Director of Photography
Terry is fighting abroad when a boy named Tony, who wants to be Terry's student, follows him despite his mother and Terry's wishes. When Terry Bogart is defeated by a foe more powerful than he's ever seen before, Terry falls into depression and turns to the bottle. While his friends go after this new foe Tony must restored Terry's faith... and once he realizes that only he can defeat this ruthless fiend.
Director of Photography
Terry Bogard's father was murdered by a man named Geese Howard for the purpose of retrieving a ancient manual on martial arts. When Terry grows up he is driven by hatred to avenge his father's death but must overcome this hatred if he is to complete his training on how to defeat Geese Howard.
Director of Photography
The movie tells the story of Melos, a Greek country man that gets arrested and accused of conspiracy against the king. He gets three days to travel to his sister's wedding while Selinentius (Selinae), a genius sculptor that Melos just met stays as a hostage. As opposed to Osamu Dazai's original story, Melos is here innocent of the conspiracy accusation.
Director of Photography
История повествует о жизни обычного японского школьника по имени Cё Фукамати, случайно нашедшего блок био-брони, сделавший его почти всесильным и почти неуязвимым. Корпорация Кронос, желая заполучить данный артефакт и имея практически неограниченные возможности, начинает прибегать к самым изощренным мерам, дабы вернуть то, что принадлежит им по праву.