Brian Lopes


Фильм рассказывает историю трейлбилдинга глазами 15 лучших райдеров и самых кретивных строителей этого вида спорта. От первой неуверенной прокрутки педалей в молодости до меняющих историю движений лучших профессионалов спорта, вы увидите, как маунтинбайкинг формируется лопатами и цепными пилами в бесконечной погоне за идеальной ездой.
3Focus dives in headfirst to the madness that is the UCI World Cup, and doesn't come up for air for nearly an hour. Insane high speeds, raw emotions and an eclectic soundtrack make 3Focus a truly entertaining account of life on the road, racing bikes. Stunning scenery, amazing camerawork, and revolutionary shooting techniques are all present, and combined with the pure energy of the racers to produce something pretty damn special. 2008 was the most closely contested world cup season in living memory, and 3Focus is the perfect film to bring it to your living room.
New World Disorder 8: Smackdown
Brian Lopes
Freeride has spent the last year travelling to such exotic locations as Israel, Argentina, Europe,Utah and of course BC to capture the most progressive and scenic riding in the world. Staring the big dogs of freeriding McCaul, Lacondeguy, Basagoitia, Berrecloth, Goss, Boyko, Bourdon and along with the rest of the world's best racers, freeriders and dirt jumpers have thrown down their best moves to