Bernhard Frankfurter, a young Austrian filmmaker, follows the trails and roots of several German-speaking filmmakers who had been forced into exil by Hitler faschism. He interviewed prominent and less well-known artists who were forced to leave their (artistic) heimat because they were politically or racially no longer "acceptable"...
A documentary film in which the personal commitment of the filmmaker is purposely brought to the attention of the viewer.
A Russian emigrant sings in a Shanghai nightclub under the assumed name of Kay Murphy. All she dreams of is a peaceful life with her daughter Vera. But this is only a pipe dream as she has been forced by her former lover Ivan to work for a secret criminal organization, "The Black Dragon". Vera, who studies in a Hong Kong boarding-school, knows nothing about her mother's past. When Ivan, who is also Vera's father, resurfaces and blackmails Kay, the young woman is determined to fight back...
A story told with few words. We see a solitary man and a solitary woman, each alone with their thoughts. She is in the country, staring out a window. Nature is quiet, waiting for spring, trees are bare. He is in the city, walking from the docks, watching, somewhat aimless. She walks a country lane. Both are alone. She writes him a letter, offering an opportunity. Will he take it?
A story told with few words. We see a solitary man and a solitary woman, each alone with their thoughts. She is in the country, staring out a window. Nature is quiet, waiting for spring, trees are bare. He is in the city, walking from the docks, watching, somewhat aimless. She walks a country lane. Both are alone. She writes him a letter, offering an opportunity. Will he take it?
Группа контрабандистов прибывает морем на шлюпке, надеясь незаметно переправить свои товары через городские стены города. Для этой цели они хотели воспользоваться проломом в стене, который охраняет офицер Дарн Хосьери, однако попытка с ним договориться не увенчалась успехом, после чего они вынуждены были переправить тюки с контрабандой в свой лагерь в горах. Их подруга Кармен, узнав про препятствие в виде офицерского поста, обещает, что сумеет им помочь, соблазнив Дарна, громогласно заявляя: «Каждый человек может быть подкуплен чем-нибудь. Поскольку все вы беспомощны, предоставьте мне дона Хосе. Я отдам вам этого неподкупного офицера, связанным по рукам и ногам, — любовью».