Stephanie Rennie


Deadly Midwife
Lauren and Anthony hire a new midwife after their last one mysteriously vanishes, but things may not be as they seem.
The Surrogate Scandal
Amelia discovers her estranged and late daughter was a secret surrogate for a celebrity couple. Posing as a nanny, Amelia uncovers a dark truth about the surrogacy and learns she is not the only person who wants to claim the baby.
Where Are You
Executive Producer
A photographer suffering under artist decline begins taking out his aggression on his girlfriend. When she disappears, he enters his subconscious, descending down a spiral of mystery and madness on his search for her, as well as himself.
How I Met Your Murderer
Mack Meyer has built a large fanbase discussing true crime on her wildly successful podcast "How I Met Your Murderer." However she finds herself the center of the story after learning her husband, Henry, was involved in the death of his high school sweetheart, Lily. With the help of her new neighbor, Oliver, Mack links Lily's death to other murders in the area and fears she may be living with a serial killer.
Grandma Dearest
Barbara wants nothing more than to be a grandmother. When her son, Ethan, meets Kendall, a divorced mother of two, Barbara quickly becomes an ever-present force in their lives. Unannounced visits escalate to murder, and Barbara will do anything to protect her relationship with her grandchildren. With her life in danger, Kendall must outsmart her mother-in-law to save her children and expose Barbara for who she really is… before it’s too late.
Executive Producer
Elyse appears, on the surface, to have it all - a beautiful family, and enviable home, a charmed lifestyle. However, all is not what it seems, and her enviable existence starts to unravel. Institutionalised following a catastrophic accident, she is deeply traumatised and seemingly unreachable. Only the care from her doctor and the unconditional love from her nurse might lead to her recovery.
Inspired to Kill
Executive Producer
After losing the hero worship of her excitement in a repulsive catastrophe, Kara moves across the country to attend a writing program in Los Angeles. She finds room and board as soon as Charlie Fratelli, a kooky, cheerful girl who loves to beverage wine and flirt when younger men. There, Kara meets Jason, a shy do something student, who nimbly takes to Kara even though his meek birds prevents him from making a involve. Instead, an older, dreamier man named Paul Reese sweeps Kara off her feet. Paul is an conventional crime novelist and Kara is hastily taken gone his mild confidence. Soon, it seems as though everyone who has persecuted Kara ends happening paying the ultimate price and she begins to admiration what she in dream of fact knows just roughly Paul. Kara enlists Jasons encourage to locate out the precise--but soon the two take taking place a haunting conclusion.
Идеальный выбор
Executive Producer
Герой фильма легкомысленно относится к любви и не верит, что когда-нибудь заведет с женщиной серьезные отношения. Чарли готов даже заключить пари с друзьями. Спор будет им проигран, если знакомство с привлекательной девушкой продлится хотя бы месяц. Но судьба уготовила герою сюрприз, послав встречу с той, кто вызовет у Чарли желание построить долгосрочные отношения.
Быть Чарли
18-летний Чарли доставляет много хлопот своим близким. Совершив побег из клиники, куда его поместили для лечении наркозависимости, он возвращается домой в Лос-Анджелес. Но родители по-прежнему очень беспокоятся за сына, и поэтому они вынуждены отправить его в реабилитационный центр для взрослых. Там парень знакомится с Евой, красивой, но очень беспокойной девушкой. Чарли пытается справиться с новыми для себя чувствами, старается избавиться от своей зависимости и примириться с назревающим разводом родителей.
The Real St. Nick
A pretty psychiatrist is saved from an accident by a man who, after hitting his head on a rock, believes he is Santa Claus. As she nurses him back to health at her institute, he brings the spirit of Christmas to the hospital.