Ian Watkin

Ian Watkin

Рождение : 1940-01-15, New Zealand

Смерть : 2016-05-18


Ian Watkin was a New Zealand actor, famous for his films “Braindead” and “Sleeping Dogs”. Watkin grew up in Greymouth and moved to Australia in 1999, becoming a wine broker. He appeared in an episode of Ngaio Marsh Theater in 1977.


Ian Watkin


Паутина Шарлотты
Fair Official
В отличие от всех других людей и животных, девочка Ферн знает, что Уилбур — совершенно особенное существо — он знает значительно больше, чем просто поросенок. После переезда на новую ферму Уилбур находит себе еще одну подругу — паучиху по имени Шарлотта.Их дружба показывает всем животным вокруг, что физические различия не являются преградой для настоящих чувств. Когда приходит известие, что дни Уилбура сочтены, кажется, будто только чудо может его спасти. Но верная Шарлотта ищет способ убедить фермера в том, что Уилбур не заслуживает топора…
Звёздные войны: Эпизод 2 - Атака клонов
COO-2180 (uncredited)
Действие разворачивается через 10 лет после событий, описанных в первом эпизоде знаменитой саги. Республика все глубже погружается в пучину противоречий и хаоса. Движение сепаратистов, представленное сотнями планет и могущественным альянсом корпораций, грозит стать новой угрозой для Галактики, с которой не смогут справиться даже джедаи.
Savage Honeymoon
Dean is threatening to firebomb his ex-girlfriend's wedding. Mickey is filling the garage with stolen goods - again, and pierced teenage daughter, Leesa, is an accident waiting to happen on the family's beloved Triumph motorbike. An unconventional tough family, battling to survive with humour and love, in a world of motor bikes, rock 'n' roll, classic cars and alcohol. This is a family that you probably would not want next door, but they are fun to watch, and they have their ways of holding family together.
Живая мертвечина
Uncle Les
1957 год. С острова Суматра вывезена обезьяна, из-за одного укуса которой туземцы отрубили зоологу, приехавшему ее отловить, обе руки, а затем и голову. Уже в наше время эта тварь укусила злобную мамашу нашего героя, которая не дает ему встречаться с любимой девушкой. Последствия укуса ужасны, картину постепенно населяют жуткие зомби…
Father Vincent
Young Lonny comes from America to visit his Auntie Leah (Evision) and Grandfather Cooger (Lewis). There is something magical about Cooger and when he dies, he doesn't stay dead for long.
Send a Gorilla
The girls and gorillas at a singing telegram company are overworked because it is Valentine's Day. A series of sub-plots - a sexist disc jockey loses his dog and the girls fine it; one of the girls fights for custody of her child; an aspiring opera singer gets her chance to audition; and evil developer demolishes the telegram company's offices, etc, which all adds up to a large dose of confusion.
Pallet on the Floor
A murderous black comedy set in the 1960s. Sam (McCauley) and his small band of hard-drinking and eccentric friends are having a night of it when a drunk truck driver, Jack (Bach), attacks Sam's Maori wife Sue (O'Brien). In the struggle, Sam and friends end up killing Jack. None of them regrets this, but it has been observed by Miriam (Gruar) who decides to blackmail Sam. Jack's brother Joe (Napier) comes looking for revenge and ends up being killed by Basil (Spence). Their jobs at the freezer works are terminated, and Basil has his own idea about how to get out of their troubles.
Death Warmed Up
A kid is hypnotized by a scientist to kill his parents and ends in a mental institution. As a grown up he returns to seek revenge over the scientist.
The Lost Tribe
Anthropologist Max Scarry mysteriously disappears while doing excavation/research of a lost New Zealand tribe on a remote island. His wife and his twin brother Edward are clueless as to what could have happened, a situation complicated by their city's police suspecting that one of the brothers murdered a local prostitute who was found with a strange tribal charm on her body matching one found in Max's abandoned hut. What most certainly isn't helping matters is the strange behavior of Max's daughter as she seems to have visions beyond possibility, warnings of a supernatural threat and her uncle's fate - and she's the film's narrator, to boot. Edward decides to go to the island to find out exactly what happened, but the deeper he goes into the mystery the more perilous and unknowable his world becomes, leading towards a shocking fate that raises more questions than it answers. (cont. http://view-from-the-paperhouse.blogspot.de/2014/10/the-threat-of-ancient-echoes-lost-tribe.html)
Middle Age Spread
Colin is the deputy principal of a city high school (Avondale College, Auckland) who reluctantly applies for the principal's job on the latter's retirement. Colin's wife, Elizabeth - who is losing interest in him -gives a dinner party. Among the guests is Judy, temporarily reconciled with her husband for the sake of the children. Colin - who has taken upon jogging to combat a spreading waistline - and Judy, gradually enter into an affair.
Evil Eva and her cronies threaten to blow their enemies sky-high by reactivating the Rangitoto volcano with a nuclear device. However, the goofy gang isn't all bad - they like to break into song and dance while holding the city for ransom. Who will save the city from destruction? Why a talented trio of kids, including a nutcase who has invented an antigravity machine. The police force, zonked out on Eva's drugged coffee, are made ineffectual.
Sleeping Dogs
Recluse Smith is drawn into a revolutionary struggle between guerrillas and right-wingers in New Zealand. Implicated in a murder and framed as a revolutionary conspirator, Smith tries to maintain an attitude of non-violence while caught between warring factions.
Wild Man
The story of two itinerant con men, the Wild Man and the Colonel, who operate on the West Coast gold mining towns of the New Zealand South Island during the latter part of the last century.
Wild Man
The Colonel
The story of two itinerant con men, the Wild Man and the Colonel, who operate on the West Coast gold mining towns of the New Zealand South Island during the latter part of the last century.