Kokinji Katsura

Kokinji Katsura

Рождение : 1926-10-06, Suginami, Tokyo, Japan

Смерть : 2014-11-03


Kokinji Katsura


Free and Easy 18
Hama-chan goes to Okayama to look for Su-san when he goes missing a few days after freezing up during his inaugural speech as the company chairman.
Tsubakiyama's Send Back
Shozo Tsubakiyama
When middle-aged salary man Tsubakiyama suddenly dies, he leaves his family high and dry. But suddenly he's given another chance: a few days in which to return to Earth and straighten things out. The thing is, he's come back in the form of a strikingly beautiful young woman.
Young Madam's Interference in a Homicide
Old man
Nami, the young madam of a well-established hot spring hotel in Kotohira, is reunited with her childhood friend Kana who has come to participate in an art auction. However, when people with links to the auction start getting killed one after another, Nami sets out to find the criminal with her detective husband Ryohei.
Murderous Intent in the Pacific
Honda Yahachi
A ferry captain named Sugisaki (Takahashi Hideki) and his first officer, Kojima (Funakoshi Eiichiro), participate in a photoshoot conducted by camerawoman Yamaka Shiori (Ohama Tomoko) of the ferry. The ferry reaches Miyazaki and Sugisaki and Kojima go to the hotel where a showing of Yamakawa's photos is being held. Yoshizawa (Nakajima Hisayuki), a magazine editor, is waiting for Yamakawa at the hotel.
The Young Mistress Plays Detective in the Spa Murder
Akane is the young mistress of Notoraku Inn in Ishikawa Prefecture. She is trained by her mother-in-law, Takako, daily. One day, as Yohei, Akane's husband, and Takako are on their way to a friend's wedding, Rekiko, Yohei's childhood friend, confesses her feelings for Yohei in front of everyone at the hotel. The next day, Reiko's body is found and Akane and Yohei become murder suspects.
Little Adventurer
Mickey, a smart student from England, is on his trip to Japan for vacation. He meets with a Chinese girl Lin Fang on the way. They each have the same model of camera. But they have their cameras exchanged without their knowing it prior to their departure.
Showdown in the Red Valley
Date Hanroku
Ken Watanabe, a young man from Tokyo, comes to the great plains of Rumo, Hokkaido to see his hometown with his own eyes. Ken, who was entangled in this land's boss Samejima and collapsed, was rescued by Shingo Kazama, a mountain man who works at the quarry. Samejima, who doesn't like Shingo, tries to interfere with Shingo's work...
A Man's Crest: Fight Challenge
Sixth part in the Enblem of Man series.
Dai nippon kosodoro den
Japanese comedy film.
The Flower and the Sword
A dangerous mobster threatens the life of a businessman's mother in this thriller. As Ryuji oversees the building of a bridge in Japan, a powerful gangster plans to stop the project. By any means necessary.
Цветы и благовония
Kimono store clerk
По мотивам одноименного романа Савако Ариёси. Фильм в двух частях рассказывает историю Томоко Сунага, которая с раннего детства должна была сама искать дорогу к своему счастью. Её жизнь начинается с предательства матери, которая сама продала её в весёлый квартал. Жестокая судьба гейши не сломала её волю, но кровная связь с матерью запутывает её судьбу всё сильнее, и эти путы невозможно разорвать никакими усилиями. Масштабная эпопея рассказывает нам историю не только этой женщины, но и всей Японии от начала ХХ-го века до 1960-х годов. За свою жизнь Томоко меняла не только города, мужчин, но и имена: девочка Кодзи-сан, ученица О-Тёбо, воспитанница Мариа, гейша Коботан ("маленький пион"), хозяйка гостиницы Ханаю. Какое посмертное имя "каймё" получит она в загробной жизни?
Welcome, My Baby
Kikuji Miyoshi
Two friends, both members of a Japanese cargo boat, return to Japan after a three-month voyage and have just 24 hours shore leave. In those hectic hours, they vie for the affections of a hotel owner's daughter but wind up with separate girl friends and attempt to bring together the parents of a baby who have separated.
Tiger of the Sea
A group of pirates sail the treacherous Pacific ocean in search for wealth.
The School Cap
Furuyama's father
A Tokyo student transfers to a rural school and finds it difficult to adjust himself to its customs and traditions. One of the customs is the wearing of an old school cap by a senior. It is a symbol of courage and bravery and is handed down to a new senior each year.
Sarariiman monogatari Taiki bansai
Japanese comedy film.
Modern Children
After their father dies, his children try to get by on a house boat.
サラリーマン物語 敵は幾万ありとても
Japanese comedy film.
サラリーマン物語 新入社員第一課
Japanese comedy film.
The Rambler Returns Home
Final installment of THE WANDERING GUITARIST series.
This Madding Crowd
Там, где горы и реки
Седьмой год Тайсё. Группа японских иммигрантов прибыла на Гавайи. Среди них были Ёсио Иноуэ, его жена Кисимо и Суми, женщина, которая ищет себе мужа. С труднодоступной почвой и субтропическим климатом иммигранты вынуждены справляться с тяжелой жизнью. Но после многих лет тяжелой работы Ёсио находит работу учителя, в то время как его жене удается открыть небольшой продуктовый магазин. Суми вышла замуж за Году и руководит прачечной. В семействе Иноуэ родились дети, Харуо и Акира, а у семьи Года также подрастает потомство, Итиро и Сакура. Но с приближением войны жизнь японских иммигрантов в чужой стране становится все более сложной.
Tales of President Mito
Mr. Mito, a former president of an instant food company, with two young men’s help, solves the quality problems and wins a big ramen contract with a large Chinese company.
Snow in the South Seas
Japanese soldiers stranded in Manokwari, New Guinea, improvise a theater play to keep their spirits up and endure the extremely difficult conditions.
Furimuita hanayome
Yuzo, the craftsman
Japanese comedy film.
Ночь только для женщин
После принятия закона о запрете проституции в 1958 году в Японии открываются десятки центров по реабилитации бывших жриц любви. И сотрудники центров, и их воспитанницы полны решимости начать новую жизнь, но забыть о прошлом и начать всё сначала не так-то просто.
Hito mo arukeba
Tobei Kinoshita
A drummer falls for a pawnbroker's daughter.
Удел человеческий 2
Sasa Nitôhei
Будучи призывником в войска Японии военного времени, пацифист борется за то, чтобы сохранить веру в свои идеалы.
Temptation on Glamour Island
Hyodo Sogoro (Army Lieutenant)
Comedy about three soldiers, two female reporters, six prostitutes, and the wife of an officer, all stranded on a South Seas island at the end of World War II.
Temptation on Glamour Island
Sogoro Hyodo
Comedy about three soldiers, two female reporters, six prostitutes, and the wife of an officer, all stranded on a South Seas island at the end of World War II.
Сдаётся комната
Yokichi Tani
Горо Ёда закончил университет и знает про всё на свете. К тому же, он такой добрый, что не может отказать никому, если к нему обращаются с просьбой. Правда, он пока не женился, но все женщины от него без ума. Такому человеку непременно должна улыбнуться удача.
1958 Shochiku adaptation of Natsume's novel.
Hobo Village
Live-action adaptation of Yoshiro Kato’s manga.
Stories about Jirocho: Ishimatsu and Oiwake Sangoro
Ishimatsu is strong in fights, but weak in relationships with women and enjoys great popularity among them, and we see how an exciting historical drama about love, enmity and friendship is played out.
Dancing Mistress
Kanô-ya's Son
Classic kaidan ghost story from the Edo period
Tales of Young Genji Kuro
Genji Kurô is a master swordsman and entrusted with protecting the ancient sword Kaen by the Otsubo family.
A Samurai's Honor at Pawn
A film about the struggle of an officer from Edo, Toyama Saemon, with a lightning-fast gang of thieves.
The Bronze Monster
In this four part mystery-adventure, detective Kogoro Akechi and the members of the Boy Detectives Club must capture the Bronze Monster, a giant metal monster that steals valuable clocks.
Young Miss Executive
A young woman becomes president of a business.
Твоё имя. Часть II
Драма Матико и Харуки продолжается. Двое снова встречаются на Хоккайдо только для того, чтобы снова разлучиться.
Wild lion
A gripping historical drama that follows the explosive growth of Katsu Kaishu, the hero of the Meiji era, and the interesting human image of his father, Kokichi, who lived for the common people, his neighbors and his children. A film about paternal and maternal love and conjugal love in the creation of mankind, about the healing power of which laughter and tears have. The work that became the last work of the giant star Tsumasaburo Bando.
New Tokyo March
Follows six male friends from elementary school whose career paths diverge—newspaper reporter, engineer, boxer, sushi restaurant owner—but whose romantic lives intersect. (MoMA)