Wai Chiu Chung


Chilli Laugh Story
The COVID-19 pandemic offered white-collar workers everywhere the chance to work from home. At first, it seemed like a luxury to be able to work outside the shackles of the office, but people quickly realized that it could also drive them insane. For Coba, work-from-home has led to a daily cage match with his family. When he inadvertently learns that his mother’s homemade chili sauce is a hit with his co-workers, he convinces his family to turn the chili sauce into an online business in order to divert their attention away from conflicts. However, Coba didn’t expect that the sauce would become a timely internet sensation, thanks to families eating at home more often during the pandemic. From deciding which type of bottle to use for the chili sauce, long-hidden family conflicts are on the verge of erupting again. Soon enough, the family’s daily tug-of-wars become even spicier than chili sauce……
Ударная волна: Битва за Гонконг
Главный сапер особого подразделения SWAT в Гонконге при очередном разминировании бомбы допускает роковую ошибку, вследствие чего по всему городу происходит серия крупных взрывов. Выйдя из комы, он должен во всем разобраться и узнать правду в этой запутанной ситуации...
Китайский лётчик
14 мая 2018 года на внутреннем рейсе компании «Сычуаньские авиалинии» на высоте чуть меньше 10 километров пассажирский самолёт теряет одно из ветровых стёкол. Происходит разгерметизация кабины, одного из пилотов чуть не утягивает наружу, сквозняк и шум стоят такие, что пилоты не слышат по радио голоса диспетчеров. И вдобавок из-за сильных вибраций самолёта показания приборов разглядеть невозможно. Капитану придётся совершить подвиг.
A Home with a View
The Lo family live in an old flat in the middle of a noisy neighborhood: father, mother, unemployed son, teenage daughter and his elderly, disabled father. Now a billboard is blocking their perfect view of the harbor, and their already chaotic life becomes sheer madness.
The Leakers
The film centers around a Malaysian pharmaceutical company using a new virus to generate an epidemic. A secret organization, known as "The Leaker", discloses this information. After the suicide of the pharmaceutical company's son and a local reporter, the wife of the pharmaceutical company's owner leaves for Hong Kong. A Malaysian police chief , Hong Kong police officer, and journalist work together to locate her whereabouts.
Ударная волна
Семь лет назад полицейский сапёр Чун Чойсан был внедрён под прикрытием в банду торговца взрывчаткой Хуна. В тот день банда была полностью обезврежена, но главарю удалось сбежать, оставив в руках полиции подельщиков и младшего брата. Теперь Хун возвращается в Гонконг, чтобы отомстить. Разместив бомбы в крупных общественных местах, преступник вступает в опасную игру с офицером Чуном, возглавившим за это время городской Отдел по утилизации взрывчатых веществ.
В 1990 году доктор Лам занимается исследованиями сна — зачем нужен сон, какие изменения происходят в мозгу, если долго не спать, и может ли человек и вовсе обходиться без сна. К доктору обращается бывшая возлюбленная, которая оставила его 10 лет назад, с просьбой вылечить брата от бессонницы. Оказывается, что семья девушки страдает наследственной болезнью — в определенный момент человек перестает спать, начинает мучаться галлюцинациями и в конце концов умирает.
Идущий по линии
После гибели шефа полиции Хона весь список полицейских агентов, работающих под прикрытием, оказался утерян. Имена, пароли, явки. Проходит два года. Офицер Дин давно завязала с подпольной работой и служит теперь в отделе по борьбе с наркотиками. Однажды она получает закодированный смс от неизвестного абонента, ключ к которому могли знать только непосредственные агенты Хона. Неизвестный утверждает, что его зовут Блэкджек, и он больше десяти лет работает под прикрытием, будучи внедрён в группировку Так Моу. Блэкджек готов сотрудничать с отделом по борьбе с наркотиками, но у шефа Дин возникают серьезные сомнения. Кто скрывается под звучным псевдонимом — настоящий агент, бандитский провокатор, занятый поиском предателей, или преступник, решивший, изобразив героя, скрыться от наказания.
The Mobfathers
The godfather of the triad Jing Hing and his senior bosses need to select a new boss to run the daily operations of the five gangs under their control. Chuck, a lifelong member of the triad, dreams of being the elected one, but his wife wants him to leave the criminal life and spend time with their child. Wulf, a former cop, also wants take over the seat. Both will try to achieve their goal by any means necessary.
12 Golden Ducks
Devastated by a love affair, former in-demand gigolo Future Chang (played by Sandra Ng) retreats to Thailand, leading the life a dissolute. Thanks to the intervention of his high school teacher, Mr. Lo, Future summons the courage to return to Hong Kong. With the help of his friend Ricky, a gym trainer, he works hard to get back into shape, determined to make a comeback in the “duck” (male escort) trade. To Future’s surprise, Hong Kong has undergone a dramatic transformation since he left the city. Even the rules of the duck trade have completely changed! In order to ply his trade, Future is reduced seeking clients at an old age nursery home for women. Meanwhile, the places where women can buy happiness have become much more accessible, operating in neighborhood establishments such as a Thai restaurant…Determined to adapt to their new environment, Future and his desperate cohorts Dick Wide, Nebula and Broker Chan decide to dedicate themselves to satisfying the needs of their new client.
Инспектор пришёл
К знатной семье накануне вечеринки по случаю помолвки младшей дочери приходит полицейский инспектор. Он портит всё веселье своим расследованием самоубийства беременной девушки, к которому, по утверждению членов семьи, они никак не могут иметь отношение.
Из Вегаса в Макао 2
Продолжение истории о заядлых и азартных мастерах карточных игр.
May We Chat
Three troubled young girls will do anything to escape their stifling lives - even if it means turning to drugs and prostitution. Set in the generation of smartphones and web 2.0, the technology may have made communication easier than ever, but cautionary tales of misunderstood youths remain as relevant as they were two decades ago.
Золотая цыпочка 3
Working as a prostitute since she was 16, Kam has witnessed the highs and lows of Hong Kong over the decades. Kamis now a “madam” who manages a stable of high-end prostitutes, entertaining and hosting parties for rich men. She has seen it all. On the surface she embraces the prosperity of the ‘New HK’ but like countless middle-class HK citizens, she laments the lossof the old Hong Kong that once belonged to the people. Over the hill mob boss, Gordon, was put behind bars before the Hong Kong Handover in 1997. Gordon’s appearance and mindset are still stuck in the colonial past. Recently released from prison, he is unable to cope with the New Hong Kong. His sole source of solace is his old flame, Kam.
The Guillotines
In the time of the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor Yongzheng created a secret army known as the Guillotines. It was the job of the Guillotines to protect the Emperor by killing anyone who posed a threat to him or his rule. After 348 successful missions to eliminate their target, the 349th assignment proves to be their last.
Хао Дун страдает от бессонницы и однажды он выходит на балкон и видит прекрасную соседку, рисующую странную картину. Странность заключается в том, что он может предсказать любое движение этой незнакомки. Девушка Хао Дуна считает, что Юэгуан — порождение его фантазии, спровоцированной хронической бессонницей. Но память парня хранит более страшные, истинные воспоминания о том, что произошло с ним в прошлом.
Вирусный фактор
Учёный Кеннер похищает один из образцов вируса оспы для создания нового биологического оружия. Американским военным удалось схватить Кеннера, но он готов отдать образец только после того, как его вместе с семьёй доставят в Норвегию. Полицейскому Джону во время перестрелки пуля попала в голову и не существует безопасного способа её извлечь. Джон медленно умирает, у него осталось только две недели, чтобы решить кучу проблем: найти старшего брата, о существовании которого он и не подозревал, остановить спятившего спецназовца и спасти мир.
Turning Point 2
Laughing is judged guilty of murdering gang lord Michael So and is sentenced to life imprisonment. Locked up behind bars, he meets the seemingly benign inmate Fok Tin Yam, a university professor in criminal psychology who is jailed for drug possession. Highly intelligent and manipulative, Fok reveals the power of his mind games by effortlessly subduing the violent prison bully. He also deduces that Laughing is sent to the prison on an undercover mission to find out the rogue cops within the police force. The clues lead him to inmate Chit, a former sergeant from the Narcotics Bureau who has been suffering from a mental disorder. To unlock the critical information from the deranged man, Laughing must get the help of Fok, but this enigmatic figure has an agenda of his own...
Lan Kwai Fong
Lan Kwai Fong (LKF), a well-known party location in Hong Kong with loads of nightclubs and bars. Everyone likes to go to LKF for fun, one night stands or even true love. LKF has captured the joys and sorrows of many... One night, Steven - a regular of LKF met the flight attendant - Jennifer. They had sex on the first night they met but both could feel love come along. They had another date on New Year's Eve. Unfortunately, misunderstanding tore them apart and Jennifer decided to disappear from LKF. After eight months, Steven meets with Jennifer again and hopes to restart a relationship with her. However, Jennifer is no longer single, she's now his boss, Leslie's girlfriend. At the same time, Steven receives a call that his close friend collapsed and had to be sent to hospital. His friend encouraged him to follow his heart. When he finally decides to tell Jennifer about his feelings...
A Beautiful Life
Fang Zhen Dong is a patrolling officer in Beijing who one night meets the drunk Li Pei Ru while singing karaoke at the KTV place. Li Pei Ru is a real estate agent from Hong Kong who has vowed to make her fortune in the cosmoplitan Beijing, but is caught up in the complexities of life and ends up becoming a mistress of a married man.
Break Up Club
When aimless Joe is dumped by his mercurial girlfriend, Flora, he finds an unusual way to win her back: a magical website that allows users to win back lost loves, so long as they agree to break up another happy couple.
Дурная кровь
Бocca oднoгo из клaнoв тpиaды, Энди, лoвят вo вpeмя нeлeгaльнoй cдeлки c пoличным и кaзнят в мaтepикoвoм Kитae. Bcё cвoe имyщecтвo Энди ocтaвляeт cвoeй дoчepи Oдpи и cынy Джeйcoнy. Ho нa дeньги, кoтopыми pacпopяжaлcя Энди, пpeтeндyeт и дpyгaя eгo «ceмья». Eгo пpaвaя pyкa Фaнки нacтaивaeт нa тoм, чтo вce дeньги дoлжны oтoйти клaнy и eгo нoвoмy глaвe. И кoгдa ктo-тo нaчинaeт yбивaть члeнoв бaнды oдин зa oдним — cтaнoвитcя яcнo, чтo ктo-тo xoчeт зaпoлyчить дeньги в eдинoличнoe пoльзoвaниe.
Happily Ever After
Nan Au-Yeung (Michelle Wai) and Sze Tso-chi (Ken Hung) share the same birthday, go to the same school, love photography, and are just as competitive. But they did not know of each other’s existence until they “crossed swords” at a debate tournament. And they both felt as if the fairytale prince and princess finally found each other. Later in a birthday party, Nan thought Chi played a trick on her, leaving a slap on his face. Four years later, Nan Au-Yeung encounters his ghost and learns that he is already dead...
Turning Point
Laughing (MICHAEL TSE) is formally a police undercover. However due to a drug trafficking case, Inspector Pan (FELIX WONG) is hot on his trails. Before Laughing becomes a police undercover, he works under triad leader Yi (ANTHONY WONG). Yi treats Laughing as his own brother, however to protect his territory and illegal businesses, Yi instructed Laughing to join the police force and act as his undercover. Laughing is a high-flyer in the police academy. However he never got a chance to join the force because he is specially picked by Inspector Xian (YUEN BIAO) to be an undercover in the underworld syndicate. Hence Laughing becomes a “double-undercover”. Yi is happy that Laughing is allocated to the triad of his rival (FRANCIS NG). To make his situation worse, Laughing falls in love with the triad leader’s sister, Karen. Justice, brotherhood and love, what will Laughing decide on? His decision will be a turning point in his life.
Happy Funeral
Yes, I Can See Dead People
Nam is not your typical teenager. Sure, he spends a little too much time on his computer, and tries a little too hard to meet the gorgeous stewardess who lives in his building. But recently three of Nam's friends have committed suicide, which isn't all bad since, as the title implies, he sees ghosts. However, these suicides only foreshadow weirder things to come. Soon his brother Tung, along with Chee, his stewardess crush, begin to act strangely, while his visions of ghostly children and other phantoms grow more frequent. With aid from his brother's girlfriend Charlie, Nam sets out to investigate his haunted building's past and help these malevolent spirits cross over.
Мудрые не умирают
Бухгалтер Ник Вонг после масштабной аферы, в итоге которой пропали десять миллионов долларов, попадает за решетку. Местные обитатели встречают его неприветливо, но за него вступается профессиональный кидала Тедди, обучающий парня всем премудростям своей профессии. Проходит время, Тедди и Ник выходят на свободу и планируют грандиозную аферу – опустошить закрома гангстера Дракона.
Daichi Harashima plays a kid fed on genetically engineered food produced by a company called "Superkid", thus having far higher IQ than kids of his age while suffering from mania.
On the Edge
After working as an undercover in a triad for 8 years, Sheng finally arrests the triad leader and resumes his duties as a police officer. However, life does not return to normal as he is faced with suspicions colleagues and even trailed by the investigations team. One day, he meets some triad members whom he has earlier befriended as an undercover agent and is forced into a corner when asked to collaborate with them once again.
It Had To Be You
Restaurant supervisor Jill (Karena Lam) has a handsome boyfriend Chi On (Wu Bing), but she is just his backup girlfriend. She knows she is the other girl, but her hope for being his one and only has never ceased until he changes his formal girlfriend once again. All her anger goes to her co-worker Jack (Ekin Cheng), who appears to be a womanizer but indeed shares a similar unfortunate romantic situation of being the backup boyfriend of an airhostess. Knowing that both are victims in romantic relationships, Jack and Jill no longer spar with each other and a liking between them start to develop
Elixir of Love
Heung, a fishwerwoman, is determined to help Kai, an amateur aromatherapist, find the ultimate elixir for the princess who has a bad case of body odour. Although Kai's initial aim is to find the cure and win the princess' heart, he and Heung draw closer every day in the quest for the ultimate cure.
Let's Sing Along
Chu Wai Tak (Anita Mui), a timid and shy office lady, is embarrassed by her ex-boyfriend by enrolling her in a singing contest. Tak is in trouble as she can't sing when someone else is round. She asks King (Dayo Wong) a Karaoke fanatic, to train her and make her confident in performing in front of others. The time is coming, King decides to give Tak the final "confidence boost" session... Anita Mui must overcome stage fright by learning from the “King of Karaoke” in this musically-inclined comedy.
In a summer holiday, a father (Mr. Kuk) with his children (Ku Fung and Little Kuk-Ku) has decided to open a noodle bar on a 2-month lease. He has great expectations for his noodle business. Kuk Fung quickly falls in love with Carlily (Kuk Fung's friend). Meanwhile, Little Kuk-ku has met a new friend, Wo who is working at the noodle bar. As the vacation is going, the nodle bar has to be closed. Mr Kuk's business performance didn't come up to his expectations, but it ends up with two puppy loves.
Viva Erotica
Assistant Editor
Sing's last two films were flops, but he is given the helm on a Category III sex film and has to cope with a leading lady who won't do nude scenes, Triad backers, and a crumbling relationship with his girlfriend.
Customs Frontline
Zhou Zhengli and his boss Zhang Yunnan are working for Hong Kong Customs. When they are investigating an arms smuggling case, the Customs encounter a violent attack by an overseas force. Zhou Zhengli participates in the joint operation with the Interpol. Zhou is a brave man, not afraid of dangerous mission, but the truth might be difficult for him to accept...