Mercè Comes

Mercè Comes


Mercè Comes


Gente bien, el musical
Ave despistada
Горилла-альбинос Снежинка - новая обитательница зоопарка Барселоны. Чтобы полюбоваться ее белоснежной шерстью, в Испанию приезжают туристы со всего света. Но жизнь всеобщей любимицы не так прекрасна, как кажется: гориллы, которые живут в зоопарке, не принимают ее в свой круг. В отчаянии Снежинка отправляется на поиски средства, которое могло бы сделать ее похожей на сородичей...
Mare Ester
A young unemployed journalist finds a way to control the incredible power of gossip for living. He create a small business and establishes the rules of what he believes will be a revolutionary new business. One day he discovers that it is no pioneer: the world has been manipulated for decades by large multinational dedicated to creating and spreading rumors.
Pactar amb el gat
In a couple, dominates the one that loves less. Julia (Rose Avalon), 17 years old, has a blind in one eye cat and an enormous dependence from his uncle David (Alberto Jiménez), veterinarian, of the one who is deeply fallen in love. Julia makes what is impossible for remaining the greatest possible time beside his uncle David. But David has one very attractive girlfriend, Sara (Belén Fabra). The best friend of Julia is Aparisi (Pau Roca). He's more than a good friend, he loves her in secret. The blind in one eye cat escapes and Julia, beside Aparisi and his uncle David, starts a search through the terrace roofs of the neighborhood that lasts several days.
Va a ser que nadie es perfecto
Madre Carlos
¿Culpable de qué?