Bernard Wrigley

Рождение : , Bolton, Lancashire, England, UK


From starting in folk clubs as a child bride, and then writing & performing at the Octagon theatre in Bolton, the career has always combined singing and acting. From TV programmes and films such as Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Phoenix Nights, Dinnerladies, Alan Bennett films, Brassed Off, My Son The Fanatic & Steve Coogan’s Coogan’s Run, to the many radio plays and programmes presented or guested upon, there has throughout been a steady stream of LPs and CDs - eighteen to date, the early ones all now remastered to CD.


Harold Shipman: Doctor Death
Market Trader
James Bolam portrays serial killer Dr. Harold Shipman in this made-for-TV drama. The film follows the story of Shipman, a general practitioner who throughout his career is believed to have killed as many as 250 of his patients. When the high death rate of his practice was investigated, it was discovered that he had given lethal doses of diamorphine to a vast number of his patients. He was put on trial where he was convicted of 15 murders and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Bike Group Leader
Стив Гарден — самый бестолковый служитель закона в мире! После позорного увольнения с поста надзирателя нашего «доблестного» стража порядка ждет новое назначение — в полицию Манчестера. В один из первых дней службы Стив становится свидетелем жестокого убийства. И, что самое страшное, — преступление хладнокровно совершил ведущий инспектор полиции. Как быть? К счастью, чувство справедливости офицера Гардена одерживает победу над его несовершенствами. Стив решает усадить злодея за решетку. Но для того, чтобы самый уважаемый сыщик города и коррумпированный бандит в одном флаконе предстал перед судом, нужны весомые доказательства.
(Scenes Deleted)
Strayman, a spontaneous poet, is landlord to a pack of stray dogs. Unable to resist another of life's strays, he hooks up with Strumpet, a shy, homeless girl with an extraordinary gift for music. After Strayman's neighbour overhears them singing, the three set off for London - Strayman's dogs in tow - in search of fame, fortune, and Top Of The Pops.
Victoria Wood with All the Trimmings
The comedienne stars in this festive sketch show, alongside a host of celebrity guests.
My Son the Fanatic
Drunk man
Pakistani taxi-driver Parvez and prostitute Bettina find themselves trapped in the middle when Islamic fundamentalists decide to clean up their local town.
РОКовая музыка
Asphalt (voice)
The young druid Imp y Celyn comes to Ankh-Morpork to become a famous musician, but a new guitar from a mysterious shop possesses him with a new kind of music - the Music with Rocks In. To make matters worse, Death, saddened by the death of his adopted daughter, has gone away to try and forget, and his granddaughter Susan suddenly has the family duty passed on to her.
Дело – труба
В маленьком городке на севере Англии закрывается шахта, единственное городское предприятие. Вместе с ней умрет и гордость горожан любительский духовой оркестр. У местных жителей остается одна призрачная надежда победа их любимцев в национальном чемпионате духовых оркестров. Но не веря в успех, музыканты готовятся «повесить трубы на гвоздь». И тут в городок возвращается Глория, внучка легендарного бывшего руководителя оркестра и первая любовь трубача Энди. Ее появление возрождает в мужчинах боевой дух
Rita, Sue and Bob Too
Rita and Sue are two teenagers living on a run-down council estate in Bradford, who both share a job babysitting for Bob and Michelle's children. Whilst giving them a lift home one night, Bob decides to take Rita and Sue up to a deserted, country-side landscape. Clearly knowing what he has in mind, Rita and Sue are only too happy to oblige and both have a sexual encounter with him that becomes a regular occurrence.
The Insurance Man
Franz, a young man, works in a dye factory in Prague. One day he notices a skin-rash, like eczema, growing on his hands. All attempts to treat it with ointment fail, and the rash gradually spreads over his body. After complaining to the management he is laid off work; his relationship with his fiancee is affected. In an attempt to get compensation from his former employers he goes to insurance firm Assicurazion Generali, where he encounters an enigmatic clerk called Kafka.
Частное торжество
1947 год. Рядовые англичане в первые годы после войны со своим строго установленным дневным рационом живут чуть ли не впроголодь, а уж о мясе, тем более беконе, могут только мечтать. Мясников и фермеров во избежание расцвета черного рынка строго контролируют власти. Но нет таких правил, которые нельзя обойти. Когда принцесса Елизавета собралась замуж, группа бизнесменов провинциального английского городка решает организовать торжество в честь королевской свадьбы, чтобы своей верноподданностью впечатлить (а может, подкупить) местные власти.
Afternoon Off
Lee, a Chinese man, works as a waiter in a hotel in England, despite speaking very little English. Told that a girl called Iris might be interested in him, on his afternoon off work he buys a box of chocolates and sets off to find her.
Me! I'm Afraid of Virginia Woolf
Mr Trickett
A repressed night-school teacher, secretly homosexual, struggles to cope with his demanding, eccentric mother.
Sunset Across the Bay
A married couple, after a life time of work and bringing up a family, retire and awaken to the fast changing world around them, the habitual nature of their relationship, and what they have left.
Speech Day
Arts Master
Speech Day is a bit of a laugh if you are not one of nature's prize-winners. But now that they've finished with school and school with them, what comes next for Ronnie, Wally and Rob?
A Day Out
Ernest Tetley
Alan Bennett's debut play for television follows the members of a Halifax cycling club, on an outing from Halifax to the ruins of Fountains Abbey. Set in the summer of 1911 and projects an idyllic vision of Edwardian England .
Roll On Four O'Clock
Compelling drama from screenwriter Colin Welland set in a city comprehensive school of low expectations and ambitions. Pupil Latimer does not conform to the macho culture and is labeled a homosexual, leading to bullying by both the pupils and some of the teachers.