When the kooky tenants of an apartment block experience a sudden and shocking situation, they let their private lives, past secrets and crazy passions intervene as the confessions and absurd twists come thick and fast. Previous lovers, wild accusations, a possible murder and more boil to the surface days before New Year’s Eve, but can they even make it until then?
A queen has a stepdaughter named Baby Love, whom she wants to sell as a bride to the highest bidder. Four individuals present themselves to the castle to contribute to a kind of auction, but the girl, route to all sexual experiences while still a virgin, prefers to set out and lose virginity with a young knife thrower who is, incidentally, also the queen's lover. Kidnapped, finally, by an actor of avant-garde theater, Baby Love chooses to live with him in a hermitage, while mother and buyers remain with egg on the face?
Director of Photography
A young man gets a pleasant surprise when a comely "relative" agrees to teach him the rudiments of sex.
Director of Photography
They're Italy's notorious "Ladies of the evening" catering to the strange cravings of their kinky, high-paying clients. But suddenly, the girls of the street find themselves being stalked by someone with desires even they can't satisfy. After a series of shocking crimes, the clues lead police to a pornographic film maker and his stable of lovely models and starlets. But can the authorities track down the "Hooker Maniac" before he strikes again?
Camera Operator
Barnet, a bandit, and the eight men of his band lie waiting in a Texan village. Having confined the people of the village to their homes, they rob the stagecoach which arrives in town carrying a cargo of US $ 100,000 in gold. After the robbery, the bandits take refuge in a deserted mine but a post officer, Dove Williams, is on their track.
Camera Operator
Reverend Miller arrives in Tucson where he wants to build a church. But on the very day of his arrival a gang carries out a raid on the bank and the people of Tucson, who are suspicious of the new reverend because he carries a gun, immediately blame him for the robbery. The sheriff saves him from lynching by putting him in jail. Then he asks the priest to find the gang and the booty; thus Miller becomes the Reverend Colt. His exceptional skill means that he can shoot hats off people's heads and their pistols from their pockets, but he never kills.
Camera Operator
Парикмахер Марино Балестрини знакомится с Марисой в Риме — это любовь с первого взгляда. Они решают пожениться, но отец невесты против их брака. И это не единственное препятствие, кажется, что весь мир ополчился на них.
Assistant Camera
A man, released after a jail term for a crime he did not commit, raises a gang to go after the man who framed him.
Assistant Camera
Неуловимый вор по имени Дьяболик крадет из-под носа полиции то мешок с долларами, то драгоценное украшение богатой особы. Всё полицейское управление в панике, дело доходит до министра, но никакие меры по поимке преступника не помогают. У Дьяболика также есть сообщница, которая всегда готова прийти на помощь в нужную минуту. После удачно провернутого дела они спускаются в свое подземное логово и предаются любовным утехам в окружении кучи 100$ банкнот. Неужели никто не в силах поймать этого злодея?
Camera Operator
A girl with a beautiful voice lives in a little village and dreams of becoming a successful singer. She is discovered by the music maestro Signoretti who tries to have her take part in the music festival of Sanremo, Italy's most famous singing competition.
Assistant Camera
Several stories about marriages that receive the news that they will be parents. Alejandro and Mercedes are newly married and receive the news with enthusiasm; Margarita and Enrique have been married for a while, but it will also be their first offspring; Ines and Luis have been in this situation several times, but this is the first time that the pregnancy is real. The reaction of the parents, the cravings of the pregnant women, the name search for the child, everything is always the same and always different. None of the couples resembles the others, but when the moment of delivery arrives, the nerves will be the same.
Camera Operator
Agent Lemmy Logan is investigating the case of a missing NASA scientist and discovers that an ex nazi is developing a new super weapon.
Second Assistant Camera
Доктор Голдфут вновь планирует захватит весь мир. На этот раз с помошью обворожительных девушек-роботов, начинённых взрывными устройствами.
Assistant Camera
В небольшой городок по приглашению полицейского инспектора прибывает доктор Пол Эсвэй, которому поручено провести вскрытие тела девушки, предположительно покончившей жизнь самоубийством. Местные жители недовольны и даже разгневаны фактом вмешательства: они искренне верят в ужасное проклятье, нависшее над ними после смерти единственной наследницы баронессы Грапс, и боятся, что дотошные скептики навлекут беду на оставшихся в живых. Теперь каждый, кому явится призрак белокурой Мелиссы Грапс, может смело рыть себе могилу, ибо часы его сочтены. Однако доктор и инспектор не желают верить в местные байки и продолжают расследование.
Camera Operator
Professor Freeman is an important English scientist that is investigating a method to treat cancer. His daugther is killed in the swiming pool of a hotel in Beirut. The case is confidential so that the mission is entrusted to the Special Agent Mikel Brown.
Assistant Camera
Because of his difficult character, Colonel Lennox, commanding at Fort Sharp, a remote outpost on the border of the United States is hated by the soldiers of his troop. The situation is even more complicated when the fort is attacked by Indians.
Assistant Camera
The Rajah of Punjab wants to come into possession of a famous gem known as "Mountain of Light". He asks adventurer Allan Foster to steal it for him, but Foster has other plans.
Assistant Camera
Colonel William Cody, alias Buffalo Bill, intends to put an end to the dishonest relations between a gang of white swindlers and the Indian, Yellow Hand. So he goes to the chief of Yellow Hand's tribe, Wise Fox, and tries to convince him to sign a peace treaty with the Federal troops. In order to avoid this, Yellow Hand abducts Wise Fox's daughter, pretending that the soldiers have done it.