Vasilica Tastaman

Vasilica Tastaman

Рождение : 1933-10-06, Brăila, România

Смерть : 2003-03-30


Vasilica Tastaman


Hurry Slowly
Uncle Marin, the Billionaire
vânzătoarea de la shop
At a swanky hotel in a Black Sea resort, Gogu, one of the hotel employees, meets his uncle Marin, an Oltenian peasant who has come to visit. Gogu says he can sneak Marin into the hotel, as one of the rooms is empty awaiting the arrival of an American billionaire, Mr. Juvett. Marin is amazed by the revealing clothing worn by women at the resort, while the hotel guests are fascinated by his quaint peasant costume. In the hotel room, Marin is perplexed by the various gadgets. Meanwhile, the gangsters learn that Juvett has arrived at the hotel. Juvett is the father of the kidnapped girl, and is coming to pass over a million dollar ransom. A rival gang, who know about the kidnapping, plan to take the ransom for themselves. They follow Marin, believing him to be Juvett.
Melodii, melodii
I, You, and Ovidiu
A witty and cheerful musical comedy made under the Communist regime.
Tufă de Veneția
Serenade for the 12th Floor
Light comedy about various Bucharest house dwelling families trading their houses for apartments in a brand new apartment building complex in a new subdivision of a large Bucharest neighborhood.
The Premiere
In the Free Theater (Teatrul Liber) of Bucharest, the actors and crew prepare a new show, with the play "Disguise" ("Travesti"). After the opening night, which is only partly successful, they reach the conclusion that, along the years, they came to the mistake of also disguising this true feelings, becoming hypocrites, and this has a negative effect to their stage performances too.
A Fantastic Comedy
This blend of comedy and psycho-drama is comprised of two disturbing stories. The first tells the tale of a robot who is set to Earth by his home planet to discover new energy sources. In the second a boy is sent into deep space as part of an inhuman experiment designed to create the perfect human.
Forester's Wife
Pacala is an important hero in Romanian popular tradition. He is always making fun of everything wrong with the human behaviour such as stupidity, greed or vanity. His attitude and actions always bring damages to the mean, evil and materialistic people. So beside the jokes, the movie has this philosophical layer, undoubtedly because Pacala's independent way of being, free spirit and his love for the nature creates a way of seeing life, bringing joy. Filmed in a very beautiful part of Romania in 1974, the movie had an important success at that time and it is considered one of the most loved movies in Romania ever. Like the hero, found in many stories and jokes, the movie forwards the spirit of true freedom and pure link with the nature, forgetting about times and governments.
A Certain Kind of Happiness
A story about a group of friends and their choices, how to pursue their careers and personal life.
Farewell, Dear Nela!
When a rich Romanian lawyer aims to find his 2 long-lost sons and inheritors he places an ad in the newspaper but many crooks show up instead.
Tonight We'll Celebrate in the Family
The main characters are two "Don Juans", professional "fiancees", who travel the country in search of desperate women willing to spend money to find their soulmates.
Музыкальный фильм-сказка о приключениях пятилетней Вероники, которой добрая фея подарила на день рождения волшебную сумочку. Обладать сумочкой мог только послушный, трудолюбивый, добрый человек. За то, что девочка не дала поиграть своим подарком друзьям из детского сада, фея наказала ее — сумочка ушла от Вероники. Отправившись искать подарок, девочка попала в волшебный лес, познакомилась с хитрой Лисой, Котом, веселыми мышатами, которым оказала помощь. Вероника научилась отличать добро от зла, правду от лжи, поняла цену настоящей дружбы. Вернувшись в детский сад, Вероника получила от феи новую волшебную сумку, которой девочка теперь будет играть вместе с другими детьми.
Love Begins on Friday
A high school graduate, disappointed by the failure to be accepted in college, finds balance amongst the coworkers at her new job in a factory.
Brigade Miscellaneous on Alert
The adventures of three Romanian inept petty criminals during the 1970s.
The Cyclists Are Coming
The humorous adventures of an all-male team of cyclists training for an upcoming important bike race.
The Castellans
Two cooperativists exploit a pond for fish and frogs outside their institutions circuit. Until a youth with socialist expanding ideals comes with the initiative to drain it and use the land for grains. They hatch a plan to make the pond a natural monument, so an expert is summoned, but foolish beliefs betray them.
The Major and Death
A police major is investigating a gangster.
Время снегов
Председатель сельскохозяйственного кооператива Павел выступает против семьи Морогана и его приспешников, которые занимаются тёмными делами, обкрадывая кооператив. Павел, человек принципиальный и решительный, пытается положить конец преступной деятельности Морогана. Положение осложняется тем, что его жена Джия — дочь Морогана. Но односельчане поддерживают Павла в его борьбе с злоумышленниками. Мороган и его сторонники терпят поражение.
До востребования
Пуйю Кринтя чрезвычайно трудолюбивый молодой человек. Он работает инженером-строителем и без особого усилия даются ему всевозможные изобретения. Его комната в общежитии, которую он занимает с другом и коллегой Даном механизирована от двери до окна. Нажимаешь на кнопку - открываются жалюзи, вращается кресло и начинает жужжать вентилятор... И ещё здесь присутствует Митика - маленький робот, который делает всё. Он даже может разговаривать: "Меня зовут Митика - Вашу шляпу и пальто, пожалуйста!". Однажды он преподносит своим хозяевам настоящее любовное письмо. С него и начинается вся дальнейшая история.
Close to Sun
Petre Orsa, a young peasant gets a job at the Hunedoara Steel Mill with the dream of becoming a top-notch steel-man, having Mihai Solca - a sort of communist industrial hero- as his role model. He starts low moving dirt around with a shovel but he soon gets into the team of an old steel man, foreman Tudor Baci.
Перенесённый на киноплёнку режиссёром Георге Наги спектакль по одноименной пьесе Карло Гольдони, инсценированный в Национальном театре Бухареста в постановке Сика Александреску.