Geo Saizescu

Geo Saizescu

Рождение : 1932-11-14, Prisăceaua, Mehedinţi, România

Смерть : 2013-09-23


Geo Saizescu


Iubire elenã
One second of life
The Neighbour #1
Păcală se întoarce
Păcală se întoarce
Păcală se întoarce
The Second Fall of Constantinople
A romanian comedy from 1994
The Telephone
A few unrelated groups of people leave for vacation from Bucharest for the mountains. They meet by chance in Poiana Brașov.
A few unrelated groups of people leave for vacation from Bucharest for the mountains. They meet by chance in Poiana Brașov.
A few unrelated groups of people leave for vacation from Bucharest for the mountains. They meet by chance in Poiana Brașov.
Secretul lui Nemesis
Secretul lui Nemesis
The Extras
After 1950, when the comunist regime is fully entrenched, some Bourgeois descendants have to make a living being movie extras. Continuation of "On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube"
The Migrant Birds Are Coming
In the Barza village, people grew accustomed to see doctors leave with the migratory birds. With the new doctor, they will have a surprise...
The Migrant Birds Are Coming
Foto Bujor
In the Barza village, people grew accustomed to see doctors leave with the migratory birds. With the new doctor, they will have a surprise...
The Secret of Bacchus
Ieronim Stâncă
Victor, an incisive journalist, discovers a series of irregularities in a State farming enterprise. His investigations will unmask the fraud committed by the person in charge of the wine section, called Bachus. Although aided by an impressive number of cronies, Bachus will not be able to hide forever infamous secret.
The Secret of Bacchus
Victor, an incisive journalist, discovers a series of irregularities in a State farming enterprise. His investigations will unmask the fraud committed by the person in charge of the wine section, called Bachus. Although aided by an impressive number of cronies, Bachus will not be able to hide forever infamous secret.
Căruța cu mere
Romania in the year 1947: two years after the end of the second World War, the King (Mihai of Hohenzollern and Romania) has to leave the country, the communism is knocking at the door, and in these uncertain times, two young people are fighting to get their dream become real artists.
On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube
Teodor 'Bobby' Davidescu
A bunch of comrades with ascending ranks from the same factory go on a illegal arranged hunting trip with a few intended 'romantic' mishaps.
Bucharest Identity Card
A provincial young girl, a farming engineer, does not want to return to the countryside on graduating, but stay in the capital. But she needs a Bucharest identity card to do this. Her solution is to "buy" a husband...
A gang falsifies college degrees and sells them. They also help their careers, so that later they can blackmail them to obtain industrial espionage.
A gang falsifies college degrees and sells them. They also help their careers, so that later they can blackmail them to obtain industrial espionage.
Hurry Slowly
Hurry Slowly
I have an Idea
Some party representatives want to make a new football team.
Together Again
An young agronomist insists to start using a new corn variety, but the collective farm chief is against it.
I, You, and Ovidiu
A witty and cheerful musical comedy made under the Communist regime.
I, You, and Ovidiu
A witty and cheerful musical comedy made under the Communist regime.
The Judge
Pacala is an important hero in Romanian popular tradition. He is always making fun of everything wrong with the human behaviour such as stupidity, greed or vanity. His attitude and actions always bring damages to the mean, evil and materialistic people. So beside the jokes, the movie has this philosophical layer, undoubtedly because Pacala's independent way of being, free spirit and his love for the nature creates a way of seeing life, bringing joy. Filmed in a very beautiful part of Romania in 1974, the movie had an important success at that time and it is considered one of the most loved movies in Romania ever. Like the hero, found in many stories and jokes, the movie forwards the spirit of true freedom and pure link with the nature, forgetting about times and governments.
Pacala is an important hero in Romanian popular tradition. He is always making fun of everything wrong with the human behaviour such as stupidity, greed or vanity. His attitude and actions always bring damages to the mean, evil and materialistic people. So beside the jokes, the movie has this philosophical layer, undoubtedly because Pacala's independent way of being, free spirit and his love for the nature creates a way of seeing life, bringing joy. Filmed in a very beautiful part of Romania in 1974, the movie had an important success at that time and it is considered one of the most loved movies in Romania ever. Like the hero, found in many stories and jokes, the movie forwards the spirit of true freedom and pure link with the nature, forgetting about times and governments.
Pacala is an important hero in Romanian popular tradition. He is always making fun of everything wrong with the human behaviour such as stupidity, greed or vanity. His attitude and actions always bring damages to the mean, evil and materialistic people. So beside the jokes, the movie has this philosophical layer, undoubtedly because Pacala's independent way of being, free spirit and his love for the nature creates a way of seeing life, bringing joy. Filmed in a very beautiful part of Romania in 1974, the movie had an important success at that time and it is considered one of the most loved movies in Romania ever. Like the hero, found in many stories and jokes, the movie forwards the spirit of true freedom and pure link with the nature, forgetting about times and governments.
Tonight We'll Celebrate in the Family
The Bizarro
The main characters are two "Don Juans", professional "fiancees", who travel the country in search of desperate women willing to spend money to find their soulmates.
Tonight We'll Celebrate in the Family
The main characters are two "Don Juans", professional "fiancees", who travel the country in search of desperate women willing to spend money to find their soulmates.
Tonight We'll Celebrate in the Family
The main characters are two "Don Juans", professional "fiancees", who travel the country in search of desperate women willing to spend money to find their soulmates.
Catul Georgescu
A communist prefect saves the day, saves the night, saves the building and the people. A communist prefect saves the day, saves the night, saves the building and the people.
The Saturday Night Dance
Truck driver Papa (Sebastian Papaiani) carrying food for a large construction site canteen, falls in love with two girls.
The Saturday Night Dance
Truck driver Papa (Sebastian Papaiani) carrying food for a large construction site canteen, falls in love with two girls.
At the Gates of Earth
A group of geologists are in a prospecting expedition. Their personalities are explored as well.
Love at Zero Degrees
A comedy love story that takes place at a ski resort during romanian communism time!
Твоя вина
The Tenor
В этом фильме рассказывается история молодого человека по имени Михай Брэд, который работает на промышленном предприятии. Он достигает поворотного момента в своей жизни, когда старшие наставники обсуждают его прием в Союз молодых рабочих, коммунистическую организацию. Михай вспоминает свои первые дни работы после того, как покинул деревню, мечтая о собственном доме и достойной жизни. Он начинал как неквалифицированный рабочий и каждый месяц откладывал все свои деньги. Союз молодых рабочих пытается убедить его улучшить свои навыки и стать квалифицированным рабочим, но он отказывается, говоря, что вскоре хочет вернуться в свою деревню и стать пастухом.
Улыбка в разгаре лета
Деревенский парень Фэницэ четыре года не был в родной деревне, занимаясь в городе «свободной коммерцией». Теперь, вернувшись домой, он хочет продолжать свое занятие, хотя с первых же шагов его поиски легкого заработка были осмеяны всеми честными тружениками села. После ряда забавных приключений, под влиянием любимой девушки Лиорики Фэницэ находит достойное применение своей энергии, предприимчивости и работоспособности.
Celebrul 702
Украли бомбу
Действие происходит в некоем промышленном государстве. Атомная бомба устрашающей силы, украденная гансгстерами у монополистов, мечтавших с ее помощью покорить народы других стран, случайно попадает в руки к простому, незаметному человеку, который и не подозревает о ее разрушающей силе. Ни монополистам, ни гангстерам никак не удается заполучить бомбу в свои руки. Узнав, наконец, что за "штука" попала к нему в руки, человек разламывает ее на мелкие кусочки, которые подкладывает под подошвы пешеходов, и те начинают двигаться чуть ли не с космической скоростью.