Emilio Messina

Emilio Messina

Рождение : 1936-02-24, Casablanca, Morocco

Смерть : 2007-04-24


Emilio Messina


Виртуальное оружие
White-haired, full-bearded puncher
Сотрудник секретного подразделения ФБР Скимз прилетает в Майами из Вашингтона, чтобы арестовать торговца оружием Абеля Ван Акселя. Ему помогают в этом чрезвычайно опасном и важном задании — детектив из полиции Майами Марвин и восхитительно управляющаяся с компьютерами 10-летняя Лоли, дочь полицейской Чело. Скимз и Марвин проникают в особняк Ван Акселя, причем Скимз изображает джазового пианиста, а Марвин, несмотря на то, что полностью лишен музыкального слуха, певца, и «вечеринка» начинается...
Jungle Warriors
A group of models fly into the jungle of some South American country to look for a photo location. Their plane is shot down and they are captured by a drug baron's private army. At the same time, the Mafia's representative arrive to negotiate future collaboration.
The Seven Magnificent Gladiators
Goliath (as Ivan Beshears)
A bandit leader endowed with supernatural powers by his sorceress mother makes yearly raids on a peasant village. However, the women of the village come into possession of a magic sword, and go in search of a hero who is able to wield it and save their village from the evil bandit.
Gunan, King of the Barbarians
Nuriak (as Emil Messina)
The peaceful countryside village of Solmen is savagely assaulted by wild Ungats led by bloodthirsty Magen. In the midst of battle, two baby boys are miraculously saved by a tribe of Amazon warriors known as the Kuniats. The warriors nurture and train the boys for future struggles. The stronger of the two is named , Gunan The Invincible. It is up to Gunan to avenge the annihilation of his people. Gunan stages a spectacular one man war of vengeance against his enemy the Ungats, but they prove to be a formidable enemy, and much bloodshed ensues.
S+H+E: Security Hazards Expert
Lavinia Kean, a brilliant American espionage agent, combats the wiles of international criminal and blackmailer Cesare Magnasco.
Convoy Busters
Sicario (uncredited)
In Rome, a vagrant finds the body of a teen girl, her throat professional slashed. Police inspector Olmi uses his brutal and violent methods to follow a trail that leads him toward high government officials. When his methods leave an innocent bystander dead, the corrupt officials have an excuse to get Olmi transferred to a coastal town where the pace is slow and he has time for a romantic dalliance. Soon, Olmi discovers that fishing isn't the only local occupation, and out comes his gun and his ruthless tactics of investigation.
Отдел по борьбе с мафией
Convict on the Roof (uncredited)
Во время бунта в итальянской тюрьме убит видный мафиозо, готовый дать показания против боссов «Коза Ностра». Следы убийцы, проникшего в места заключения под видом карабинера, ведут за океан. Зная, что у инспектора Нико Джиральди в Нью-Йорке имеются многочисленные родственные связи, комиссар Трентини решает направить туда своего самого строптивого сотрудника. А чтобы не вызвать подозрений у американских мафиози, инспектор должен отправиться туда под прикрытием. Для этого Нико совершает налет на букмекерскую контору и отправляется за решетку, откуда вскоре благополучно бежит в Америку. Устроившись официантом в любимый ресторан местного дона Джироламо Джарра, он начинает слежку за преступниками…
The Criminals Attack. The Police Respond
Returning from Switzerland to Rome, the boss prof. Salviati, called 'The Prince', finds his business compromised by Rudy, a small local bandit full of presumption, audacity and men ready to kill. Commissioner Baldi a young and brave employee, will fight against them with the help of an ex-employee Rampelli.
The Heroin Busters
Drug use in the city of Rome is at an all-time high. Children score from dealers in front of their schools, mules waltz straight through airport security, and Interpol's main man, Mike Hamilton (David Hemmings), is at his wits' end. Fed up to the back teeth with the local police force's incompetence, his only hope is to rely on one of his own men, Fabio (Fabio Testi), an officer so deep undercover that no-one but Hamilton knows who he really is. Even as Fabio gains the trust of cartel leader Gianni (John Loffredo), however, the dealers are edging ever closer to the truth, and when his cover is blown, the hunter becomes the hunted as Fabio finds himself alone in a desperate fight to survive.
Отдел по борьбе с угонами
Gorniani's Henchman (uncredited)
Необычный полицейский Нико Джиральди работает под прикрытием. Он должен выяснить, кто похитил секретные документы у продажного бывшего агента ЦРУ.
Meet Him And Die
Ray Lovelock stars as Massimo, a young undercover cop with a taste for violence and a thirst for revenge! Massimo gets himself arrested and quickly infiltrates the ranks of the underworld figure serving a sentence. Eventually a breakout is planned and Massimo is to be included. Just about as soon as they hit the street an attempt is made on the boss' (Martin Balsam) life. Massimo acts quickly in helping to save him and that's the in he has been waiting for
Большой рэкет
Henchman (uncredited)
Банда отморозков терроризирует город. Они обложили данью большие и маленькие магазины, кафе, рестораны. Если кто-то отказывается платить, то банда громит магазины, избивает, насилует. Инспектор Нико занимается этим делом, но засадить подонков оказалось просто нереально. Все запуганы и показания против рэкетиров не дают. К тому же, у них есть адвокаты и покровители свыше, которые вытаскивают их из полиции. Испробовав все законные и не законные способы, Нико собирает жертв рэкетиров, вооружает их и готовится уничтожить подонков.
Convoy Buddies
Toby and Butch are a couple of bumbling crooks who get a truck driving job hauling insecticide from Italy to France. Unbeknownst to the clueless duo, they're really smuggling guns. A group of equally inept mobsters try to steal the guns to no avail.
Red Coat
Cormack, the lawman most feared by the rugged pioneers at the turn of the century, has a mysterious bond with "Caribou," an outlaw whom he has jailed. When Caribou escapes from prison, he returns to seek revenge.
Удар в тростнике
Police Car Driver (uncredited)
Девушка по имени Нора, работающая стюардессой, прилетает с очередным рейсом в Неаполь, и против своей воли оказывается вовлеченной в борьбу между соперничающими бандами.
Ледяная грудь
Ницца, зима. Франсуа пишет новый сценарий. Но работа не клеится. Уже не в первый раз он видит на пляже грустную молодую блондинку. Она ему нравится. Он решается познакомиться. Её зовут Пегги. Она одинока. Её единственный друг - адвокат Марк Рильсен. Но отчего Франсуа так тревожно? Он не догадывается о том, что Пегги принесёт в его жизнь страшную беду.
Run, Run, Joe!
'Gorilla' Pacco
When a don who they were suppose to protect ends up dead, his bodyguard and bodyguard's friend must go under cover to escape the wrath of mob.
Helen, Yes... Helen of Troy
Ajax #2
Ottone and Savio, wanderers from Etruria, find themselves on the shores of Ancient Greece in search of bread and adventures. Pretending to be exhausted, they are rescued by Paris and Helen and taken to the palace of Menelaus. The welcome is propitious to take advantage of the lavish lunches and beautiful women, not even excluded Elena, wife of the sovereign who will be kidnapped by Paris and taken to Troy. When he reaches the palace of Ulysses, which recognizes the two vagabonds, they are driven out and, after other adventures, they reach the palace of Priam
Even Angels Eat Beans
Stunt Coordinator
Two nice guys, a wrestler and an Ice-cream vendor are mistaken for dangerous killers by an important local gangster, whose nickname is Sorriso. With the help of many coincidences they play along with Sorriso "working" for him, just to survive, but, when they receive the order to butcher the components of a very indigent family they are unmasked.
Two Brothers in Trinity
Big Joe Grizzley
Charming, blithely amoral devil-may-care rogue Jesse Smith and peaceful, devout straight-arrow Mormon Lester O'Hara are estranged half brothers who are reunited after receiving a sizable inheritance from their deceased mother. The wildly contrasting mismatched duo get into all sorts of trouble while trying to claim said inheritance. Written by Woodyanders
Two Brothers in Trinity
Charming, blithely amoral devil-may-care rogue Jesse Smith and peaceful, devout straight-arrow Mormon Lester O'Hara are estranged half brothers who are reunited after receiving a sizable inheritance from their deceased mother. The wildly contrasting mismatched duo get into all sorts of trouble while trying to claim said inheritance. Written by Woodyanders
Death Is Sweet From The Soldier Of God
Pedro, Ramirez Lt.
A man, after being accused of a robbery and escaping from jail with a bandit leader, seeks revenge for his brother and his family.
The Boxer
Chink / Cinc - Bookmaker
Boxer Teddy Wilcox leaves his manager and relocates. He finds Nick, a manager/trainer. Before Wilcox's first fight, Nick receives a threat-- Wilcox loses, or Nick will die.
Durango Is Coming, Pay or Die
Diego Avenaja
Durango, a debt collector, arrives in the town of Tucson, where he is hired by a bank director called Ferguson, who refuses to pay him his fee afterwards. Durango is thrown in jail on a false accusation but manages to escape and teams up with a Mexican bandit to get even with Ferguson, who has concocted a complicated plan to rob a shipment of gold belonging to the people of Tucson.
Безбожная четверка
Big John (uncredited)
Молодой человек, потерявший память, бежит из тюрьмы с тремя другими осужденными. Они помогают ему найти след из прошлого, и приезжают в деревню, где его узнают две враждующие семьи. Оказывается, он имеет репутацию ганфайтера, и ему было заплачено за убийство…
Ублюдок Джанго
Murdok Henchman
Во время гражданской войны в США, три офицера армии Федерации, Хокинс, Говард и Мердок предают своих солдат, подставив их под пули Армии Союза. Выжить не удалось никому. Тем не менее, спустя 13 лет, один из тех солдат, Джанго, возвращается…
Shoot, Gringo... Shoot!
Soldier in Doneghan's Army (as Van Lanen)
Chad Stark is offered his life and a nice ammount of dollars if he is to bring back the runaway son of mexican land-owner Gutierrez . This son, Fidel, teams up with an outlaw band lead by a former military man going by the name The Major. When Stark finds Fidel he is reintroduced to an old acquaintance which makes his job of returning the son a lot more difficult.
Великое молчание
Silence's Father in Flashback
События картины разворачиваются на фоне весьма непривычных для прочих вестернов заснеженных пейзажей, ставших последствием бушевавшей в США природной аномалии, названной «Великой метелью 1899 года». В эти суровые времена единственной возможностью выжить для многих бедняков становится объединение в банды и осуществление грабежей, что постепенно превращается в серьезную проблему для простых жителей. Официальные власти, обеспокоенные увеличивающимися масштабами преступной деятельности, объявляют награды за головы бандитов, поощряя ликвидацию опасных для общества элементов. Таким образом, многие наемные убийцы теперь могут безнаказанно выполнять свою «работу», поскольку закон отныне на их стороне. Один из самых опытных и при этом невероятно жестокий охотник за головами по имени Локо испытывает настоящее удовольствие от своих новых «полномочий», ужасая окружающих своими методами.
Superargo and the Faceless Giants
Wrestler vs Jo Brand
A masked wrestler/superhero goes up against a madman and his army of robots.
Kid's Henchman
Though set in England, Flashman is another fun Italian production from the late 60s that leans on -attempted- humor and is heavily inspired by Batman. He's even got a very Battish theme song…. The somewhat convoluted plot concerns two gang of thieves who rob the same bank. One is a band of babes headed by a ruthless woman; the other is a group of thugs lead by a guy who has a serum that can turn anyone invisible. The employee they rob is none other than Flashman in disguise.
Every Man Is My Enemy
Superargo vs Diabolicus
Diabolikus' Assistant
After accidentally killing an opponent on the ring, masked wrestler Superargo quits wrestling and, following the advice of his friend Col. Alex Kinski of the Secret Service, becomes a secret agent, using his superhuman abilities to stop villain Diabolicus' plans to wreck global economy by turning uranium into gold.
Agente 070: Thunderbay missione Grasshopper
A group of mismatched people try and capture another group with the use of spears and bows and arrows. They turn them over to SCUBA divers. This B&W movie was shown on TV as a Euro-Spy movie.
The Big Blackout
Roland's Henchman
Secret agent Perry Grant is called in to investigate a strange case which involves counterfeit money, industrial espionage, and a fashion company that may be functioning as a front for a secret criminal organization.
Web of Violence
A journalist goes in search of his missing fiance.
SuperSeven Calling Cairo
Super 7 looks for a piece of a new metal hidden in a camera.
Giant of the Evil Island
Man at the Market
A Spanish sea captain is sent to clean out Evil Island, from where pirate bands are raiding Spanish shipping under the leadership of a pirate named Moloch.
Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon
Wrestler #1
Hercules goes to Babylon to rescue the Queen of the Hellenes and free the people of Babylon from slavery.
Triumph of the Ten Gladiators
The ten gladiators are hired to travel to Arbela, a small country on the outskirts of the Roman Empire to learn if Parthia is planning to war with Rome. Upon arriving, the heroes decide to kidnap the beautiful Parthian queen and spirit her to Syria to serve as a hostage.
Goliath and the Sins of Babylon
Goliath battles for the freedom of the Babylonian people.
The Tyrant of Lydia Against the Son of Hercules
Macedonian wrestler
Italian sword & sandal thrills as the son of Hercules is pitted against an evil king and his wretched followers.
Colossus of the Arena
Gladiator (uncredited)
A powerful man posing as a gladiator in Rome's fourth century discovers a plan to put the beautiful Queen in prison, which he thwarts by exposing a sinister duke as a traitor.
Ursus and the Tartar Princess
Battle Victim
Peplum movie from 1961