John Bunny

John Bunny

Рождение : 1863-09-21, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1915-04-26


В 1909 году в кино начали сниматься два актера: Джон Банни и Роско Арбакл. Роско Арбакл ещё не имел опыта, и не был широко известен до 1913 года. В отличие от него, Джон Банни стал известен практически сразу. Он был первым комическим киноактером Америки и первой «кинозвездой». Его фильмы были очень популярны в 1910-1915 годах во всех странах мира. В России он был известен, как «Поксон». До 1910 фильмы снимали по принципу «чем больше фильмов, тем лучше» - людям кино было в новинку, и они мало обращали внимания на саму игру актеров. Банни пришел в кино с театральной сцены, будучи известным театральным актером, и поднял кино «на качественно новый уровень», перенеся на экран мастерство театральной игры. Он умер в 1915 году, будучи очень популярным. Газеты в то время писали: «Смерть Банни стала потерей для миллионов людей», «Он был отцом игры без слов», «Джон Банни мертв. Самый известный человек в мире». А развитие кинематографа шло своим чередом, и новые звезды вскоре затмили славу Джона Банни. Его имя было забыто. На сегодняшний день сохранилось очень мало из его фильмов


John Bunny


Yesterday and Today
(archive footage)
A compilation of early-day silent films that serves as a glimpse back to the formative days of the movie industry as a salute to Hollywood's Golden Year, so proclaimed by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce as 1953.
The Film Parade
(archive footage) (uncredited)
Pioneer filmmaker J. Stuart Blackton was intrigued by the idea of a film about the history of the movies as early as 1915. He finally released a 52-minute feature called The Film Parade that was shown in New York and favorably reviewed by "Variety" in 1933. He continued tinkering with the film for the rest of the decade, and later filmmakers and distributors used Blackton's footage for stock or to produce their own variously titled and truncated versions. -UCLA Film & Television Archive
Bunny Backslides
While Flora Winslow, a widow is engaged to Bunny, she attends a lecture on eugenics and decides that her intended husband is too fat. She tells him he must reduce, and as she wishes to become stouter, they agree to attend Dr. Sweatem's Sanitarium.
Сердца и бриллианты
Widower Tupper
Таппер знакомится с богатой мисс Уиппл на бейсбольном матче. Когда она заявляет, что просто обожает бейсболистов, Таппер создает команду...
The Honeymooners
Uncle John
No sooner have Jimmy and Mary, a newly-married couple, entered their new home when Jimmie receives a note from his wealthy uncle, announcing his intention of paying his nephew and heir a visit that evening.
Polishing Up
John Bunny
When his wife goes away on vacation, a husband decides to use that time to do a little "playing around" and winds up at a resort hotel with two young girls. Unbeknownst to him, his wife is at the same hotel, planning a little "playing around" of her own.
A Train of Incidents
Comedian John Bunny on a train all confused.
Мистер Банни переодевается
Mr. Bunny
Два приятеля-холостяка живут себе беззаботной холостяцкой жизнью, но к одному из них приезжает погостить тетя с молоденькой родственницей. Джон опасается, что его попытаются женить на этой девице и решает увильнуть от сватовства переодевшись горничной, а своего приятеля выдав за себя. И что из этого получилось? Получилась типичная короткометражная комедия переодеваний.
Tangled Tangoists
John and Flora meet at a ball, but neither can do these modern dances, so they sit out… and run into each other later at a dance studio. Bunny exudes his usual Pickwickian charm. Miss Finch gets involved in a nice bit of physical comedy when her gawkiness makes the dance lesson less than successful.
Gertie the Dinosaur
Club Member
Although not the first feature-length animated film, as is sometimes thought, it was the first cartoon to feature a character with an appealing personality. The appearance of a true character distinguished it from earlier animated "trick films", such as those of Blackton and Cohl, and makes it the predecessor to later popular cartoons such as those by Walt Disney. The film was also the first to be created using keyframe animation.
Love's Old Dream
Professor Simon Sweet
An old maid vies with a beautiful young student for the affections of an elderly professor.
The Adventure of the Shooting Party
Samuel Pickwick
The Pickwick Papers, directed by Laurence Trimble, appeared in 1913. This silent three-reel adaptation of Charles Dickens's first novel starred the American comedian John Bunny, who was very popular in his day but is now almost completely forgotten, and was filmed mainly on location in England.
The Feudists
Second Husband, Bill Craig
The Craigs and Smiths, next-door neighbors, are the best of friends until Smith builds a chicken house. Their two gardens are connected and their children fraternize as if all belonged to one large family. Sidney Craig manages to set loose Smith's chickens, who get into Craig's garden and work havoc among his pet seedlings.
Those Troublesome Tresses
Mr. Jones
Farce in which two neighbouring couples test each other's jealousy. The women decide to make the men jealous and vice versa. The men buy horse hair to make the women believe it is hair of another woman; the women pretend to have received love letters. Final match result: women seem more jealous than men.
Patrick McQuire
Жена Банни забросила все домашние дела и вступила в клуб суфражисток. Банни решил её проучить.
Bunny's Dilemma
John Bunny
John Bunny gets into an awful stew when he hears from his Aunt Eliza that she is coming to visit him and that she is bringing along her cousin, Jean, whom she wishes him to marry. He doesn't at all like the idea of abandoning his bachelor life and appeals to his friend, Jack Holmes, for aid. Jack is persuaded to masquerade as Bunny, whom his aunt has never seen, while Bunny himself gets into feminine garb and poses as the cook.
Bunny and the Bunny Hug
Norman Winthrop, a surveyor, accidentally meets John Bunny, an Irish watchman of a building. He introduces him to Tom and Will Hawley, two of his friends, at a little poker game in which Bunny pockets all the winnings. Talking over the matter the next day, the three men agree that it would be a great joke to introduce Bunny into society.
Seeing Double
Медовый месяц Банни
Mr. Bunny, Valeria's Godfather
В этом фильме Джон Банни играет крёстного отца красавицы Валерии, которая хочет выйти замуж за торговца недвижимостью Кьюти. Но её отец против их свадьбы, потому что Кьюти злоупотребляет алкоголем, а если прямо сказать - пьянствует до свинского состояния. Банни решает помочь влюблённым и помочь Кьюти избавится от дурной привычки.
The Locket; or, When She Was Twenty
Judge J.B. Jones
A woman in a crowded trolley car accidentally puts a locket with her picture in it into a man's pocket; when the man gets home, his suspicious wife finds it.
Stenographer Troubles
Mr. Bunny, the Boss
A comic one-act film featuring the character Bunny, which takes place in an office.
Three Black Bags
Detective Brown
"Slick-Fingered Mag must he captured, or I will know the reason why!" These are the proud words of Detective Brown, as he prepares to go in search of the elusive "Mag." He packs his traveling bag and leaves it open upon the sofa in his room; then goes downstairs to eat his breakfast. "Slick-Fingered Mag," seeing the front door of Brown's home ajar, enters and makes a sneak upstairs. She carries a bag of the same character as Brown's. She gathers up all the valuables she finds handy, not overlooking some of Mrs. Brown's choicest jewels. Hearing sounds of approaching footsteps, she becomes excited and empties the "swag" into Brown's bag, supposing it to he her own, and with it, escapes from the house, leaving her own bag behind her. Mrs. Brown, placing some clean linen in her husband's grip, sees the female apparel.
Посмертные записки Пиквикского клуба
Samuel Pickwick
Экранизация классического произведения Диккенса. Не весь роман конечно же, а один из забавных эпизодов. Мистер Пиквик любит все происходящее вокруг записывать в записную книжку. Однажды во время поездки это показалось подозрительным кэбмену, он принял его за шпиона и устроил драку. Подоспевший мистер Джингль уладил ситуацию. В честь чудесного избавления мистер Пиквик устроил попойку, на которой его друг мистер Тапмен уснул, а мистер Джингль «позаимствовал» у него фирменный «Пиквикский» фрак и отправился на бал. Там мистер Джингль приставал к чужой даме, а это вызвало недовольство её кавалера доктора Слеммера. На следующий день доктор Слеммер прислал вызов на дуэль владельцу «Пиквикского» фрака, то есть мистеру Тапмену. Мистер Тапмен был немало удивлён, однако принял вызов, думая, что он вчера, в пьяном виде, видимо, кого-то оскорбил, но не помнит этого...
Лекарство от покера
Mr. Sharpe
Любитель игры в покер всё время проигрывает. Он обещает жене больше не играть, но всё равно играет. Тогда жена находит способ отучить его от этого пагубного пристрастия.
Mr. John
Лицо мистера Джона усеяно веснушками и это его очень сильно раздражает. Тем более его жена постоянно подшучивает над ним на эту тему. И вот он прочитал в газете о некоемом чудодейственном средстве от веснушек, недорого и прямо на дому(боже мой, сколько веков назад появились все эти аферисты!). Он хочет все провернуть в тайне от жены, сделать ей сюрприз. Поэтому пригласив специалистку косметологии на сеанс, он выпроваживает жену к подружкам. Но женщина, конечно же, почувствовала, что муж что-то скрывает (ох, уж, эта женская чуйка) и возвращается домой раньше времени.
Ida's Christmas
Santa Claus
A poor young girl finds a purse and returns it to its owner, who decides to reward her honesty.
Doctor Bridget
Bridget the Cook
A silent comedy in which a sick young boy gets healthy after a regime of hard work, and does not complain that the housekeeper makes him work so hard.
Bunny at the Derby
Mr. Bunny - the Costermonger
A coster takes a girl to Epsom and saves a pony trap from theft.
Bunny All at Sea
Mr. Bunny
Black and White. Silent.
Bunny's Suicide
John Spink
A tragicomedy in which the suicide attempt of the character Bunny is seen by a neighbour, who quickly calls for help.
Suing Susan
John Gordon
A romantic comedy in which two new neighbours initially cannot get along, but their staff get along just fine.
The Troublesome Step-Daughters
Mr. Burton, Cina's Second Husband
A widower with four grown daughters remarries and brings his new wife home to meet them. The girls set out to make life as difficult as possible for their new mother.
An Eventful Elopement
Mr. McGillicuddy - an Old Man with the Gout
Emphatically opposed to Jack Moss, old Mr. McGillicuddy puts the ban on his marriage to his daughter Dolly. The old gentleman is adamant to the appeals of the young lovers and interposes his interference on every occasion, when they get together. McGillicuddy is seized with an attack of the gout, which handicaps him, and it is then Jack arranges with Dolly to elope.
Diamond Cut Diamond
Mr. Bunce
A silent comedy in which a jealous woman wants to catch her husband in the act of infidelity.
Captain Jenks' Diplomacy
Captain Jenks
Sir Brian, an irascible old gentleman, who suffers from gout, receives a note saying his son Gerald is very ill at college, and asking him to come to Dublin. He is too ill to go so he gets his friend, Captain Jenks, to go instead of him. Jenks finds Gerald being nursed by a pretty girl and soon discovers that Gerald is in love with her.
At Scrogginses' Corner
Mr. Bunny, a Shopkeeper
The general store at Scrogginses' Corner is the favorite lounging and meeting place for the citizens of the locality. On an eventful day a rich couple call at the store and ask Si Bunny, the storekeeper, permission to leave a bundle there, to be called for on their return. The storekeeper discovers that the bundle contains an infant.
Увлечение мистера Болтера
Ben Bolter
Мистеру Болтеру очень приглянулась актрисочка. Ну, что ж, все мы люди, кто не без греха. И решил он подкатить к ней. Да вот она не расположена. Мало того, в силу гадкого характера, она еще и посмеялась над Болтером. А он, мужчина хоть и обаятельный и впечатлительный, но простодушный и, как бы это сказать, не очень эрудированный и сообразительный. И поэтому розыгрыш этой гадины-танцовщицы вполне себе удался...
Irene's Infatuation
Frangiapani - a Famous Italian Singer
Irene and Helen are worshipers at the shrine of Frangiapani, the tenor of the hour. When he sings at a concert, they meet in Irene's room, take the printed program of the concert, and one of them plays the accompaniment of the song he is actually singing. Irene sees an advertisement for a maid and waitress at Madame Frangiapani's home. The wild thought enters her brain that if she applies and gets the position, she will be nearer her adored. She puts the plan into execution, gets the position, and is waiting for the signor to appear. He does appear in a towering rage, at an adverse criticism in a paper which he is holding in his hand. His wife tries to soothe him and treats him like a little, unreasonable, bad-tempered child.
Stenographer Wanted
Mr. Brown
Two businessmen need to hire a stenographer, but their wives get suspicious when they notice a parade of beautiful young women entering and leaving their husbands' office.
The First Violin
Helen's Step-Father
Old Von Shultz, the first violin, finds as he grows older a longing for companionship. Hurrying from the theater the old musician finds little Helen sleeping on the steps of the stage door. He picks her up and takes her to his comfortably furnished home. The old man even grows childish, he is so pleased with the little tot's presence and he gives her the love with which his heart abounds. The next day he learns from the morning papers that Helen's mother and father were lost in a fire. He spends many happy hours with her, playing with her toys. He takes her to rehearsals with him, where she is the pet of the musicians. One year later Helen shows an aptness for the stage. This delights the old musician and the child grows nearer and dearer to his heart. A sad blow, however, comes to him when the Children's Society take the little girl away from him and once more he finds himself a lonely old man.
Mr. Bun Johnny - the Full-Grown Star - the Big Chump
Bunny and Marsh attend a show and both fall in love with a charming danseuse.
Captain Jenks' Dilemma
Captain Jenks
Mrs. Brown, who is a widow, finds it a rather difficult matter to clothe and feed her large family of children, so when she becomes acquainted on the beach with Captain Jenks she is not slow in inviting him to her house. That evening the Captain calls with an engagement ring. He asks the widow to become his wife, but just as he is accepted Mrs. Brown's numerous offspring come running into the room. Upon being told that they are her children the Captain nearly faints and does not know how to break the engagement.
Madge of the Mountains
Harry Brownley, son of a rich New Yorker, reads a newspaper account of U.S. Revenue officers' plan to raid an illicit distillery in the Tennessee mountains. The young fellow asks his father's permission to join the forces under Sheriff Jackson, of Pikesville, Tennessee. The father reluctantly consents and the son starts out to satisfy his adventurous nature.
Kitty and the Cowboys
Fatty aka Kitty
Life on the ranch has a heap of fun attached to it and where they can get hold of a good-natured butt like "Fatty" they are always happy and they keep him guessing and make him the subject of their pranks. "Fatty" stands their joshing and kidding without complaint and generally with a smile, but notwithstanding his seeming good nature, he is looking for a chance to get lack at them.
Ups and Downs
Mr. Norman
Unless Marion Norman's intended husband can support her in the same style in which her father has, Mr. Norman will not agree to her marriage with Billy Wallace, and threatens to disinherit her if she disobeys him.
His Sister's Children
Harry Burton's sister and her husband are suddenly called away for a few days on business and telegraph him to come to their home and take care of their two little boys, "Toddie and Budge." He at once complies, and is soon with the children, assuming his duties as "governor." Helen Manton, stopping in the same town, thinks a great deal of Harry Burton, and naturally he of her.
Пик её славы
Mortimer Bunny
Мортимер (Джон Банни) воспитывает свою маленькую дочку без матери, и девочка растет непослушной. Он решает нанять ей гувернантку (Флора Финч), а сам влюбляется в неё за её роскошные волосы, и хочет на ней жениться. Дочке это не нравится. Однажды, пока гувернантка спала, дочка состригла ей волосы - её главное достоинство.
Беспокойные секретарши, или как Бетти перехитрила своего отца
Harding - The Father
Бетти (ранний персонаж Мэйбл Норманд студии Vitagraph) влюблена в секретаря своего отца. Узнав об этом, отец рассердился и уволил её возлюбленного. Тогда Бетти выдумывает разные способы, как провести своего папашу. Фильм примечателен ещё тем, что в нём играет Джон Банни, один из первых комиков кинематографа.
The Subduing of Mrs. Nag
Mr. Nag
Mrs. Nag objects to her husband having a pretty female stenographer in his office, and orders him to employ one of his own sex. So Miss Prue, the good-looking stenographer to whom Mrs. Nag objects, dresses in man's attire. On her way to business one morning she sends a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Nag, with the inscription, "Compliments of an ardent admirer." Miss Prue apprises her boss of her deed, and when Mrs. Nag arrives at his office, he accuses her of having another admirer. Miss Prue is victorious and when we see her in the last scene she is her own admirable self once more, seated before the typewriter in Mr. Nag's office, with every prospect of being an uninterrupted and permanent employee. Mild and docile, Mrs. Nag modestly enters the office, but offers no objections or interruptions, submissively waiting for her husband to escort her home.
Two Overcoats
Michael Gallagher
Solomon keeps a clothing store, he has in stock two overcoats of exactly the same make and pattern. Michael Gallagher, who is passing by and in need of an outer garment, notices Solomon's display and buys one of the coats. Shortly after the first sale, Peter Dempsey, a bachelor, happens along and takes quite a fancy to the remaining twin overcoat and Solomon makes another sale. Gallagher and Dempsey dine, at the same time, in the same restaurant. Finishing his meal, Gallagher leaves hurriedly and takes Dempsey's coat, quite naturally mistaking it for his own. When Dempsey is through with his meal, he puts on Gallagher's coat quite satisfied that it is his own. That night Dempsey goes to call on his sweetheart, who admires his new overcoat, and as she helps him off with it, a letter in a woman's hand-writing falls out of the pocket.
The Leading Lady
Bridget O'Flynn
"The Irish Washerwoman" is to be produced by Manager Mathew Talon. The cast is all engaged but the leading lady.
Little Nemo
Cartoon figures announce, via comic strip balloons, that they will move - and move they do, in a wildly exaggerated style. Also known as "Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald and His Moving Comics".
A Tale of Two Cities
A condensed silent film version of the Charles Dickens classic about the French Revolution and its subsequent Reign of Terror.
Доктор Купидон
Юная девушка знакомится с молодым провинциалом. Он статен, красив. И к тому же поэт-романтик. Конечно же девушка влюбилась. А вот её папе нужен зять деревенский поэт-любитель? Ответ очевиден. Он отказывает от дома молодому человеку. И чтобы встретиться с милой, поэту приходится пойти на хитрость. Что ж голова у него работает...
Vanity Fair
Joseph Sedley
A silent short film telling the classic story of Becky Sharp.
In Neighboring Kingdoms