Eduardo Noé


Hay que deshacer la casa
Camera Operator
Ana is a middle aged woman who many years ago decided to start a new life in Paris. Now she must return to her hometown after the death of her parents, since they have left her an inheritance. There she meets Laura, her only sister, with whom she has to share the money received and, especially, an old house located in the center of Guadalajara. Now, the two women will have to leave the differences and problems behind that have arisen in the past to catch up and recover the fraternal relationship. Written by lament
The Beasts' Carnival
Camera Operator
A hit man working for the Yakuza double crosses his employers and flees with a cache of diamonds from the latest heist. Injured and hiding in the mountain regions of Spain, with Japanese assassins in hot pursuit, he takes refuge in the home of a local doctor and his two daughters who nurse him back to health and hide him from his pursuers, taking drastic and murderous measures to protect him... for they have plans of their own in store for their current guest.
El gran secreto
Camera Operator
El gran secreto
El divorcio que viene
Camera Operator
...And the Third Year, He Resuscitated
Camera Operator
On November 20, 1978 a truck driver picks up a man on the road, that tells him to take him to Pardo's Palace. Soon, the truck driver begins to realize who this person is.
Morir de miedo
Camera Operator
The Cantabrians
Camera Operator
In this film Paul Naschy embodies the Roman general Agrippa Vipsanio in a fierce battle against the tribal leaders Cantabrians, Corocota. Fierce battles, gladiators fighting, adventure and intrigue in this film as in the Roman conquest of Hispania.
La familia bien, gracias
Camera Operator
Sequel to "The Great Family" and "Family and one more". A widower and the godfather of his 16 children, aged two, wistfully contemplate the past. The father was left alone in the family home, but loneliness overwhelms him so he decides to spend some time at home for each of their children, most of whom are married. But the experience ends up being disastrous.
Суббота, воскресенье и пятница
Camera Operator
Во всех трех сегментах главные герои попадают в комические ситуации. В первом итальянская компания, ожидая приезда японского инженера, направляет в качестве его гида свою сотрудницу, но затем выясняется, что инженер — женщина. Во втором водитель грузовика по просьбе соседки притворяется ее мужем на время, пока родители с Сицилии наносят девушке визит. В третьем театральному режиссеру предстоит сложная задача нарушить брачные планы его танцовщицы, чтобы она осталась в труппе.
Nos va la marcha
Director of Photography
Rings of Fear
Director of Photography
Angelo Russo, a sixteen year-old girl, is found dead in a river, having been fatally violated with a large blunt instrument. Inspector Di Salvo is assigned to the case and focuses his investigations on St. Theresa's, the exclusive school where Angelo boarded. Three of the murdered girl's classmates, Franca, Paola and Virgina (who call themselves "The Inseparables"), receive threatening poems from an individual using the name "Nemesis". Bizarre "accidents" start to befall the girls: Franca is injured when someone causes her horse to bolt and Virgina nearly breaks her neck on marbles left at the top of a staircase. But Di Salvo is determined to find the killer, even if it means using unorthodox methods. He is aided by Angelo Russo's little sister Emily, whose helpful clues lead to a boutique owned by a dubious character and a vice ring where "rich influential men pay well for teenage favours" ...
El monosabio
Camera Operator
Juanito, a peaceful fan of bullfighting, has become picador's assistant to see from the same arena the show in which he brags he is one of the protagonists. Furthermore, he believes he has discovered in a neighbor a potential figure of bullfighting sphere.
The Anchorite
Camera Operator
Eleven years ago Fernando Tobajas, a man of a certain age, decided to live in the bathroom, in which he created a small apartment, and never leaves it. Tobajas has given up everything except vanity, and his contacts with the world are reduced to visits from friends and messages sent through the toilet inside aspirin tubes in the hope that someone will receive them and know about his existence. Arabel Lee, a beautiful girl, finds one of those messages.
Libertad provisional
Camera Operator
A small-time delinquent young man and a book saleswoman at home delivery, who occasionally engage in prostitution as a derivative of her work, try a way of coexistence on the basis of mutual freedom schemes.
Долгие каникулы 36-го
Camera Operator
Лето 1936-го года несколько семей из Барселоны привычно собирались провести в своих загородных домах. Но началась гражданская война, и отпуск для большинства из них затянулся на три года. Несмотря на то, что симпатии невольных дачников разделились между разными сторонами конфликта, все они прекрасно понимали, что выжить в начавшемся противостоянии могут только вместе, какие бы власти не сменялись на их многострадальной земле…
El señor está servido
Camera Operator
Three stories of three housemaids: Martina, shop steward, serves a marriage that can not have children because she entered the house with that condition. Basilia, Cateta coming to serve and not do anything, the contract for a small fee and let she carry a transistor always hung over the shoulder. And Lali, a gorgeous girl, but very serious and decent, it does not last any longer than 24 hours home because everyone wants to conquer.
Cry, Onion!
Camera Operator
Onion Jack (Franco Nero) has bought a piece of land on which to settle, but the property is still in possession of the orphans of the original owner and is coveted by the local oil baron.
Una pareja... distinta
Camera Operator
Zoraida is a single mother and bearded woman in a circus, while Charly works in transvestite shows. Together they will live a difficult and unusual love story.
Десять негритят
Camera Operator
Фильм основан на рассказе Агаты Кристи, в котором группа людей приглашена в изолированное место неизвестным человеком, который хочет убить их одного за другим за преступления, которые они совершили в прошлом. Люди начинают умирать и не знают, кому могут доверять, а кому — нет. Международная экранизация ”Десяти негритят» Агаты Кристи с участием кинозвёзд из разных стран снята на основе пьесы, написанной для постановки Рене Клера 1945го года. Диалоги по большей части взяты из сценария 1965 года. Элементы юмора Клера там отсутствовали изначально, но зато в новый фильм была добавлена атмосфера ужаса в стиле джалло, удачно подчёркнутая замечательной музыкой Бруно Николаи. Фильм снят совместно киностудиями Франции, Испании, Западной Германии и Италии. Существует несколько его версий на разных языках, немного отличающихся по длине, а так же именами действующих лиц и даже эпизодическими персонажами в финале.
Open Season
Camera Operator
Three Vietnam vets have become so conditioned to violence that they have developed psychotic tendencies. They kidnap people, brutalize them, then turn them loose and hunt them like animals. However the father of one of their earlier victims is plotting a vicious revenge against them.
A Prewar Grandmother
Camera Operator
Человек, которого звали «Полдень»
Camera Operator
Наемный убийца по прозвищу Суровый Полдень, подвергшийся неудачному покушению, частично теряет память. Спасаясь от преследователей, собирающихся с ним покончить, он встречает Раймса, такого же изгоя, как и он сам. Новым приятелям предстоит собрать по кусочкам память главного героя и узнать правду о том, что с ним произошло, и из-за чего на него устроена безжалостная охота.
The Guerrilla
Camera Operator
Adaptation of the text of Azorin theater play. In 1808, Napoleon's troops invaded a village in the Sierra de Madrid. Love triangle between a girl, guerrilla leader and French officer who falls in love with the girl.
My Wife's Boyfriends
Camera Operator
Emilio Antunez and his wife Charo, come to La Molina, willing to spend a few happy days of vacation. Charo, foreseeing that she will meet with important people, brings an assorted and elegant wardrobe, which is soon able to wear when she meets with Aurora, an old school friend who is married to the eccentric millionaire Taboada.
Sin un adiós
Camera Operator
Mario Leyva, famous singer in full glory harassed every day more for his "fans", takes the life that they allow him, dedicated to his art and directed professionally by his "manager". His popularity makes him be mixed in the advertising of a brand of cigarettes by advertising phrases that repeat themselves in all the languages.
El relicario
Camera Operator
While watching on television a bullfight where his son Luis acts, the matador Rafael Lucena dies of a heart attack upon discovering Virginia in the bullring, a woman who looks like Soledad. Soledad was his father ‘s, Manuel Lucena, great love. Both Luis and his brother Alejandro meet the singer Virginia and fall in love with her but when Luis suffers serious goring, he begins to think that Virginia brings bad luck.
Blood in the Bullring
Camera Operator
Like every night, Manuel remembers the old days of glory, when after the war he was a famous bullfighter. He and his friend Juan were the fashionable couple. Now Juan is a prominent businessman in bullfighting. But Manuel's feelings toward him have changed radically: an inexplicable hated seizes him when someone mentions his name. It has been more than twenty years since that afternoon, when Manuel was bullfighting and fell to the ground.
El marino de los puños de oro
Camera Operator
Pedro Montero, left Spain when he was young, he become famouse in Brazil and Italy as a boxer. When he comes back to Spain , he enters the body of Marines and continues with his career. On the eve of winning the European Championship, the guardians of his rival send him a dangerous woman, an old friend who he had in Rome, to hinder his physical preparation.
Appointment in Beirut
Camera Operator
When an international casino crime ring is planning a big score at a fixed roulette game, the casino police enlists the help of Jeff Miller, an alcoholic croupier, to nab the bad guys. Jeff is attracted to Laura, a singer at the casino, but she prefers the company of the leader of the thieving casino ring.
Cruzada en la mar
Camera Operator
Навахо Джо
Camera Operator
Джо Навахо — единственный выживший в кровавой резне, устроенной в поселении бандой Дункана. В числе прочих жителей была и жена Джо. Он клянется отомстить за смерть любимой и вступает в схватку с Дунканом и его людьми.
¡Es mi hombre!
Camera Operator
Balearic Caper
Camera Operator
A scepter is stolen, and it's hunted for by various groups of international robbers and spies, for various reasons - in a parody of 007 movies.
На несколько долларов больше
Camera Operator
Заработать несколько лишних долларов честным путем на диком Западе не проблема, если у тебя есть проверенный кольт и разрешение властей на отстрел бандитов. Этим путем и идут бок о бок профессиональные охотники за головами негодяев «Человек без имени» и полковник Мортимер, общая цель которых — преступная банда мексиканца Индио.
Como dos gotas de agua
Camera Operator
The lawyer Angela Goñi is working in two cases at once: an man that wants to take to Pilo, a young orphan, tp a protection child school. And Mili, another young woman neglected by his father, a businessman, whose aunt Teresa wants to claim through the courts. Taking advantage of the amazing similarity between the girls, the lawyer makes many things to try to resolve the situation as happy as possible.
За пригоршню долларов
Second Assistant Camera
Фильм является вольным римейком самурайской драмы Акиры Куросавы «Телохранитель» (1961), действие которого перенесено на границу США и Мексики. В небольшой пограничный городок Сан-Мигель приезжает бродяга-стрелок (Клинт Иствуд). Жителей на улицах нет, первый, кого он встречает — усаженный на лошадь мертвец, к спине которого приколота издевательская записка «Adios, amigo» («Прощай, друг»). Со слов хозяина салуна стрелок узнаёт, что городок стал ареной противоборства двух банд, которые занимаются контрабандой — мексиканцев Рохо и американцев Бакстеров. Обе банды равно сильны, и ни одна не может взять верх над другой...
Marisol rumbo a Río
Camera Operator
Marisol and Mariluz are twin sisters. They live separated, Mariluz with their uncle in Rio de Janeiro, and Marisol with their mother, in Madrid. Marisol's mother has desperately tried to get money to go to Brasil and meet Mariluz, and so she and the girl have worked in all kinds of places, but they never get enough money until one day Marisol's mother decides to sell everything to get the money and go to Brasil to reunite the family. Once there they discover that Mariluz's governess and her lover have devised a plan to get the money from the twins' uncle, a plan that is in terrible danger now that the spaniards have arrived to Brasil, forcing them to start thinking to get them out of the way...
Camera Operator
In a small Spanish town, during the Christmas holidays, a group of rich old ladies organize a peculiar event that consists of inviting a homeless person to sit down to dinner at their wealthy table. Plácido, a humble worker, is hired by the organizers to participate in a parade with his three-wheeled vehicle, a seemingly simple mission that will not be easy for him to accomplish.
Pecado de amor
Camera Operator
Nun Belen works as a spiritual guide in a women's prison. Is a very understanding woman, possibly due to her past. At the past she was Magda, the star of the cabaret "The Mill of Twenty." She was attractive, young and admired by the public, she had it all, but three very different men end up marking her destination. A fate that is inexorably opposed to her happiness.
Колосс Родосский
Camera Operator
Действие картины происходит на острове Родос во II веке до нашей эры. На острове безраздельно царит тиран Ксеркс, окруженный льстивыми предателями-придворными. Немногие честные люди вынуждены скрываться, в противном случае их ожидает тюрьма. В это время на Родос приезжает афинянин Дарио и сразу оказывается вовлеченным в подготовку мятежа против Ксеркса, который планируется осуществить в день торжественного открытия статуи Колосса Родосского. Заговорщики планируют использовать статую в осуществлении своих дерзких планов... И сами боги Олимпа идут им навстречу: в день мятежа разражается буря, и статуя рушится, погребая под своими обломками тиранию Ксеркса.
The Last Days of Pompeii
Camera Operator
Based on the Edward Bulwer-Lytton novel. Set in the shadows of Mt. Vesuvius just before its famous eruption, the film begins with Glaucus, a Roman legionnaire, returning to his home from far-off wars. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that his father has been murdered by a gang of black-hooded looting bandits. Glaucus vows revenge against the killers, but just how high up are those involved?
Los chicos
Camera Operator
Four young men are cited in a kiosk during a rainy afternoon. One has to study and the other three go to the cinema, although they are not allowed to entry because their young age. The group consists of Andrés, who works as bellboy in a hotel and dreams of becoming a bullfighter; Chispa, who follows the orders of an old grumpy man; Carlos, a student; and Negro, a shy boy. All they want is to have fun; but reality forces them to confront the problems of the adult world.
Those times of the cuplé
Camera Operator
Mercedes Pavón, a famous singer of cuplés is harassed by three men totaly different.
La vida en un bloc
Camera Operator
Dr. Nicomedes Gutiérrez carefully points out to the last detail everything that happens in his life. Doctor in a small village, he is in love with the village teacher, but, before getting married, he decides to treat himself to having his last fling.
La pecadora
Camera Operator
Estrella de Sierra Morena
Assistant Camera