Rotem Zissman-Cohen

Rotem Zissman-Cohen


Rotem Zissman-Cohen


Between Walls
The Old City of Jerusalem, the land on which King Solomon, Jesus, Saladin Titus, and many others walked, continues to attract believers and visitors from all over the world. Within the ancient city walls “Platoon C”, a special border police unit, exclusively operates to secure the tensed area. The platoon itself consists of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim soldiers, who are torn between their inner faith and their intuitive training as cops, a role that requires neutralization of emotion.
Between Walls
The Old City of Jerusalem, the land on which King Solomon, Jesus, Saladin Titus, and many others walked, continues to attract believers and visitors from all over the world. Within the ancient city walls “Platoon C”, a special border police unit, exclusively operates to secure the tensed area. The platoon itself consists of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim soldiers, who are torn between their inner faith and their intuitive training as cops, a role that requires neutralization of emotion.
32-летняя девушка из общины израильских сефардов, еще бездетная, на которую все время давит более возрастная родня, мол, где потомки. Судья приводит ее с бабушкой случайно попадает на обрезание маленького ребенка, где ей рассказывают о диковатой для постороннего человека традиции: если женщина, которая долгое время не может забеременеть, съест крайнюю плоть младенца, то дальше все пойдет на лад. Израильская режиссёрка Ширли Сассон-Эзер показывает отношения между поколениями как любовные, без агрессии, но все же с непреодолимым препятствием в виде мировоззренческих различий.
Our Father
Rachel Rachamim
Ovadia Rachmim is the strongest and most violent doorman of Tel Aviv night clubs. He and his wife Rachel are trying to get pregnant for 5 years. A small time gangster named Shalom, offers Ovadia a job, to be a debts collector, offering him a lot of money. Ovadia sees this as great opportunity to start an expensive private treatment for his wife. As soon as Rachel gets pregnant, he decides to stop working for Shalom. Shalom wants him for the most important mission. The mission in which Ovadia has to betray all his best friends. Now it's the time to pay the price of becoming a father.
During the Second Lebanon War, Motti and Keren, a young orthodox couple from the North of Israel, looks for a place to stay to escape the bombings and stress of their hometown near the border. They end up at the heart of suburbia, in Tel Aviv, at the bourgeois apartment Yali and Boaz. The spacious apartment suddenly seems crowded and small when tensions between the couples begin to mount. The situation is further complicated as Keren's obvious pregnancy adds to the pain of Boaz and Yali, who cannot have children of their own. The shifting relationships between the four serve to examine the tensions and complexities of Israeli society today.
The Kind Words
Follows three brothers who are going to discover the greatest secret of their late mother. This trip is going to change their lives.
Убийство Иисуса
Это история жизни Иисуса из Назарета через призму различных конфликтов в Великой Римской империи.
Hunting Elephants
In this hilarious crime comedy, a gifted 12-year-old boy and three elderly men plan a bank robbery in order to seek revenge on the institution for cheating the youngster after the death of his father.
Соседи Бога
Miri (as Rotem Zisman-Cohen)
Главные герои живут в городе Бат-Ям, недалеко от Яффы. Они молоды, полны сил и исповедуют хасидизм, стремясь привить его всем вокруг, причем делают это насильно и агрессивно, считая, что столь благородная цель оправдывает любые средства. Соседи уважают их и одновременно боятся. Однажды тут появляется девушка Мири, не знакомая с их строгими порядками и не готовая им следовать. Ави — лидер религиозной группировки — влюбляется в нее и оказывается перед выбором: либо любовь к этой независимой девушке, либо преданность своей «банде» и ее жесткому кодексу.
The World Is Funny
Simple people struggle through extraordinary circumstances. Sometimes the only answer to any problem is 'The world is funny so we have to laugh.
The Fifth Heaven
Maya, a beautiful, 13, arrives to an orphanage towards the end of World War II. She discovers who her true father is and has a forbidden relationships with an orphanage worker.
Bein HaShmashot
Street Freedom
Gur is in love with the beautiful, almost famous, and unreachable Ariel. For Ariel, Gur is nothing but an amusement pet that basically takes care of Rufus, her dog. Though this is one-sided love, Gur is happy. His gloomy calmness interrupted when Shila, the next-door salute girl losing Rufus by mistake. Gur and Shila ask for some help from Gur's muscular friend who is just recovering from plastic surgery. The trio goes out for an urban journey, to find Rufus the lost dog. The journey takes place in the surrealistic corner of the big city and slowly gets into the characters inner world through underground rave parties in the downtown to the wealthy houses in the uptown
Lost Paradise
A man and a woman are tenderly making love in a one star hotel room. A moment later when they are both dressed up, the idyll that seamed authentic is now gone. A modern look at the story of Adam and Eve.
Little Heroes
A girl's heroic spirit and her faithful dog's phenomenal courage join to perform an impossible rescue! Snubbed by her small-town neighbors, Charley Wilson and her German shepherd Fuzz, meet a true friend in Alonzo - a gruff old farmer who admires Charley and Fuzz for their funny antics and sense of real adventure. When Alonzo finds himself in big trouble that threatens his very life, it's girl and dog to the rescue! Charley and Fuzz help the entire town see how prejudice hurts everybody, as they prove that miracles-the heroes-come in all sizes.