Molly O'Haver

Molly O'Haver


Molly O'Haver


The Most Hated Woman in America
Costume Design
The true story of Madalyn Murray O'Hair -- iconoclast, opportunist, and outspoken atheist -- from her controversial rise to her untimely demise.
Dust Up
Costume Design
Dust Up is a kick ass action comedy served up by Ward Roberts and starring Amber Benson that will make you laugh, gasp and punch the person you're sitting ...
The Dead Inside
Costume Design
Wes and Fi are empty. While their love for each other burns strong, artistically their hearts have been locked in a box for years. Wes is a burned out photographer paying the bills by shooting weddings. Fi is the writer's-blocked author of a series of zombie novellas called, The Dead Survive.
Costume Design
Love presents many challenges to couples...but none so daunting as the one Justin faces with his girlfriend April...
Американское преступление
Set Costumer
Фильм основан на реальных событиях конца 60-х. Гертруда Банижевски, казалось бы, самая обыкновенная домработница, держит в заточении в подвале своего дома и истязает самыми изощренными способами девушку-тинейджера, так как оплата за содержание Сильвии не поступила вовремя.