Irv Wyner


Horton Hears a Who!
Background Designer
In this story, Horton discovers there is a microscopic community of intelligent beings called the Who's living on a plant that only he can hear. Recognising the dangers they face, he resolves to keep them safe. However, the other animals around him think Horton has gone crazy thinking that there are such beings.
Сделка с дьяволом
Background Designer
Another in a series of Warner's economy cartoons featuring clips from previous Bugs Bunny-Yosemite Sam cartoons. After Sam is killed in each pursuit, he meets with the devil, who goads him into continuing to chase the bunny. Eventually, Sam balks and, donning a devil's outfit, tells the devil, "If you want him, you can get him yourself! I'm staying!"
His Better Elf
Background Designer
Woody Woodpecker lives in a slum, and is fed up with his bills, wishing aloud that he were rich. At that moment, a four-leaf clover appears in the floorboards, and transforms into a leprechaun woodpecker, which grants Woody three wishes. Woody immediately wishes for immense wealth, and he gets it-- by robbing a bank without realizing it. A police chase follows; will Woody escape, and what will his other two wishes be?
Три маленьких джазмена
Background Designer
Three hip, Little Pigs are travelling entertainers, moving from straw to wood, to brick nightclubs, playing swinging tunes for high-class, "with it" crowds, but an uncool Big Bad Wolf keeps intruding on their act with with his "corny horn" and uses it to blow their nightclubs down when they throw him out- until they are playing in their brick club and the Wolf tries a more drastic, explosive method for destroying the "House of Bricks".
Tugboat Granny
Background Designer
Tweety Bird and Granny are at the controls of a tugboat that Sylvester tries unsuccessfully to board.
Римский легионер
Background Designer
Yosemite Sam, as head of a Roman legion, is ordered by Emperor Nero to find a victim to toss to the lions, or else he'll be the victim. Sam meets up with Bugs Bunny and decides Bugs will make a good victim, but it's Sam and Nero who end up as lion food.
Быстрый Гонзалес
Background Designer
Второй мультфильм о приключениях отважного мышонка, персонажа серии «Луни Тьюнз». События разворачиваются на американо-мексиканской границе, которую охраняет кот Сильвестр. Пытаясь перехитрить его, группа мышей в сомбреро пытается выкрасть сыр из сыроварни. Но все отчаянные смельчаки попадают на обед к коту. Тогда они решают позвать на помощь «Быстрого Гонсалеса». В этот самый момент Спиди Гонсалес находится на карнавале, но услышав о бедственном положении товарищей, спешит на выручку.
A Kiddies Kitty
Background Designer
To escape a bulldog, Sylvester Cat allows himself to be adopted by a little girl. The little girl turns out to be rougher than the bulldog, though in her case it is entirely out of love.
Песчаные когти
Background Designer
Приключенческий мультфильм о вечном противостоянии голодного кота и его жертвы — канарейки. Птичка Твити вместе с хозяйкой, бабулей, отправляется на пляж. Старушка горит желанием примерить новый купальник и собирается провести на солнце целый день. Кот Сильвестр, который рыбачит на пирсе, замечает птичку в клетке и пытается добраться до нее. Но это не просто, поскольку во время прилива вокруг клетки Твити образовалась настоящая водная крепость. Сильвестр придумывает различные ухищрения, чтобы остаться сухим, но достичь цели.
Dr. Jerkyl's Hide
Background Designer
Two cockney canines chase Sylvester Cat into the lab of Dr. Jerkyl, where the cat drinks Hyde formula...
Fowl Weather
Background Designer
Granny is Tweety Bird's mistress on a farm. She assigns a bulldog named Hector to take care of Tweety while she's away. Sylvester Cat disguises himself as a scarecrow to sneak up on Tweety. Tweety runs into a chicken coop and is protected by a mother hen and an aggressive rooster. Hector, seeing that Tweety is gone and fearing Granny's wrath, paints Sylvester yellow and puts him in Tweety's cage to fool Granny. Tweety returns and makes like a cat since turnabout is fair play.
A Bird in a Guilty Cage
Background Designer
Sylvester Cat spots Tweety Bird in a display window of an after-hours department store and sneaks inside through a mail server chute. Tweety flees Sylvester by hiding in a hat pile and a doll house, evades the shots from a rifle Sylvester uses, and escapes in a vacuum tube. Tweety sends a dynamite stick through another tube, and Sylvester swallows it, thinking it is Tweety. The dynamite blows up inside Sylvester after the cat leaves the store and walks down the street.
Ain't She Tweet
Background Designer
Sylvester Cat discovers Tweety Bird in a pet store window. Tweety is taken to be delivered by truck to a new owner - Granny. Sylvester chases the delivery truck to Granny's home, where Granny has a huge, fenced-in area for her army of bulldogs. Sylvester makes several unsuccessful attempts to pass the dogs and reach Tweety inside Granny's house.
Background Designer
It's Christmas Day in the home of Granny, and her pet cat Sylvester delights at chasing her new Tweety Bird and takes fright at the bulldog unwrapped from under the tree.