Stanislava Strobachová

Рождение : 1917-01-08,

Смерть : 1997-01-08


Začátek dlouhého podzimu
Prokop Diviš
Člověk odjinud
Strom vědění dobrého
Skandál v Březůvce
Šek, na kterém chyběl podpis
Gazdina roba
Lucky Jim
TV play adapted from humorous novel by Kingsley Amis (1954).
Komedie o Anešce, královně siciliánské
Three Daughters
A classical ballad motif about an aging father and his three daughters is quite unusually here set against the backdrop of Czechoslovakia of the 1950s. After having been expropriated, the former landowner Majda seeks refuge with his three daughters whom he had sent to a convent a long time ago. But only the youngest one is able to forgive him and she is willing to take care of him despite the threat of expulsion from the order.
Den velkého hněvu
Obyčejný člověk
Útěk do Budína
Ангел блаженной смерти
Разыскивались нацистские архивы, исчезнувшие в 1946 г. Нацистскими архивами интересовались и контрразведки некоторых других стран. Заполучить эти архивы прежде, чем это сделает кто-то другой, было задачей госбезопасности. Изучая различные документы, разговаривая со многими людьми, и том числе и с задержанными агентами иностранной разведки, многое удалось уточнить и даже установить в этом труднейшем и запутанном деле... Всё это даёт надежду, что в недалеком будущем нацистские архивы будут обнаружены.
Čtvrtý obratel
Nebožtík Nasredin
Chléb, který jíte
První jízdní
Malý Bobeš ve městě
Zlé pondělí
Silvery Wind
Second half of the 19th century. In a small town in South Bohemia, fifth-former Jan Ratkin is living through the confusions of first love together with his classmates.
Previerka lásky
We Want to Live
Poetic story of a proletarian couple's relationship in the years of economic crisis and unemployment.
Дикая Бара
Юная Бара с рождения осталась без матери, обстоятельства ее появления на свет люди связывали с колдовством, потому и слава о красавице Баре шла как о колдунье, приворожившей всех местных парней, сглазившей скотину и хулиганке. Бара от зари и до зари вкалывала по чужим хозяйствам, помогая людям и своему отцу-пастуху, бегала бесстрашно по полям-лесам, собирала ягоды со своей подругой — племянницей местного священника. Однажды решив помочь подруге избавиться от неугодного ее сердечку ухажера Бара оказывается в смертельной опасности. Кто же придет на помощь самой Дикой Баре?
Nikola Shuhai
At the end of the First World War, Nikola Shuhai and his friend from the army desert. On the way home, to the village of Kolochava, they both find refuge with baby Jaga. Jaga mixes them a drink to protect them from the deadly bullets. The bachelors must promise to marry her daughters in exchange for a drink, or they will be punished. Nikola finds his home village in poverty. He stands against the powerful and the rich, and they turn the gendarmes against him. Nikola hides from them in the woods, where he will remain even after the end of the war, because nothing has changed for the villagers. Out of poverty and hopelessness, other men join Nikola and together they raid the wealthy. Nikola distributes the obtained booty to the poor and needy, who see him as their protector and hero.
The Adventurous Bachelor
Shown in Cannes 1946.
Žíznivé mládí
Ludmila, Králova bývalá žena
Jan Cimbura
May Fairy Tale
sklepnice u Pinkasů
Ríša, a student of law, neglects his studies in favour of parties and pranks. His angry father refuses to continue helping him out of his debts. Ríša, however, is not entirely beyond hope. He decides to go and stay for a while with his uncle, a priest, who lives in Moravia, in order to prepare for his exams. He meets Helenka, the timid daughter of the local gamekeeper, at a village ball and is enchanted by her. The days pass and their idyllic relationship begins to tire Ríša. He begins to tell Helenka about his former debauched life the about the broken hearts of beautiful women. Helenka is hurt and refuses to see Ríša anymore. His uncle, the priest, is incensed at his behaviour and orders his nephew out of the house. Ríša tries desperately to find Helenka so he can make it up to her.
Venice Film Festival 1939
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