Rick McCallum


Life After
People throughout the world believe in life after death and that spirits are trying to contact the living. In this compelling documentary the Science of paranormal investigation is put to the test as as four ghost hunters ask the big questions: Is there something after death? Are ghosts real? Can we communicate with lost family?
Stolen from the Suburbs
A single mother from the suburbs searches for her kidnapped daughter before human traffickers sell her on the international market.
Топор 2
После того как Мэрибет чудом вырывается из рук безумного маньяка Виктора Кроули, она узнает, что же связывало ее семью с этим страшным человеком. Узнав всю правду, она полна решимости вернуться на болота с целой армией, жестоко отомстить мяснику и вернуть тела своих близких.
Mary Elizabeth goes to bed alone one night, still a twenty one year old virgin, and wakes up the next morning pregnant. Possessed by the demon fetus growing within her womb, Mary Elizabeth obeys her homicidal cravings to kill, for the sake of her unborn spawn. Mary Elizabeth's dark transformation is controlled by her unborn demon child's deadly evil cravings.
Dark Wolf
A hip, very erotic twist on the werewolf thriller, this atmospheric horror film adds a a wickedly sexy appetite to the bloodthirsty cravings of its monster. A vicious werewolf stalks the streets of Los Angeles. Between killings, its desperate goal is to mate with unsuspecting Josie, who is unaware of her special power attracting the beast. Forced to take over an investigation involving werewolves after his partner is killed, an LAPD Detective is led to the trail of this ravenously deadly hybrid werewolf.
Ground Zero
Tall Man
When a series of strange earthquakes hit California, a seismologist named Kimberly Stevenson is sent to the Angeles Forest to investigate the epicenter. This might prove to be her biggest task so far, but also the one that will bring her renown. She brings along her son, Justin, who was recently involved in a car accident with his father. In the wilderness outside Los Angeles, the two of them find a man named Michael Brandeis, who seems to know an awful lot about what is happening. As expected, these are not natural earthquakes, but the work of a dangerous company selling nuclear weapons.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Masks of Evil
In the seventeenth film in the series, in 1918, a top-secret mission for French Intelligence brings Indy to Istanbul. Exploring the city's dark and dangerous streets, he is thrust into a web of betrayal and murder when he discovers a vile Turkish plot to assassinate French espionage agents. Evil of a more enduring kind awaits him in Transylvania, where he engages in mortal combat with bloodthirsty Vlad the Impaler and his horrific army of the living dead. With his very life at stake, Indy must garner all his strength and wits in order to defeat the fiend and save mankind.
Глубоководная Звезда Шесть
В США спроектировали подводную лабораторию — «Глубинную звезду-6». Военно-морской флот согласился финансировать ее создание при условии, что там будут размещены секретные военные установки. Опустившись на дно океана, «Глубинная звезда-6» потревожила таинственное глубоководное создание, решившее истребить персонал станции…
Одинокий волк МакКуэйд
«Крутого» рейнджера Маккуэйда бандиты ненавидят за беспощадность, а шеф полиции за его стиль работы — «волка-одиночки». И, в конце концов, навязывает ему нового напарника — молодого мексиканца. Им противостоит банда контрабандистов оружием во главе неким Роули — чемпионом по карате. В довершение всего, Маккуэйд влюбляется в женщину Роули Лолу. Бандиты похищают дочь рейнджера...