Aurel Cioranu

Aurel Cioranu

Рождение : 1929-10-17,


Aurel Cioranu


Enigmele se explica in zori
Stay with You
A well to do woman in the country wants a husband and an apartment in the city. But thibg do not turn as planned.
Why Are the Bells Ringing, Mitica?
Based on a theatrical text by Romanian writer Ion Luca Caragiale (1852-1912), who was a bitter and funny witness of the turn-of-the-20th-century Romanian bourgeois mores, Carnival Scenes manages to preserve and further enhance the slightly hysteric atmosphere of his plays. Pintilie creates a strange combination of carnival scenes which is brought to the screen as a burlesque, fast-paced, screwball comedy with a meditative undertone. This film was banned in Romania for a decade until the death of Ceausescu in 1989 and was only released after the 1989 revolution.
The Winner
A successful boxer has a difficult time due to the fact that his family feels neglected.
A Lost Letter
Drunk citizen
The plot take place in 1883 in a small provincial town in Romania, where the corrupt establishment decide everything, including - of course - who will be the "elected" representative to the national Senate. A love letter from the bachelor mayor to the wife of the local party chief, gets lost and found by a drunk party supporter. The letter finds its way to the opposition party, which decide to use the letter by blackmailing the powerful local "camarilla", and to get his own man to represent the county. What follows is not easy to guess...
Эликсир молодости
Профессор геронтологии Ротуна и его шестеро друзей отмечают пятидесятилетие со дня окончания университета. Ротуна дает всем присутствующим по нескольку капель голубого эликсира, и все они становятся молодыми, в результате чего с каждым из них происходят забавные приключения. Но новая молодость длилась недолго...
The Blue Gates of the City
tunarul Ilie
Pacala is an important hero in Romanian popular tradition. He is always making fun of everything wrong with the human behaviour such as stupidity, greed or vanity. His attitude and actions always bring damages to the mean, evil and materialistic people. So beside the jokes, the movie has this philosophical layer, undoubtedly because Pacala's independent way of being, free spirit and his love for the nature creates a way of seeing life, bringing joy. Filmed in a very beautiful part of Romania in 1974, the movie had an important success at that time and it is considered one of the most loved movies in Romania ever. Like the hero, found in many stories and jokes, the movie forwards the spirit of true freedom and pure link with the nature, forgetting about times and governments.
The Poseidon Explosion
A group of firefighters discover explosives on an abandoned ship which threatens the local city
Brigade Miscellaneous on Alert
The adventures of three Romanian inept petty criminals during the 1970s.
Haiducii lui Șaptecai
Close to Sun
Gică Pisică
Petre Orsa, a young peasant gets a job at the Hunedoara Steel Mill with the dream of becoming a top-notch steel-man, having Mihai Solca - a sort of communist industrial hero- as his role model. He starts low moving dirt around with a shovel but he soon gets into the team of an old steel man, foreman Tudor Baci.
Извержение нефтяной скважины крайне необходимо для выживания рабочих и их семей, живущих поблизости. Из-за отсутствия производительности зонда небольшой городок, расположенный в нефтяном районе, находится под угрозой депопуляции. Только одна команда нефтяников, возглавляемая инженером Андреем Барбу, продолжает упорно искать.
Счастливая мельница
Заработав денег, сапожник Гицэ покупает маленькую придорожную гостиницу, куда переселяется вместе со своей женой Анной и ее матерью. Вскоре к новому владельцу постоялого двора заявляется не совсем обычный посетитель – известный всей округе разбойник Ликэ Сэмэдэул делает Гицэ весьма заманчивое предложение: стать его наводчиком и помощником в криминальных делах, обещая за это солидную долю добычи. Вслед за ним в гостинице появляется сержант Пинтя, давно и безуспешно охотящийся за Ликэ. Он тоже просит Гицэ о помощи. Вот только, в отличие от бандита, сержанту нечего предложить трактирщику кроме честного имени.