Grace Perkins


Social Register
Additional Dialogue
Chorus girl Patsy Shaw crashes a high-society party, meets playboy Charlie Breen, they fall in love, and are on their merry way to wedded bliss. However, Charlie's snobbish, ever-loving mama doesn't think that Patsy is worthy and sets out to prove it.
Torch Singer
When she can't support her illegitimate child, an abandoned young woman puts her up for adoption and pursues a career as a torch singer. Years later, she then searches for the child she gave up.
No More Orchids
Despite loving another man, a young woman is talked into marrying a wealthy and boorish prince in order to help her financially-strapped father.
Personal Maid
Nora Ryan, a poor Irish girl, living in New York decides to change her life by working as a personal maid for the wealthy, Gary family.
Ночная сиделка
Лора Харт учится на курсах медицинских сестер, твердо решив целиком посвятить себя этому делу. Однажды ночью в больницу привозят бутлегера по имени Морти. Лора и ее сокурсница Мэлони устанавливают, что Морти получил огнестрельное ранение, и, поддавшись на его уговоры, соглашаются не сообщать об этом в полицию. Морти клянется Лоре в дружбе и присылает бутылку спиртного в подарок.
My Past
A stage star finds herself torn between a wealthy older man and a handsome younger one.