Arthur Earle


The Dark Star
Mr. Stull
A fabulous jewel known as the 'Dark Star' is stolen; a pastor's daughter gets involved, falling into the depths of a spy plot concerning war plans and fortifications...
Его брачная ночь
Клерк, лихо заправляющий делами аптеки и заправки, встречается с симпатичной девушкой Эллис, дело постепенно идет к свадьбе, но внезапно появляются конкуренты, стремящиеся отбить Эллис. Посыльный доставляет свадебное платье для примерки, но по ошибке надевает его сам, теперь все принимают его за Элис.
Помощник мясника
The Manager
В фильме рассказывается о соперничестве между толстым (Фатти) и тонким (Слим) за любовь хорошенькой Аманды, дочери владельца сельского магазина.
His Wife's Mistakes
Percy Dovewing aka R.U. Stout
Roscoe begins work on his new job as janitor of the Shortacre Building in New York. While performing his duties he enters the offices of a broker, I. Steele. The broker is out, but his wife, who knows that her husband expects a rich customer in with a check for $10,000 to close an option, mistakes Roscoe for this Mr. R.U. Stout of Showme, Missouri. Thinking to be of assistance to her husband in his business, Mrs. Steele is very affable and finally invites the supposed Mr. Stout to go to luncheon with her. Steele returns with the necessary papers and is told by his office boy that his wife has gone to a gay café with the new janitor.