Nicol Zanzarella


Leo: A Ghost Story
Leo likes to draw. He makes delicious snacks. But most people can't even see him...because Leo is a ghost. When a new family moves into his home, Leo decides it is time to leave and see the world. That is how he meets Jane. And that is how their adventures begin.
Abe's Honest Words: The Life of Abraham Lincoln
From the time he was a young boy roaming the forests of the unsettled Midwest, Abraham Lincoln knew in his heart that slavery was deeply wrong. The passion for humanity that defined Lincoln's life shines through in this portrait of a truly great American president.
A young suburban family move into a new home, only to find something strange and fantastic there. At first inspiring, this discovery eventually threatens their bond as a family. Featuring David Tenenbaum, Nicol Zanzarella, Bobbie Prewitt and Charlie Mattera.
On a hot summer night in Brooklyn, singles and couples converge in a brownstone apartment to flirt, fight, hook up and break up. A dreamy comedy-drama about sex, love and freedom, "Home" packs a lot of stories into just two floors.
Погоня в Манхеттене
Выйдя из тюрьмы, бывший киллер решает порвать все связи со своим криминальным боссом и посвятить себя воспитанию сына, но вскоре понимает, что заслужить право на спокойную жизнь не так легко, как ему казалось.
Jacob and Sierra, two poor rural types, decide to solve their problems by kidnapping Maria, the governor's daughter. Things begin to go awry, however, when Maria's father witnesses the kidnapping. To make matters worse, he ends up in a coma after crashing his car while chasing the kidnappers, so he is unable to answer their demands