have for any true Our Gang fan.