Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Луиза Мей Фостер романтичная молодая женщина, которая мечтает выйти замуж по любви, а не за деньги. Однако на ней словно лежит проклятье, потому что все ее мужья — так или иначе — не могут устоять перед соблазном богатства, известности или власти, тратят все свои силы на это и в результате умирают, оставляя Луизу богатой и несчатной вдовой. Луиза выходит замуж четыре раза, и каждый очередной муж оставляет ее всё более богатой. Луизе же эти деньги совсем не нужны, ей хочется простого женского семейного счастья…
Unaired pilot for a drama/adventure series about a county agent.
Man (uncredited)
Parker Ballantine is a New York theater critic and his wife writes a play that may or may not be very good. Now Parker must either get out of reviewing the play or cause the breakup of his marriage.
Mr. Henry
A young boy discovers the existence of a group called the Mooncussers - a gang of pirates that work at night and sends out false homing signals to ships at sea. The ships then crash on the shore, where they are looted by the gang.
Mayor Phillips
In this movie filmed and released in 1961 (and not a 1962 production), an escaped convict returns to town and begins a reign of terror. Marked for death are Dr. Dean Knudtson, his wife Janice, formerly married to the killer, and Jeff Baxley, on whose testimony the man was originally sent to prison. Sheriff Charles Morton and deputy Sam Freed head a posse tracking down the killer in the desert. The man is found dead of the wounds inflicted by a prison guard trying to prevent his escape. The sheriff resigns his job and heads west with Joan. Written by Les Adams
Farmer in Peasley's Store (uncredited)
A young daughter of poor farmers is forced by her mother to ditch her young boyfriend in order to marry an old rich neighbor but the girl rebels by becoming the town's harlot.
Chief Petty Officer (uncredited)
Бывший яхтсмен, а ныне лейтенант американской армии, поверив радужным обещаниям, отправляется командовать «Самым дурацким кораблем в армии» — грудой металлолома с командой матросов-недотеп. И уж конечно, ни капитан, ни команда не знают, что на их корабль возложена сверхсекретная миссия по спасению союзников, оказавшихся на японской территории…
Mike the Saloon Owner (uncredited)
Nick Romano lives in a poor tenement building on the south side of Chicago with his well-meaning but drug-addicted mother, Nellie. She encourages him to pursue his piano-playing talent in hopes that it will bring him a better life. Nellie's neighbors, like the alcoholic ex-lawyer who secretly loves her, help her in keeping Nick away from Louie, the resident drug dealer. But a chance meeting between Nick and Louie could change things forever.
Pawnbroker / Fence (uncredited)
Jack Diamond and his sickly brother arrive in prohibition New York as jewelry thieves. After a spell in jail, the coldly ambitious Diamond hits on the idea of stealing from thieves himself and sets about getting close to gangster boss Arnold Rothstein to move in on his booze, girls, gambling, and drugs operations.
Reed - Burly Soldier
A fur-trapper named Kelly, who once saved the life of a Sioux chief, is allowed to set his traps in Sioux territory during the late 1870s. Reluctantly he takes on a tenderfoot assistant named Anse and together they give shelter to a runaway Arapaho woman. Tensions develop when Anse falls in love with this woman and when the Sioux chief arrives with his warriors to re-claim her.
Шериф маленького городка Рио Браво Джон Ченс арестовывает убийцу. Брат арестованного, известный бандит, собирает самых отчаянных головорезов со всей округи для его освобождения. Город наводнен преступниками, но Ченс принимает вызов. На помощь к шерифу приходят лишь пьяница, певица и молодой, но быстрый стрелок. Горстка смельчаков стоит за правое дело…
Pete Archer
Pursued by a posse, a rancher and a young woman, partners in crime, are chased into Indian country.
A teen girl is thrown into reform school for refusing to squeal on her delinquent boyfriend where she ends up meeting his ex-girlfriend and the jealous tempers fly.
Truck Driver (uncredited)
Three delinquents murder a prosperous farmer at an isolated farm house. One witness to the crime - the dead man's secretary - is then taken hostage. The other witness - her young son - is thrown into state of shock. Can he recover soon enough to help the police - and his father - rescue his mother before it's too late?
Tom (uncredited)
After aging criminal Roy Earle is released from prison he decides to pull one last heist before retiring — by robbing a resort hotel.
Squat Henchman (uncredited)
1927 год, Канзас-Сити. Тяжелые будни маленького джазового оркестра во времена сухого закона. Трубач Пит Келли, управляющий оркестром, переживает не самые радостные дни. Например, приходится играть на заказ для разных заносчивых барышень с дурной репутацией. Одна такая - Айви Конрад - поклонница Пита и досаждает ему своим заигрыванием. Или же приходится держать оборону против рэкетиров: гангстер Фрэн МакКарг хочет получать процент от скудных заработков коллектива, предлагая взамен свою защиту. В оркестре разногласия среди музыкантов. Пит оказывается на грани отчаяния...
Police A.P.B. Man (uncredited)
Нэнни, совсем еще юная девушка (Пегги Энн Гарнер), приезжает в Готэм, чтобы добиться успеха, и становится жертвой убийства. В события оказываются втянутыми Лотти (Джинджер Роджерс), актриса, вечно сующая свой нос в чужие дела; Питер (Ван Хефлин), продюсер, и Брюс (Джордж Рэфт), детектив, ведущий расследование. Поначалу действие развивается медленно, затем напряжение нарастает, и ловишь себя на том, что фильм захватил тебя полностью. Этому способствует и музыка, и работа оператора.
Police Captain (uncredited)
Melvin Hoover, a budding photographer for Look magazine, accidentally bumps into a young actress named Judy LeRoy in the park. They start to talk and Melvin soon offers to do a photo spread of her. His boss, however, has no intention of using the photos. Melvin wants to marry Judy, but her father would rather she marry dull and dependable Harry Black. As a last resort, Melvin promises to get Judy's photo on the cover of the next issue of Look, a task easier said than done.
Monroe, the Taxi Driver (as Ned Booth)
Peter Kuban, a Hungarian refugee, is about to be deported after jumping ship in New York harbor. He needs to find an ex-G.I. named Tom whom he helped during the war, as Tom can prove Peter's right to legal entry into the United States. If he can't find Tom within 24 hours and prove his case, he will be branded a fugitive and will be permanently disqualified for U.S. citizenship.