Hubert Daix


The Marriage of Mademoiselle Beulemans
Suzanne Beulemans's fiancé, Séraphin Meulenmeester, once tells her that he has... a mistress and a... son! The bad news falls rather well though given that Suzanne has developed a fondness for Albert Delpierre, a young Frenchman who has come to Brussels to study the brewing methods of her father. She decides to break up amicably but Séraphin does not dare admit it to his father, who becomes angry with the Beulemanses. Suzanne's uncle, a vicar, tries to settle the whole thing but the coronation of King Albert I gives rise to renewed resentment. Suzanne finally finds the way to solve the problem: she takes Meulenmeester apart, reminds him of his own misconduct when he was a young man, asks him to forgive Séraphin while her own father accepts Albert as his son-in-law.
Gold Smugglers
A band of traffickers seeks to infiltrate among smugglers on the Franco-Belgian border. Josée, a superb girl, is the mistress of Gueule en or, one of the smugglers.
Cavalcade of Love
Cavalcade D'Amour is divided into three sections, each depicting a romance occurring within the walls of the Chateau de Champs. Legend has it that whoever marries in the Chateau is doomed to an unhappy life. This proves to be the case in 1639 and 1839, but the heroine of the 1939 segment, Corinne Luchaire, is determined to break the jinx. She is convinced that she will prove an unsuitable bride for Claude Dauphin, and he is likewise convinced that he will turn out to be an inadequate groom. But the couple's respective families will not be dissuaded, and the marriage takes place as scheduled? with unexpectedly happy results!
Human Freight
1915, in invaded Belgium, the Germans seek in vain to dismantle the organization of the smugglers of men who help volunteers to cross the Dutch border.
Lovers and Thieves
Claude, son of a ruined family, pretends to be a dangerous trickster in order to get credit from the guys in the middle. He is in charge of retrieving compromising letters from a woman whose lover fears blackmail. But before arriving there, Claude fortunately meets love.
Le champion de ces dames
Production Manager
Le champion de ces dames
Mam'zelle Spahi
Le gérant
Two mistresses snubbed by their respective lovers crash a military ball and their lovers then resort to an unusual strategy to win them back.
Van der Tomb
Dr. Holk leads an isolated and lonely existence in a small, Dutch colony in the tropics. Having fled from love and civilization, his only companions now are alcohol and his work, which takes him to villages ravaged by dirt, fever and a strange illness which turns innocent people into madmen: Amok. One day, he is called on by Helene Haviland, who asks him to abort her lover's child before her husband returns from abroad. Even though Holk is enchanted by her seductive beauty, he haughtily refuses her request. Rejected, the woman turns to a Chinese practitioner. When Holk tracks her down in a dirty dive, it's already too late for the two of them.
Le fakir du Grand Hôtel
Démonio the fakir has impressed a rich but weak-willed young man who hires him as an energy teacher. Demonio drags out the businesses of the shy lover, but his partner arranges everything and the finally satisfied lover endows the two accomplices who renounce fakirism.
Cette nuit-là
Les surprises du sleeping
The innkeeper
Prince Philippe of Bracowa must join his fiancée by train. The young and pretty Gisèle is on the same train, for her too to join her fiancé.
Le gros lot
La margoton du bataillon
Désiré Chopin, hunter on foot and friend of François de Crecy, uses a thousand tricks to encourage the love between François and Gaby. Little Margoton is in love with Désire who disdains her. She becomes the darling of the battalion.
La fusée
The rise of a canning maker and then his abandonment of the factory because his ideal of social progress for his workers is undermined by the Board of Directors.
Le roi bis
The king of Puerto-Nero is so cowardly that he instructs Berlock Sholmes to find him a look-alike capable of assuming power. Leducq, a Parisian hawker, thus becomes king of Chimeria and the lover of the queen whom he also believes to be a double.
Красавица морячка
Капитан Пьер, его сестра Мик и его друг, матрос Сильвестр – вот и весь небольшой экипаж баржи «Баклан», не один год курсировавшей по каналам северо-восточной Франции. Однажды Пьер спасает тонущую девушку и вскоре, влюбившись в нее, ведет Маринетт под венец. Появление нового человека на борту не только изменило внешний облик баржи, которая теперь получила новое имя – «Красавица морячка», но и разрушило прежние отношения некогда дружной команды.
Le Bidon d'or
A hawker, pursued by the law, finds refuge in a garage and finds there a former comrade who has become a mechanic. As he looks like a car driver, he finds himself forced to sit behind the wheel of a car to participate in a race, but not knowing how to drive, he finds himself dead last.
Shout It from the House Tops
Mr. Adam
The son of a rich soap manufacturer gets himself in predicaments trying to prove to his father that he's responsible enough for marriage.
Mister Albert
Monsieur Albert is a very elegant and much-appreciated butler. One day he falls in love with a client, Sylvia Robertson, and follows her to a winter sports resort. Sylvia does not recognize him and imagines that he is related to a king who goes incognito.
Tossing Ship
Surprised by the fog, the ship Fraternité suffered significant damage. Therefore, an investigation must be carried out in order to determine the conditions under which the incident occurred. It falls to deputy Puy-Pradal who has just been appointed high commissioner of the navy: the latter, after his meeting with an actor, gradually forgets the mission entrusted to him.
The Night at the Hotel
In a palace on the Côte d'Azur, a whole fauna evolves: a colonel who cheats on his wife, the colonel's daughter who flirts with Fred, Fred's friend, Emmanuel, who is in love with Marion, and Marion who kills himself. believing that Emmanuel does not forgive him for having, out of idleness, yielded to Fred one day.
Paramount on parade
The Joker
The Road to Paradise
Maitre Dupont-Belleville
Willy, Kurt and Hans are broke, so they sell their car and open a filling station. Then they all fall in love for the same girl. Simultaneously filmed French version of the German musical, Die Drei Von Der Tankstelle.
The Sweetness of Loving
A young provincial engineer sends romantic stories he has written to a cousin in Paris, who claims them as his own work.The writer comes to the city and for a while gets even with his relative by having a fling with the man's wife.
The two worlds
The Shark
The best mistress
Ces dames aux chapeaux verts
A young couple go to the carnival. After some savage heavy petting they meet a sinister fakir who offers to sell them Truth for six sous. A set of uncanny events follow. At worst 'avant-gardist' in the extreme, at best the counterpart to Cœur Fidèle's 'fête foraine' sequence after the abolition of melodrama. Excellent black screen cutting and chaotic camera shaking characterize the style.
The Maelstrom of Paris
Story of a woman who thinks she prefers a life of glory on stage in Paris to life with her Scottish lord of a husband in his castle.
The Marriage of Mademoiselle Beulemans
Set in Brussels, where Suzanne Beulemans, the daughter of a rich brewer is promised to marry Séraphin Meulemeester, the son of a rival brewer. The young man and his father both seem particularly motivated by the dowry of the young fiancée. But Séraphin has a rival in Albert Delpierre, a young Frenchman who is learning brewery from Ferdinand Beulemans and who is discreetly enamoured with the young woman. Albert learns Séraphin's secret that he is having an affair with a worker and that they have had a child. He promises Séraphin that he will never reveal any of it to Suzanne, but she is told by Isabelle, her maid.
Mots croisés
M. Veudrot
Gribiche, a young boy whose mother is a war widow, gets adopted by a rich woman. She wants to turn him into a perfect gentleman, but soon he feels unhappy.
The Midnight Chimes
Van Hauten
The film is based on the bitter rivalry of two pigeon racers, Fred, the bell-ringer of Bruges and Neel, the fiancé of Fred's partially sighted sister. Following a major tournament, won by Neel's bird, Fred's resentment drives him to mount an attack upon his rival so ferocious that he believes he has killed him. Seized by remorse, he intends to throw himself from the belfry, but his disabled sister risks her own life to mount to the tower and try to save him.