Ramon is a kind person, he tries to do good things, but he is making them much worse. He is looking for that special person and ends up in Bucharest, were troubles are following him.
Лето 1937 года. Больной костным туберкулезом молодой человек двадцати с небольшим лет отправляется в санаторий на Чёрном море. Лечение состоит из болезненных уколов в позвоночник и необходимости много времени проводить в постели. Немного привыкнув в своему печальному положению, Эммануэль вдруг обнаруживает, что и внутри санатория есть своя жизнь.
Matters of the heart weave themselves into a love pentagon between five actors as they rehearse for a stage play in Bucharest's historic quarter.
Виртуальная любовь перестаёт радовать Тони и вот он решается шагнуть из интернета прямо в город, ухватившись за своего лучшего друга Дани. Вот так, два приятеля пересекаются с двумя подругами. И вроде обычный любовный квадрат, но в нём кроме Оаны, Даны, Тони и Дани оказались ещё и брокер, хакер, пиарщик, провайдер, таксист, кондитер и даже жиголо.
Nina, a former Miss of a province town currently unemployed, who has enough of her boring life with her husband, Cornel. She decides to kidnap Marinela, the bride of an local mobs wedding, in exchange of a huge ransom that hopefully will provide her a better life. Surprisingly enough the bride refuses to return to her disgusting husband and provokes a series of events very serious for her family, but hilarious for the movie.
Prison Doctor
The personal story of the young student Felix Goldschmidt, who finds himself arrested for a crime he does not understand, like his fellow prisoners, he believes at first that he the victim of a mistake. But Red Gloves is also a political story, describing how a totalitarian state imposes itself by fear, rooting out individuals almost randomly and demanding their submission. By cutting back to scenes from the old life of Felix, the author manages to achieve balance and contrast with the suffocating atmosphere of the prison. We are shown our hero as an idealistic young man, searching for love and fulfillment.