Jef Aerts


My Name is Lidewij
Sound Mixer
In love with her city, the director takes us on a journey of exploration and encounters in the greater Brussels area. She lets herself be moved and offers us a breath of fresh air. A hymn to life and to Brussels!
Пациент Зеро
Sound Editor
В клинику пластической хирургии где-то в Восточной Европе приезжает бельгийка Элисон в сопровождении мамы, большой любительницы улучшать собственную внешность, и недотёпы-бойфренда Микаэля. В клинике царит пренебрежение врачебной этикой и гигиеной, а также втайне проводятся эксперименты со стволовыми клетками. К недовольству близких и удивлению персонала Элисон хочет уменьшить размер груди с G на B, и пока её готовят к операции, Микаэль находит и случайно высвобождает привязанную к каталке странную женщину с явными намерениями полакомиться человеческой плотью.
Sound Re-Recording Assistant
A young sailor inches towards an initiation and learns what it means to earn his first tattoo.
Sound Editor
A group of trainee wrestlers spurred on by the energy of Salvatore Bellomo (age 60) trains relentlessly in the back room of a café in the Borinage district (former mining region in Belgium). Tarzan, the Gigolo, Andynamite, Priscilla, La Rage, Eddie Dark... they all dream of becoming professional wrestlers, like their teacher. Salvatore fought with top wrestlers for more than 30 years, particularly within the prestigious WWF. Today, he has decided to bring his students to the U.S to follow the traces of his past. Waiting for the big day, they live out their passion together, sometimes taking foolish risks to satisfy the local audience and lay out their future.
Houses With Small Windows
Sound Editor
A portrait of an honour killing in the rural Kurdish Southeast of Turkey. 22-year-old Dilan pays for her forbidden love for a young man in a neighbouring village with her life. She has shamed the family and therefore must die at the hands of her own brothers. And as tradition will have it, the killing must be compensated.
High Heels, Low Tide
Sound Editor
Four girl friends in their late twenties go on a reunion weekend to the sea, to the house where they spent their teenage years. What should have been a convivial gathering deteriorates into an unavoidable personal and mutual confrontation. They understand that they must reassess their friendship and realize that their lives have changed for ever.