Agnes Neilson


Crazy Days
Narrator Hughie Green tells "jokes" over clips of old silent films. Including greats such as Fatty Arbuckle, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, the Keystone Cops and more.
Prudence Crabtree
About a woman whose life is almost ruined by the insinuations of a small-town gossip and a brother who falls in with bad company. The film ends with the woman being saved by her upstanding physician husband, whom she meets when her theatre troupe becomes stranded in the town.
April Folly
April Poole (Davies), a young writer in love with publisher Kerry Sarle (Tearle), visits the office of Mr. Sarle and his partner Ronald Kenna (Frank) and reads her latest story to them. She has made Sarle the hero, Kenna the villain, and herself the heroine. In the story, April changes places with Lady Diana Mannister (Marshall), who is being sent to South Africa to separate her from her lover, a young artist. A famous diamond that Lady Diana is to deliver at the end of her journey is given to April. Thieves trail her during her journey. With efforts by Kenna to steal the diamond prevented by the intervention of Sarle, the story comes to a close.
The Woman and the Law
Señora Del Castillo
Jack La Salle marries South American heiress Blanquetta Del Castillo, and the two settle into a happy life in New York City. Following the birth of their son, Jack, Jr., however, Jack becomes involved in an affair with the notorious Josie Sabel and thereafter ignores his wife. Outraged upon learning that Jack has taken their son to Josie's apartment, Blanquetta files for divorce, the court finally ruling that the boy must live with each parent for a portion of the year. As the time of little Jack's departure from his father approaches, Jack, Sr. declares that he will never return the boy to his mother, whereupon the tortured Blanquetta shoots and kills her faithless husband.
Fatty's Wife (uncredited)
День развлечений в Кони Айленде. Фатти, сбежав от ворчливой супруги, пустился во флирт, к тому же очутился в женском одеянии.
Дом грубых манер
История о Роско, его жене и его же приемной матери, которые отдыхают на курорте, где бедному садовнику приходится тушить устроенный Роско пожар, курьеру драться с поваром, а копу расхлебывать всю эту кашу. Что втройне смешнее, если учесть, что садовник, курьер и коп — это одно и то же, вечно бесстрастное лицо Бастера Китона.
Беспечный Ромео
The Mother-in-Law
Фатти в парке приударил за девушкой, а в это время оператор новостей снял их на камеру. На другой день он с женой отправился в кинотеатр, а эти новости там и показали...
Помощник мясника
Miss Teachem
В фильме рассказывается о соперничестве между толстым (Фатти) и тонким (Слим) за любовь хорошенькой Аманды, дочери владельца сельского магазина.