Anton Krajčovič

Рождение : 1928-06-23, Male Bielice, Czechoslovakia

Смерть : 2002-01-13


She Kept Asking for the Moon
Art Direction
Johanka had a fling with a well digger she had not met before and who, she was most likely certain, would never be around again. Just before his departure, they have sex and she eventually becomes single mother of a baby girl. 18 years later her (now 18-year-old) daughter Paulina commutes by bus to work in the nearby city, which gives the village gossips the occasional opportunity to remind her of her unknown father. A resultant conflict with her mother makes Paulina take up residence in the city. Johanka, prodded by her also-single friend Jozefka who maintains that a woman without a man is nothing, begins to woo the new teacher Jarek only to discover later that he is married. Paulina, in the meantime, loses her virginity to the soldier Jirka who promptly makes himself scarce. Johanka fails to consider that she actually has a better life than some of her married neighbors, begins to see.
Vitaj, Zuzanka!
Production Design
Production Design
Great Times
Production Designer
The drama of the last days of the second world war through the eyes of children in rural areas.
Stratená dolina
Production Design
Concert for the survivors
Production Design
A picture of generational confrontations between children and parents. A young and ambitious violin virtuoso, Peter, lives in long-lasting conflicts with his father. Only after his death Peter realizes how much he had been hurting his father. Still, not even the tragedy can make a change in his shallow life in stereotype.
If I Had a Girl
Production Design
Pacho, the Brigand of Hybe
Production Design
A funny outlaw tale inspired by traditional folk humour. Pacho is no ordinary outlaw. He detests injustice and feudal oppression and he copes with each troublesome situation with the help of his cleverness and wit.
Sváko Ragan
Production Designer
Who could forget the Favorites figure Svákov Ragan in acting creations neopakovatel'ného Jozef Kroner? Three-part television film Sváko Ragan, created according to stories Ela Sándor already at its first introduction many years ago, soon won favor with audiences. Brought not only good fun, but also an attractive view of a world Myjavská site with many rustic Alpine traditions and characters and witty dialect used, especially Myjavský and Brezovský. Above all this, however, it is dominated by the ability to invent Svákov Ragan was even in the most uncomfortable situations ... Brezovskí tanners have been known not only to the quality of its products, but ischopnosťou their products at fairs successfully foreground. Highly after the fairs and markets in the near and distant surroundings Birch Nachod and Sváko Ragan and no wonder that their business has seen wandering the lot but cheerful and made many hilarious but also less hilarious "deal" ...
Production Design
Big Night and Big Day
Production Design
Slovakian villagers towards the end of WW II are despairing as German troops fall back to their village.
Ohnivé križovatky
Production Design
Deň, ktorý neumrie
Production Design
Skrytý prameň
Production Design
Putovanie do San Jaga
Production Design
Production Design
Maple and Juliana
Production Design
A girl is transformed into a maple tree by her impulsive and angry mother. Three poor wandering musicians come by the tree and create instruments from it. Walking around the country instead of happiness they bring death everywhere with their cursed instruments. However they cannot get rid of them, unless they bury the wooden instruments at the place of the tree. The three are anything but harmonious, each taking in their disputes various stances.
Полевые лилии
Production Design
Снятый в эстетике старых, пожелтевших от времени фотографий фильм рассказывает о том, как сорванные войной из домов своих предков и затем подхваченные ветром странствий, они разрываются между жаждой свободы, не обремененной никакими привязанностями, и столь же сильной и естественной тягой к родному гнезду, теплу и любви. В образных решениях фильма сюрреалистическая метафоричность уже лишь одно из слагаемых художественного опыта художника, мечтающего возродить непосредственное отношение человека к реальности, освежить восприятие мира, в котором он живет. Последним объясняется его ориентация на асоциальные слои общества в выборе персонажей. Воплощением его идеи полноты и целостности естественной жизни становятся воры, бывшие солдаты, ставшие бродягами, авантюристы, странники и т.п. ...
The Bride of the Mountains
Production Design
A balladic story situated in a Slovak mountain region before the 2nd World War. A young man returns to his native village after many years. There he meets Zuna, a mysterious girl of the forest, who opens his eyes to the charming nature to perceive hidden corners of the world and of his own soul.
Завтра будет поздно
Production Design
1943. Captain Ian Nalepke, Chief of Staff of the Slovak regiment, bearing protection of military facilities in the small town of Belarus contacts the partisansand passes to them the obtained information about upcoming operations of the German forces.
If I Had a Gun
Production Design
Vlado, an intelligent boy living in a small village, has fantasies that take him away from his humdrum life. But as the Nazi occupation begins to encroach on the townsfolk his fantasies and reality begin to merge.
Hľadači svetla
Production Design
Production Design
A story of a man threatened by a fatal illness evaluating his life (the number 322 in the film title stands for the diagnosis of one kind of cancer). He understands his illness as a form of punishment for his cruel deeds in the 1950s. In the face of reality and his efforts to cleanse himself he hits a barrier of indifference, lack of interest, and individual and collective selfishness. He has to find his own reconciliation with his illness and his past and present life.
«Эдем» и после
Production Design
«Эдем» — это студенческое кафе, где тусуются молодые люди, курят травку, играют на гитарах и сочиняют всякие байки. Так начинается криминальный сюжет, постепенно переходящий в красивый сюрреализм и артхаус. То ли это чей-то криминальный план в этом «Эдеме» или может мастерски спланированный кем то ряд преступлений… В фильмах Ален Роб-Грийе вообще трудно отделить реальность от снов и фантазии, явь от сновидений. На лицо любимые приемы режиссера Ален Роб-Грийе — красивые нагие девушки, восточные напевы, красивые сюрреалистичные сцены
Production Design
The film is a historic parable about the topicality of revolution. 1514. The peasants' uprising is over, Dózsa has been arrested. Werbőczy tries to get the imprisoned peasant leader deny the revolution and offers him the lives of his people in exchange.
The Royal Chase
Production Design
Птички, сироты и блаженные
Production Design
Как джойсовский Улисс, потеряв все, что было ему дорого, не может укорениться ни в своем городе, ни в своей семье, так и трое героев этого фильма, трое сирот, однажды уже обездоленных войной, где погибли их родители, ищут убежище подальше от людей и пытаются найти забвение в странных играх в безумие.
Rok na dedine
Production Design
Dragon's Return
Production Design
This is a ballad about love, hate, and a search for a way out of loneliness. It is a dramatic story about the strange potter, Martin Leaps, nicknamed Dragon, who is suspected by the villagers as the cause of natural disasters. He lost his wife, his home, and his freedom due to false accusations. After years he returns to his native village. Putting his own life to risk, he saves a herd of sheep from a forest fire in the hills. But not even this heroic deed helps him to win back the friendship of the locals.
Человек, который лжет
Production Design
Мужчина в костюме приходит из леса в город и рассказывает встречающимся ему людям свою историю. Каждый раз его слова звучат по-разному, и одни и те же участники очередной истории совершают действия, характер которых совершенно иной, чем в прошлом рассказе. Вы скажете, что он лжец. Это слишком простое объяснение всему тому, о чем показывает режиссер в этой картине.
Údolie večných karaván
Production Design
Three Daughters
Production Design
A classical ballad motif about an aging father and his three daughters is quite unusually here set against the backdrop of Czechoslovakia of the 1950s. After having been expropriated, the former landowner Majda seeks refuge with his three daughters whom he had sent to a convent a long time ago. But only the youngest one is able to forgive him and she is willing to take care of him despite the threat of expulsion from the order.
Three Daughters
Production Designer
A classical ballad motif about an aging father and his three daughters is quite unusually here set against the backdrop of Czechoslovakia of the 1950s. After having been expropriated, the former landowner Majda seeks refuge with his three daughters whom he had sent to a convent a long time ago. But only the youngest one is able to forgive him and she is willing to take care of him despite the threat of expulsion from the order.
Production Designer
Tango pre medveďa
Production Design
Živý bič
Production Design
A film about the dramatic lives ofthe people of the village of Ráztoka during WW I. Women are left without husbands, families fall apart, finding themselves on the verge of poverty. Eva, the main heroine, is going through difficulties after her husband was drafted to the army. Her defilement and her tragic death cause a rebellion by which the village inhabitants finally stand up against their unbearable situation.
Production Design
Production Design
Анабелла — молодая и красивая девушка знакомится с группой художников. Она пробуждает их эротические желания — и чистое чувство любви, она становится объектом их тайных фантазий и источником творческого вдохновения...
Production Design
Nylon Moon
Production Design
Námestie svätej Alžbety
Production Design
Колокола для босых
Production Design
Драматическая история конца второй мировой войны. Два партизана после боевой операции возвращаются в отряд и ведут с собой молодого немецкого солдата. Они оказываются среди пустынных заснеженных гор. Поскольку партизаны теряют связь с отрядом, немец теряет всякую надежду выбраться из этой ситуации.
Pre mňa nehrá blues
Production Design
The Organ
Production Design
The Organ is a drama set in the times of the wartime Slovak State. A young Polish deserter and gifted organist finds shelter from the fascists in a Slovak Franciscan monastery. He gets into a conflict with the local organist and choir leader, a man limited in his world views and spiritual values. The collision of talent and beauty with pettiness and closed-mindedness leads to envy and ill will, which draw young Felix away from his temporary hiding place and back to the dangers of war.
Production Design
Every Week Seven Days
Production Design
The film could have been a lyrical evocation of the ČSSR's first generation: the youngsters born during the war, who grew up in a state violently at pains to find and define itself, and were now ready to break away from the nation-builder ethics of their elders – but Grečner turned it into an anxiety-riddled existentialist vision of a whole globe in fear.
Production Design
Slnečný kúpeľ
Production Design
Боксер и смерть
Production Design
Начальник лагеря смерти Вальтер Крафт, в прошлом боксер, желая развлечься, решает устроить боксерский матч. Своим противником он выбирает истощенного, полуживого заключенного Яна Каминека, в прошлом тоже боксера. На тренировках гитлеровец жестоко избивает своего противника. Но постепенно Ян, получающий по указанию Крафта усиленный паек, набирает силы и на матче побеждает Крафта. Озлобленный Крафт собирается убить Яна, но по совету своей возлюбленной Хельги решает расправиться с ним иначе: он организует побег Яна, вероломно обещая ему, что никто из заключенных не пострадает за это. Будучи уже за пределами лагеря, Ян слышит лагерную сирену. Он понимает, что Крафт обманул его. Чтобы предотвратить расправу над заключенными, которых приговорят к смерти за его мнимый побег...
Keď chybí trombón
Production Design
Raven's Route
Production Design
Debut film of Slovakian director Martin Hollý
Tri razy svitá ráno
Production Design
Biele na čiernom
Production Design
Costume Design
Production Design
Na pochode sa vždy nespieva
Production Design
Юность атамана
Production Design
Отца маленького Ергуша убили жандармы. Чтобы помочь матери, мальчик нанимается батраком, потом уходит на фабрику, в город, но, не выдержав жестокой эксплуатации, надеясь стать свободным и независимым, возвращается в горы, где когда-то сражался его отец за благо народа.
Muž ktorý sa nevrátil
Production Design
St. Peter's Umbrella
Production Design
A comedy about a lost inheritance, love and a red umbrella, which, according to a local legend, belonged to St. Peter himself.
Дело господина Пучика
Production Design
Словацкому чиновнику поручили отнести в банк крупную сумму денег, но по ошибке дали пустой конверт. По обвинению в воровстве его заключают в тюрьму и заставляют признаться в преступлении.
Zemianska česť
Production Design
Once upon a time there was friendship
Production Design
The Last Witch
Production Design
This dramatic story is situated in the town of Trnava of the 18th century. Painter Peter paints an altar-piece of the Martyrdom of St. Juliet and his model is a young girl. This is much disliked by the clergy who unjustly accuse the girl of witchcraft. She is saved from being burnt at a stake by the students of the Trnava University. (IMDb)
Nie je Adam ako Adam
Costume Design
Žena z Vrchov
Production Design
Mišo sebepán
Production Design
Red poppy
Production Design
The Wooden Village
Production Design
Slovak movie is based on the novel by the prominent representative of Slovak prose František Hečka, who was in 1952 awarded the State Prize. The novel and the movie successfully capture the development of Slovak village after the liberation in 1945. The narrative is centred around the characters of the old Púplava, who after the liberation begins to organise a new village life, and his struggle for the construction of settlements Mrzáčky, burnt by the fascists. It is centred around the conflict, greatly reflecting the situation of the countryside at this time: the conflict between the rural poor and the rural rich. In the movie, a rich personal and emotional life of other heroes pulsate besides the main storyline. The movie ends with the final defeat of the reactionary forces by Communists in February 1948, taking over all power in the state of workers and peasants. - "The Wooden Village" is released in celebration of the 7th anniversary of the Communist February Victory.
Песни гор
Production Design
Режиссер Йозеф Мах и словацкий сценарист Иван Буковчан отобрали самые блестящие отрывки из неисчерпаемого богатства словацких народных песен и танцев для первого словацкого художественного фильма. В киноленте рассказывается о девушках и юношах, которые были обнаружены в различных регионах Словакии инструктором профессионального этнографического ансамбля народных песен и танцев и которые вошли в состав весёлой и дружной труппы молодых артистов. Так, тракторист Жофка из Земплина, рабочая Аничка из Детвы, лесоруб Мартин, художник Ферко, чей талант открыл Жофка, и десятки других становятся членами ансамбля. Фильм «Песни гор» — это праздник радостного художественного творчества словацкого народа и одновременно праздник красоты словацкой страны.
Mladé srdcia
Production Design
The Struggle Will End Tomorrow
Assistant Production Design
The story of the great strike of the workers building the Cervena Skala - Mergecany railway line