Andrew Jackson


Годзилла против Конга
Video Assist Operator
Конг и группа учёных отправляются в опасное путешествие в поисках родного дома гиганта. Среди них девочка Джия, единственная, кто умеет общаться с Конгом. Неожиданно они сталкиваются с разъярённым Годзиллой, разрушающим всё на своём пути. Битва двух титанов, спровоцированная неведомыми силами — лишь малая часть тайны, спрятанной в недрах Земли.
Chicago Story
Director of Photography
A pair of cops, a pair of doctors, and a pair of lawyers examine a crime — the wounding of a ten-year-old girl by a sniper — from three different angles in this pilot to the short-lived series.
A Shining Season
Director of Photography
The true story of University of New Mexico track star John Baker who, dying of cancer, spent his remaining time coaching a losing girls' track team to a winning season.
The New Maverick
Director of Photography
Gambling brothers Bret (James Garner) and Bart Maverick (Jack Kelly) are, as usual, hot on the trail of a fast buck.
Lanigan's Rabbi
Director of Photography
In this pilot film, an Irish Catholic police chief and a Jewish rabbi join together to solve the murder of a housekeeper whose body was discovered by the front entrance of the rabbi's synagogue.
Huckleberry Finn
Director of Photography
Huckleberry Finn, a rambuctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.
The Sky's the Limit
Director of Photography
A family is thrown into turmoil when a grandson convinces his grandfather to teach him to fly.
Big Rose: Double Trouble
Director of Photography
Rose Winters, a private detective out of Los Angeles, teams with Ed Mills, a somewhat inexperienced young detective, to find out who is blackmailing a wealthy contractor.
I Love You... Goodbye
Director of Photography
A suburban wife begins to resent the pressures she sees society putting on her as a wife and mother, and leaves her family to find the meaning of her life.
Не бойся темноты
Director of Photography
Салли Фарнэм с мужем переезжает в родовое викторианское поместье, где несколько лет никто не жил. В подвале девушка обнаруживает прекрасный камин, замурованный кирпичной кладкой, а дверца для уборки пепла оказывается надёжно запечатанной. Плотник говорит, что сделал это по просьбе прежней хозяйки дома, бабушки Салли, и уверяет, что новым хозяевам стоит оставить всё как есть. Но любопытство девушки берёт верх, и она откручивает винты дверцы, тем самым выпуская на волю жутких демонических существ.
The Girls of Huntington House
Director of Photography
An unmarried teacher in a school for unwed mothers finds herself becoming too emotionally attached to her students and their problems.
Michael O'Hara the Fourth
Director of Photography
The name Michael O'Hara has become synonymous with law enforcement. There have been three generations of Michael O'Haras and all have been exemplary policemen. When Michael O'Hara III's child was born he was told that they would not be able to have any more children, and there has always been a Michael O'Hara, so he named his child Michael O'Hara IV despite the fact that she is a girl. Now Mike has a tendency to get involved with police matters and not always with good results, which annoys her father. And despite being told repeatedly to stay out of it, she continues her amateurish detective activities.
San Francisco International
Director of Photography
This pilot for the TV series stars Pernell Roberts as Jim Conrad, who runs an airport, much to the chagrin of his boss, "his way." In this, two plots run - a kid whose parents are splitting up decides to take off in a little red prop plane (and Conrad talks him down), and thieves played by the handsome Tab Hunter and his truly ugly sidekicks try to steal a money shipment. Roberts was replaced by Lloyd Bridges when the show went to series.
Death of a Gunfighter
Director of Photography
In the turn-of-the century Texas town of Cottownwood Springs, marshal Frank Patch is an old-style lawman in a town determined to become modern. When he kills drunken Luke Mills in self-defense, the town leaders decide it's time for a change. That ask for Patch's resignation, but he refuses on the basis that the town on hiring him had promised him the job for as long as he wanted it. Afraid for the town's future and even more afraid of the fact that Marshal Patch knows all the town's dark secrets, the city fathers decide that old-style violence is the only way to rid themselves of the unwanted lawman.
Дантист на диком западе
Джесс Хэйвуд, выпускник медицинского колледжа в Филадельфии, в 1870 году отправляется на Дикий Запад, где собирается бороться со стоматологическим невежеством населения. Тем временем знаменитой грабительнице Пенелопе по прозвищу Плохая Пенни полиция гарантирует помилование, если она выдаст своих сообщников, других знаменитых грабителей. Пенни примечает простофилю дантиста, женит его на себе, а затем, путем переодевания превращает его в различных легендарных личностей, чье имя гремит на Диком Западе. Дантист меняет профессию и превращается в вольного стрелка.