Pinky Cheung

Pinky Cheung

Рождение : 1971-09-30, Hong Kong, China


Pinky Cheung grew up in Hong Kong, but spent some of her schooling years abroad in the USA and Japan. After the attention brought by her presence in the Miss Asia contest, she was signed up by ATV and was in a number of TV series – one of the most popular being My Date with a Vampire. After this she embarked on a series of horror films.


Pinky Cheung
Pinky Cheung


All U Need Is Love
Initiated by the Hong Kong Performing Artists Association and the Hong Kong Film Workers Association, ten film companies in Hong Kong (China Star, Anle Film, Emperor Films, Oriental Films, Media Asia Films, Meiya Films, World Films, Shaw Brothers, Sun Entertainment Culture , Huanyu Film) and the Hong Kong Film Development Council’s "Film Production Financing Project". It tells about a quiet afternoon when the Gurney Hotel suddenly detected a suspected case. The epidemic prevention center ordered a total blockade. All guests staying in the hotel must accept Mandatory quarantine for 14 days. Everyone is isolated in the hotel, and the relationship between people is getting closer unconsciously. Everyone has lived through difficult times together, and learned to cherish what may be the last time to get along with each other.
Two high school students from very different backgrounds participate in a musical with mentally disabled children, which eventually leads to the realisation of their dreams and aspirations.
Vampire Warriors
Ar spends her days walking around hunting down bad vampires, while Max and her good vampire friends hang around town aimlessly, complaining about how bored they are. That all changes with the arrival of Mung (Yuen Wah), a vampire who kills other vampires to make himself more powerful (don't they always?). When Ar realizes that Mung's dragging her sister (Law regular Pinky Cheung) with him, she joins forces with the vegetarian vampires to fight their common enemy.
Дурная кровь
Lucy / The Seventh Wife
Бocca oднoгo из клaнoв тpиaды, Энди, лoвят вo вpeмя нeлeгaльнoй cдeлки c пoличным и кaзнят в мaтepикoвoм Kитae. Bcё cвoe имyщecтвo Энди ocтaвляeт cвoeй дoчepи Oдpи и cынy Джeйcoнy. Ho нa дeньги, кoтopыми pacпopяжaлcя Энди, пpeтeндyeт и дpyгaя eгo «ceмья». Eгo пpaвaя pyкa Фaнки нacтaивaeт нa тoм, чтo вce дeньги дoлжны oтoйти клaнy и eгo нoвoмy глaвe. И кoгдa ктo-тo нaчинaeт yбивaть члeнoв бaнды oдин зa oдним — cтaнoвитcя яcнo, чтo ктo-тo xoчeт зaпoлyчить дeньги в eдинoличнoe пoльзoвaниe.
A Very Short Life
Inspector Cat Lam
"A woman is born to give her body to men; her father or strangers should make no difference." Respectable Police Commissioner Josephine reinvestigates an insignificant murder case of a 11 years old girl. The murderer is the mother of the victim, Becky. Under intense interrogation, Becky refused to admit that she knew all along that her boyfriend was raping her little daughter at home. The harsh interrogation drives Becky into killing herself. What is the truth that the raging Commissioner is trying to find out? What is the seemingly defenseless mother hiding? Or is she acually telling the truth? Is the phrase, "A woman is born to give her body to men." the whole truth?
В поисках «звезды»
Wealthy construction mogul Sam Ching and cabaret dancer Milan Sit fall madly in love with one another despite the class differences that would keep many couples apart. However, what Sit doesn't know is that Ching is the man responsible for razing a building representing cherished memories from her childhood.
The Luckiest Man
Ling, Fat's 2nd wife
Mr. Ho, "King of Gambling", got rich by gambling and is the leader of the Hong Kong Mahjong industry in the 1950's. He has three wives, two sons and one daughter. On the surface, the wives appear to be living in harmony but they actually compete against each other for the family's wealth. Since all three know Kung Fu, they sometimes have a martial arts showdown during dinner! Their fighting intensifies when Mr. Ho brings his love child, Ah Fai back home. Mr. Ho loves him very much, but his wives and other sons want him gone. Mr. Ho knows he is getting old, so he suggests that each of his sons to manages a Mahjong club for a period of time. Whichever one can get the best results will be the heir to his fortune.
Смертельный шаг
Сюжет картины “Смертельный шаг” (Duo shuai) раскрывает всю суть преступных синдикатов, которые ради денег способны на самые страшные дела. Однажды, допустив несколько грубых ошибок, одна из самых влиятельных мафиозных группировок, которой руководит человек по имени Ланго, потеряла прошлое влияние и вскоре может прекратить свое существования. Чтобы избежать этой беды, Ланго решает объявить настоящую войну своим конкурентам из соседних кланов. Он засылает на их территории своих людей, которые пытаются установить новые правила путем насилия и грабежа. Теперь все должны знать, что мафиозный клан и ее жестокий руководитель не потеряли былого могущества и влияния в городе. Но этому бесчинству есть еще одно объяснение. Благодаря разгулу преступности и полиции, которая постоянно сидит на хвосте, Ланго может сколотить неплохие деньги. Но война есть война и опасность поджидает на каждом шагу. Опытному мафиози теперь надо быть начеку.
Don't Open Your Eyes
Homicide detective Seven and his new love Fiona are haunted by a group of venomous ghosts. He enlists the help of Bing, the police force's unofficial expert on the supernatural. A full-blown war ensues between the living and the dead.
My Troublesome Buddy
Ann Chai
A-Gan is a mean and stingy but successful salesman. One day he has a car accident and meets his own conscious. His Conscious just gives him 7 days to live. A-Gan convinces it to let him live on if 7 people come and visit him. Disappointed by his colleagues' attitudes, A-Gan meets A-Tong, a girl who is as rude and mean as him. They finally change their bad personalities and A-Gan saves his own life by having 7 visitors.
Colour of the Truth
7 UP's wife
A man becomes a cop in order to take down the police superintendent who may have killed his father, and that of a vengeful Triad boss.
Good Times, Bed Times
Ah P
This is the story of Carrie (Sammi Cheng), who plays a tabloid reporter who is doing a story on pin up police officer Paul Ko (Louis Koo). The word around is that he is impotent and Carrie is looking for the truth. Of course, from there you are looking to see if they will hook up. Also here are Raymond (Lau Ching Wan) as Carrie's ex, a judge and a very young looking Charlene Choi, who plays Tabbie, who wants to live with Raymond. In a small but fun interlude, the always great Sandra Ng plays Bobo.
Brush Up My Sisters
Kammy Ching Ka Mei
Hong Kong Action Comedy
Women from Mars
A hairdresser, a village leader and a veterinarian each have girlfriends but still insist on playing the field. One night, a demon spirit arrives to teach them a lesson by taking their "goods" away. To get their "goods" back, the trio must each have a woman tell them "I love you."
Devil Touch
Jacquline Yu
Office worker Amy goes berserk and tries to stab her boss, Cheuk, accusing him of sexual harassment and rape. The higher-ups accept Amy's description of the event and Cheuk is suspended, in spite of the fact that in-house lawyer Joe believes the man is innocent. He's right: Amy and scheming department head Jacquline are lovers and conspired to bring about Cheuk's downfall, giving Jacquline a better shot at becoming the new CEO. However, Joe and Jacquline used to be lovers and he knows her scheming and duplicitous nature all too well.
A Fight To The Finish
Action - When the SDU special force kills the leader of a gang of thieves, the surviving robbers vow revenge on all SDU members. To stop the carnage, SDU leader Mike must use himself as bait to lure the killers in a desperate fight to the finish. - Wah Leung Hung - Director, Michael Wong, Ken Wong, Pinky Cheung
Everyday is Valentine
Selina Li
Wonderful can't meet a man who does not lie -- and then she bumps into professional liar Ok, who pretends to be rich in order to win her heart.
Troublesome Night 10
A boss and his employees take an excursion to Cheung Chou, an island off the coast of Hong Kong. There, the boss meets and courts a young woman, and is completely oblivious of her past. Meanwhile, while the employees try to enjoy their weekend adventure without their employer, they encounter abnormal events and the young woman may be a link to them.
Esprit D'Amour
Joe Chan (Julian Cheung), an Pay-TV office manager, mourns the death of wife-to-be Winnie Tsang (Loletta Lee), while a spirit causes trouble for a pair of wrongdoers set on taking over the station. A not-so-literate taxi driver Shing Wai-lin (Simon Loui) visits a tarot reader after his girlfriend leaves him. The mystic warns him that he is set to meet a strange woman and he'll be in certain danger. In a dingy flat, housing nurse Mindy (Fennie Yuen) treats triad member Ton's (David Wong) latest wounds. Her Aunt Ha (Helen Law Lan), meanwhile, senses a dark force drawn to the flat's dark hallway.
Dark War
Ken Tsui, a member of an underground organization, is sent to Manila to execute a member of the Filipino government. When he succeeds, he is arrested and sentenced to death. When a psycho cop helps Ken escape, Ken finds refuge with Chang, a man who he helped save. While working in a hotel, Ken is also an assassin who takes a life for only 10 dollars. Meanwhile, the psycho cop begins a killing spree and must find Ken, as Ken's brother, Harry wants him back in the Triads.
Healing Hearts
Ann Chai
Intended as the pilot for a an E.R.-style medical drama set in Hong Kong, Healing Hearts features Tony Leung as Lawrence, a doctor whose personal life has been left in shambles after the tragic hit-and-run death of his wife. As Lawrence sets off to find the driver and bring him to justice, one of his colleagues finds himself distracted by a beautiful coma patient. Healing Hearts was directed by Gary Tang and features Leung Chiu-Wai, Michelle Reis, Kenny Bee, Stephen Fung, and Jackie Lui.
Paramount Motel
A police officer gets tangled up in a crimelord's world.
The Temptation of Office Ladies
Three young girls - Mon, Jo Jo, and Ida - with widely differing personalities, live together in the same house and come face to face with the faults of the men in their life. Mon, who works as a broker in the stock market, would like a change both professionally and romantically and has her eyes on married Michael; meanwhile he harbours fantasies of raping her. Ida works hard to pay off the mortgage with her boyfriend Andy; but he is too lazy to find a job after a year on the dole. The only man Yo Yo loves is Jack Daniels, spending every night in a bar getting drunk even though she is has a son and a daughter to take care of.
Гороскоп 2: Женщина из ада
Молодая семья переживают не лучшие времена: их друг неожиданно ворвался на семейную вечеринку и крайне кровавым образом умер у них на глазах — его не спасло даже то, что муж — доктор. Вскоре после этих событий в их жизнь входит таинственная женщина, на поверку оказывающаяся ведьмой, планирующей увести из семьи мужа при помощи черной магии. Отчаянно борющаяся за любимого мужа обращается к колдуну, однако что-то в этой ситуации не так…
Raped by an Angel 5: The Final Judgement
Five women seek revenge against their rapists. Can they get to him before he can strike back?
Last Ghost Standing
On New Years Eve 2000 the cinema on the 666 King's Road presents its last show before closure. Unfortunately the forces of Hell arise, who are very unsatisfied with the modern movie quality. A horrible, gory bloodbath starts out, including a soccer match with a decapitated head, a nasty faeces monster and several other nastinesses.
Erotic Nightmare
Anthony Wong is a rich sex-deprived man who meets a Monk, who offers him an erotic dream. He becomes addicted to the dream and falls in love with the beautiful female student in it. Unfortunately, the dream is part of the Monk's conspiracy to obtain or destroy all that matters to him. Once Wong finally finishes his dream, things start going horribly wrong
What Are You Gonna Do, Sai Fung?
This film depicts Bruce Lee's final days in Hong Kong in 1959, before leaving for the U.S.
Devil's Offspring
Miss Cheng
At a Hong Kong dormitory, the cook's little granddaughter is brutally murdered. The next day, a mysterious new student, Connie, moves into the dorm. As it is summer vacation, only four students are still living there. Mysterious, disastrous things seem to accompany the new girl everywhere she goes, and this school is no exception.
Horoscope: The Voice from Hell
Jojo, a psychiatry student, wants to learn how to conduct a séance from her elder friend, Aunt Szeto, so she could communicate with the spirit of her daughter. When Szeto takes Jojo to the spirit world, she attracts the attention of a vengeful ghost, which then escapes to the human world through the portal where the two women entered. The ghost then haunts Jojo and wants to possess her body to take revenge on her mobster husband, whose involvement with the mob lead to her demise.
Body Weapon
Ling's best friend
While investigating murder cases involving masked rapists, Officer Ling herself is raped and her husband murdered by the suspects, on their wedding night. Rather than relying on her fellow police officers to solve her case, Ling chooses to use her own body as the weapon to take revenge on her violators.
Mr. Wai-Go
A porn star and a resident of the New Territories use bottles of Viagara to help their respective performance problems.
Tricky King
The trickster antics best displayed in Wong Jing’s Tricky Brains are back. Wong is once again responsible, as he casts Chan Bak-Cheung (Ah Leck) as the master of a prankster company who claims he was a student of the original Jing Goo, Stephen Chow. Chan takes in Oh My Gott (Eric Kot), a doofus nice guy who’s down on his luck after being tricked repeatedly by Chan’s rival (Lo Meng). Gott joins Chan’s trick squad, consisting of Dry member Mark Lui, wacky personalities Fast Beat & Slow Beat, and the buxom Sherming Yiu. The team is hired by rich bastard Simon Lui to trick his half-sister, the amazing beautiful Lee Ann. However, she’s a pretty seasoned trickster herself, meaning that our heroes find themselves very busy. Meanwhile, Oh My Gott rediscovers Yandy (Athena Chu), the nurse he loved from afar many moons ago, who’s now working for Lee Ann.
Raped by an Angel 3: Sexual Fantasy of the Chief Executive
Lau Wan Chi
A series of rapes are occurring in an Office Building. The Chief Executive is experiencing some weird visions and hallucinations. When someone close to a Cop is raped, the investigation increases ten-fold.
Chinese Midnight Express
Tony Leung Chiu Wai heads to prison in Chinese Midnight Express, a harrowing prison drama from director Billy Tang. The setting is 1960s Hong Kong, and righteous reporter On (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) publishes an article exposing corruption in the police force. Unfortunately, he's framed for drug distribution and confesses to the charges when the corrupt cops (led by Ben Ng) threaten his family. Forced to undergo the rigorous hazing rites of all new inmates, On struggles to regain hope and rise above his situation. Meanwhile, On's loyal girlfriend (Pinky Cheung) is terrorized by the cops who put him away, and On faces new challenges, and even finds new allies, while stuck in prison.
Love Cruise
Frame Magazine's "Doggie Team" captain Sun Lik Beer, members Lam Lum Lum and Hark Jai Ching are assigned to follow the four women musical group Sweeties to expose their untold secrets. The trio boards a cruise to collection information on the group. After coming into contact with them, the three "Doggie Team" members find romantic feelings for the four singers.
Young and Dangerous 4
When the branch leader position is open for Tuen Mun, Chicken decides to run for it and is up against fellow Hung Hing member "Barbarian", who resorts to ruthless Tung Sing member "Thunder Tiger" (Roy Cheung) for help in his candidacy. The triad also has to deal with finding a new chairman to the Hung Hing Society, Chiang Tin Yeung (Alex Man), Chiang Tin Sang's older brother, who resides in Thailand. Young and Dangerous 4 also brings in new characters first appearing among the Hung Hing ranks, such as Ben Hon (Wan Yeung Ming), "Sister 13" (Sandra Ng) and "Prince".
The Great Pretenders
Miss Su
The Great Pretenders is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Tony Leung Chiu-Wai