Luigi De Santis


There Is No Plane to Zagreb
A retrospective of events in director Louis van Gasteren’s life from 1964 to 1969, filmed by him in that period and reflected on from his vantage point over 40 years later at the age of 90.
Hotel Fear
A young girl and her mother run a hotel during the war. When the mother dies, the girl finds herself at the mercy of her sex-crazed guests. Soon enough, a cloaked figure starts killing off everyone that tries to harm her.
Cake in the Sky
This movie is an adaptation of a book by Rodari, a famous Italian poet and writer of children literature. A group of children in the outskirts of Rome bump into a spaceship that landed nearby. Soon the event draws the attention of the media, the military and rich entrepreneurs. The spaceship is pointed as the evil to fight against by the authorities, and nobody trusts the kids, who on the other hand try to preserve the spaceship (which is actually a harmless space-cake). –IMDb
Bolidi sull'asfalto a tutta birra!
Если встретился с Сартаной, молись о смерти
Дилижанс, перевозящий золотой груз, атакован бандитами. Но само золото таинственным образом исчезает. А в городе появляется загадочный странник в чёрном, чьё появление, очевидно, как-то связано с пропавшим грузом…