Nina Vorbrodt

Nina Vorbrodt

Рождение : 1972-01-17, Cologne, Germany


Nina Vorbrodt


Ингеборг Бахман: Путешествие в пустыню
Ингеборг Бахман — культовая австрийская писательница, поэтесса и икона феминистской литературы. В 1958 году между разъездами по Европе и США Бахман познакомилась со швейцарским писателем Максом Фришем. Их последующий роман продлится пять лет и окажет огромное влияние на творчество обоих.
Ramstein - Das durchstoßene Herz
Miriam Lehmann
The accident during an air show in Ramstein in the summer of 1988 is one of the greatest tragedies in German post-war history. Against the backdrop of the momentous collision of two aerobatic planes on "Open Day" at the American air base, this film tells the story of four families in fictionalized form - they are visitors to the air show who lost their loved ones in the horrific inferno, and an emergency doctor who cannot forget the sight of the dead and injured. They all suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome. Years after the disaster, they finally have the opportunity to share their experiences and come to terms with the trauma in a specially founded aftercare group. Meanwhile, a duo of investigators commissioned by the German Federal Ministry investigates the background to the air accident and uncovers massive failures in safety precautions and rescue measures. Beyond political responsibility on both the German and American sides, both come up against a wall of silence.
Небесные акулы
Co-Pilot McBride
Группа геологов во время экспедиции случайно натыкаются на подземную лабораторию нацистов. Там находится тайное оружие III Рейха — оснащённая ракетами эсэсовская армия полуразумных акул-зомби, способных не только плавать, но и летать. Оказавшись на свободе, бестии нажинают пожирать всех подряд. И даже армия и ВВС им не помеха. Остановить монстров способны только специально выведенные для этого мутанты — также летающие. Грядёт великая битва…
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Baby an Bord
Frau Meysel
Carneval - Der Clown bringt den Tod
Dora Bernbeck
A tricky out-of-area mission for Peter Lohmeyer alias Chief Inspector Jan Fabel in his fourth case: in the hustle and bustle of Cologne Carnival, of all things, the introverted hamburger has to chase a serial killer and stop a colleague from going it alone. Lisa Maria Potthoff plays the policewoman Maria, whose traumatic experience turns into a blind thirst for vengeance, Stipe Erceg can be seen in the role of the burned-out top chef and Murathan Muslu as a macho criminal. The lost souls are what make this bestseller film adaptation by the author Craig Russell, which is extremely exciting right up to the last second.
Зачётный препод 3
Классный руководитель Зэк Мюллер получил класс с самыми проблемными подростками в Германии. Ежедневно его ученики придумывают новые пакости. И тут Зэку помогает его криминальное прошлое...
Ein Kind wird gesucht
Ein Schnupfen hätte auch gereicht
At the height of her career, the well-known comedy and TV star Gaby Köster suffers a serious stroke. However, the multi-award winning artist does not give up, fighting back despite many ups and downs.
Anne und der König von Dresden
Dozentin Elke
Vampire Sisters 3: Journey to Transylvania
Frau Bönisch
Vampire sisters Silvania and Daka try to rescue their baby brother, a half-vampire, from the clutches of the evil vampire queen Antanasia, who wants to crown him as her heir.
Im Zweifel
Mutter Schütz
For Pastor Judith Ehrmann, her job as an emergency counselor is more than just part of her job: giving people assistance is a vocation for them. But when a classmate of her son dies in a car accident, that's unusual. Judith begins to doubt: herself, her job - but also her family. For all at once everything seems to indicate that her own husband and son were involved in the accident and now want to cover this up. The emotionally intense drama of award-winning director Aelrun Goette raises fundamental themes without giving easy answers.
Tausend & ein Streit
Judith Haas
Wenckes Verbrecher
Wie Tag und Nacht
Frau Bürgermeister
One day Little Red Cap’s mother tells her that her grandmother is sick, and sends her to her house to bring her a piece of cake, a bottle of wine and medicine. To arrive at her grandmother’s house the girl must cross the woods, and there she meets a bad old wolf.
Beam me Up! – Die große Star Trek Show
German comedy-documention that reviews 40 years of Star Trek history
Himmlischer Besuch für Lisa
The Sandra Situation
Sandra Dortmund
Paul, shy, and not exactly what one would call a ladies man, checks his answering machine and gets a surprise message from a woman named Sandra. Great, except that he knows three Sandras: one he'd love to hear from, one he'd hate to hear from and a third he'd never expect to call him. Paul desperately wants to find out who is the woman who called and enlists the help of his close friend, who is a ladies man. Marc, though very busy himself and eager to pursue his business, agrees to help. And so begins an urgent investigation. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
On Christmas Eve, Francesca sets out for Rotterdam in order to find her little sister, who has run off with her musician boyfriend. On the way, she picks up Gerlinde, a heartbroken older woman at the end of her rope.
Nicht ohne meinen Schwiegervater
Survival is not enough. Fariba Tabrizi has made it. Under peril of death she has fled from Iran. In Germany she has no alternative way of avoiding the threat of deportation other than to assume the identity of a deceased co-detainee. So what happens after a few month in which she has tried to come to terms with a situation which is actually an insufferable one for her? How does Fariba live not only in this external state of exile but also in an inner state of exile? The term "in orbit" is officially used by the UN to refer to asylum-seekers who find themselves orbiting around planet Earth because they can actually find legal domicile nowhere at all.
Ein Baby für dich
Barbara Koch
Freundinnen für immer
Paps, Versprechen hält man!
Das vergessene Leben
A drama directed by Claudia Prietzel
Train Birds
Karen Higgens
Hannes is a beer truck driver in Dortmund. His biggest dream is to win the first prize at the International Timetable Contest in Inari (Finland). When his new boss cancels his extra holidays to go there, Hans goes mad… On his journey to Finland by train, followed by the police, he meets lot of folks and the love of his life.
Die Beimers
Kornelia Harnisch