Father Rosario
Guido, an acclaimed author, leads an idyllic life with his beautiful wife and teenage daughter. But despite his seemingly perfect existence, Guido's restless search for inspiration leads him into the arms of Giulia, a charming and mysterious swim instructor, who is hiding a secret from her past.
Vienna, 1924: Puccini, the world-famous composer of operas finds a confidante in the journalist Liza Berman, who will accompany him on a trip into his past: The unrequited love he feels for Elvira, a married woman, who secretly returns his feelings. As a 20-year-old he is living in Milan, in bitter poverty, and barely struggles along as a musician, but upon finishing his studies he makes quite an impression. Full of hope he applies to take part in a contest for opera composers, but he is turned down. Puccini had firmly counted on winning the prize money and now faces financial straits. Thanks to the librettist Fontana, his one-act opera "Le Villi" is performed all the same. The established music publisher Ricordi now commissions Puccini to write the opera "Edgar", which turns out a flop. When Elvira leaves her husband to live with Puccini, the lovers are beset by feelings of guilt. Puccini begins to doubt himself, but due to Ricordi's support, Puccini can write in peace. Soon he ...
Luciano / The Count
Любовная история, разыгрывающаяся на съемках фильма о запретной любви. Лаура получает роль возлюбленной Стефано — главного героя драмы. Как только начинаются съемки фильма, актер, известный своей сдержанностью и самоконтролем, попадает под воздействие яркой, необычайной привлекательной и чувственной Лауры. Молодая пара все больше и больше влюбляется друг в друга, и благодаря съемкам фильма находит путь для проявления своих подлинных чувств…
Тяжело переживая развод с мужем, писательница Фрэнсис Мэйс медленно погружается в пучину депрессии. Душевный кризис перетекает в творческий. Опустошенная и разбитая, Фрэнсис все же поддается на уговоры подруги и едет развеяться в Италию. Происходит настоящее чудо! Ласковое южное солнце пробуждает в очарованной красотой Тосканы Фрэнсис страстное желание начать новую жизнь — именно здесь, в этом теплом и дружелюбном краю. Первым делом она покупает себе старинную виллу. Вторым — заводит новые знакомства. И она еще не ведает, что третье вскоре найдет ее само. И это будет новая, всепоглощающая любовь...
Pietro Aretino
Зима 1526 года от Рождества Христова. Германский император Карл V вторгается во владения Папы Римского, поклявшись повесить его на веревке, свитой из золота. Ему оказывает яростное сопротивление бесстрашный воин Джованни де Медичи со своим знаменитым отрядом «Черные повязки». Под покровом ночи, в стужу и ненастье он внезапно и безжалостно уничтожает хорошо защищенного врага, имеющего в своем арсенале новое, мощное оружие — пушки. Сражаясь в эпоху знаменитых оружейников и военачальников, все больше полагющихся на силу огня и пороха, а не на прочность стального клинка, капитан Медичи упорно преследует войска захватчика, не подозревая о том, что предательство расчетливых итальянских дворян, сыграет роковую роль не только в печальном будущем его родины, но и в его трагической судьбе.
Metro Attendant
A young man enters the Rome Metro with a friend, where they notice a woman who has just left the restroom with her dress accidentally tucked into her panties. They tell her about her inadvertent exposure, after which one of the boys boards a train, leaving his besotted friend standing on the platform - totally smitten with the lovely young lady. The two are waiting on opposite platforms, where they await the last train. The young man proclaims his love at first sight - telling her she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Obviously flattered, the woman reciprocates in a way the young man will never forget...
Another 3 short films from the master of erotic cinema. Improper Liaisons (Rapporti impropri): After the death of her mother, Silvia leaves boarding school to stay with her recently remarried uncle in Rome. Everyone welcomes her into the household, except for her cousin Elena who knows her flirtatious cousin better than anyone. The Last Subway (Ultimo metro): A young Italian man enters the metro and passes a woman who has just left the toilet with her dress tucked into her knickers. Then, even though they are waiting on opposite platforms, he gets to know her very well in the time it takes for the train to arrive. Dream (Sogno): A beautiful woman falls asleep on an isolated beach and starts dreaming about sexual encounters.
The film chronicles the melancholy journey of two celebrity look-alikes chasing their dream of la dolce vita in Italy. Romanian Marilyn Monroe impersonator Ileana and Bulgarian Elvis double Nicolaj win a look-alike contest in Bucharest in which the prize is a summer engagement in a nightclub on Italy's Adriatic coast. The two strangers take off together, communicating in the broken Italian they picked up from TV. When a bureaucratic hitch with Ileana's passport cuts them off at the airport, they cross the border illegally by car, travelling through a part of Yugoslavia devastated by war. They accept hospitality at a military outpost, but the suicide of a colonel there casts suspicion on Ileana. Beaten and afraid, they continue their odyssey across the harsh sunless no-man's-land gradually scarring them both and clouding their hopes. They finally reach Italy, but all is not as promised.
During the Middle Ages, a traveling executioner hires an apprentice to learn the finer points of torture and execution, and a young girl is given by her parents to a Catholic convent.
The freshly graduated psychiatrist David shall deliver an opinion about young Maddalena, who's on trial for murdering a hunter. She claims she's a witch and acted on behalf of the devil.
A group of former friends meets again after a very long time, in a Christmas night, with the intent of ripping off a rich industrialist in a game of Poker. Old hatreds and mistrusts conflict with the nostalgia for the lost friendships.