Patrea Patrick


Grid Down, Power Up
Executive Producer
Our power grid is at grave risk of shutting down completely. An orchestrated physical attack, electromagnetic pulse attack (EMP), cyber-attack, or geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) could shut down our electricity grid for as long as one calendar year or longer. Our electric utility companies have not implemented sufficient precautions to protect our grid, yet they are aware of the dangers. Our state and federal officials are aware of the threat a shutdown poses, yet they haven’t passed any legislation that deals with the threat. This documentary helps us understand the threat, why it has become a threat, and demonstrates how we can fix this problem.
Bruno Sammartino
A documentary about World Wrestling Federation Hall of Famer Bruno Sammartino.
Bruno Sammartino
A documentary about World Wrestling Federation Hall of Famer Bruno Sammartino.
Bruno Sammartino
A documentary about World Wrestling Federation Hall of Famer Bruno Sammartino.
Bruno Sammartino
A documentary about World Wrestling Federation Hall of Famer Bruno Sammartino.
American Empire
AMERICAN EMPIRE is an indictment on the country that has supposedly nurtured us, but is slowly destroying us. Beginning with the founding of the Federal Reserve our economy is controlled by a system of debt and inflation. It has become an economic empire that is destroying our planet and all its natural resources driven by a relentless need to amass money and power. How can we let this happen! How can we as a people, allow these so called officials get away with it? Who is benefiting and why? Their actions have affected our food, our health, and our very freedom! We have become both the enablers and sadly, the victims! This no-holds-barred documentary dares to lay bare the real truth behind the AMERICAN EMPIRE!
American Empire
AMERICAN EMPIRE is an indictment on the country that has supposedly nurtured us, but is slowly destroying us. Beginning with the founding of the Federal Reserve our economy is controlled by a system of debt and inflation. It has become an economic empire that is destroying our planet and all its natural resources driven by a relentless need to amass money and power. How can we let this happen! How can we as a people, allow these so called officials get away with it? Who is benefiting and why? Their actions have affected our food, our health, and our very freedom! We have become both the enablers and sadly, the victims! This no-holds-barred documentary dares to lay bare the real truth behind the AMERICAN EMPIRE!
Принц и я: Королевская свадьба
Additional Editing
Наконец-то история о современной золушке Пейдж Морган подошла к своему счастливому концу! Ее избранник — датский принц Эдвард сделал ей официальное предложение руки и сердца. Теперь, будущую королеву Дании ждет путешествие на родину титулованного жениха, где молодые обвенчаются в большом кафедральном соборе.И все бы хорошо, если бы не пресловутые традиции. Перед самой свадьбой жених и невеста узнают о старинном законе: наследник датской короны, может вступить на престол, только после женитьбы на особе благородной крови. В противном случае, он лишится трона…