Paul-Eerik Rummo


Üks pilk Betti Alverile
Over the years, Betti Alver rejected all attempts at capturing her personality, but the poet's poems remain. Respecting the beliefs of the poet, the authors of the film Paul-Eerik Rummo and Vallo Kepp focuse on his world of poetry.
The Master of Kõrboja
A farmer, recently released from prison, throws all his energy into improving his property so he can marry his beloved. But he's crippled in an accident and, anguished at the thought that he will no longer be man enough for her, decides to kill himself.
Poiss ja liblikas
A film about a boy who loves flowers and butterflies, based on a short story by Anton Hansen Tammsaar. In his thoughtless pursuit of the butterfly, he shatters all the flowers in his path.
На родину - в приход Паунвере, хутор Юлесоо («Заболотье») - возвращается из России Йоосеп Тоотс. В России он работал управляющим крупного помещичьего имения. Заработанные там деньги, а также знания и прогрессивный опыт ведения хозяйства Тоотс стремится потратить на то, чтобы сделать бедное отцовское хозяйство процветающим и доходным. На родине Тоотс встречает старых друзей Георга Адниэля Кийра и Арно Тали, в общем-то не изменившихся по характерам. Между Тоотсом и Кийром завязывается непримиримое соперничество за руку и сердце Теэле...
Черная кошка окрасила мир в черный цвет, а Жар-птица вернула земле и людям живые краски.
The Flight
A short Estonian animation about a man's desire to fly.
Endless Day
Among Tooming's filmic works, Endless Day provides perhaps the most eloquent material for investigating the radical renewal of visual and narrative form, as well as the shifting registers of spatio-social portrayals and critiques in Estonian cinema. It was banned in 1971 and ordered to be destroyed. However, the film was retained and restored in the 1990s.